The next game is the color team versus the fingertip sand team. These are the only two undefeated teams in the purple group, and the collision between them will most likely be the battle for the top spot in the purple group.

Such a competition attracted almost all the candidates in the martial arts field who had not competed. Wuyangyang is surrounded by three circles inside and outside.

Among them, the voices cheering for the color battle group still accounted for the vast majority. This is not because the color battle group has many fans. In the final analysis, it may be because they are not full.

In the end, Mr. Wu made a gesture of pressing down on the void to signal all the spectators to be quiet, and this allowed the game to start smoothly.

Looking at the Fingertip Kuangsha team opposite, Wei Zi's mind directly locked onto the young man in gray who was hidden in the queue, and the aye-aye entrenched on his finger.

Last time, the wild sand swirling up from the sky by the boy in gray and the sudden arrival of the aye-aye became the main force in defeating the Yun Dong team. Therefore, the color team paid full attention to this man and the beast, and made special arrangements for the two.

Hua Qing's position has been advanced a lot. Form a three-legged stance with Wei Zi and Chimu in order to rescue each other.

The aye-aye's one-finger magical power made Wei Zi quite afraid. But that is a physical attack after all, and the aye-aye most likely only has the ability to extend quickly with its two middle fingers. If the three of them can cooperate with each other and respond to each other, it should not be difficult to break the power of the two fingers with the abilities and methods of the three of them, if they have already been promoted.

As for the gray boy's yellow sand whirlpool, Wei Zi has also thought of a way to deal with it, but whether it will work can only wait for the test in actual combat.

At the beginning of the game, the color team did not rush to launch an attack to suppress the opponent's firepower, but just locked the opponent's consciousness with the idea of ​​​​preemptive attack.

Sure enough, just like the previous game, a small tornado filled with yellow sand suddenly rose in front of the Finger Quicksand team. The tornado rotated extremely fast, and the center of the vortex moved forward rapidly, blocking the sight of the color team.

However, Wei Zi could clearly feel that perhaps because of its existence being exposed, the aye-aye was not invisible in the center of the whirlpool like it was against the Yun Dong team, but had been entrenched on the index finger of the boy in gray. The entire fingertip team maintained a neat herringbone formation, with the gray-clothed boy at the center, moving quickly as the whirlwind advanced.

"Xiaobai, it’s up to you!"Wei Zi's spiritual thoughts came out.

The four ears of Changyou standing next to Heiyu bent forward, as if nodding in agreement.

I saw Changyou's right fist quickly hit the ground, and then quickly spread out With five fingers, palm facing down, he slowly retracted his palm. There seemed to be a mysterious gravitational force on his palm, pulling something out of the ground. In the center of the rapidly swirling wind whirlpool in the distance, a pool of spring water gushes out from the ground. After leaving the ground, it was pulled by the centrifugal force of the wind whirlpool, turning into water arrows flying around. A rainstorm of water arrows immediately fell around the tornado.

Wei Zi and Chimu were further away, although they were still dropped to the ground. The water droplets that bounced back splashed on her clothes, making her feel a little embarrassed. Especially Wei Zi, a purple gown stuck wetly to her slightly undulating body, which made her regret not releasing the marrow in advance. force shield.

However, the Fingertip Team, who followed Feng Xuan step by step, were unlucky. The water arrows shot out like pear blossoms in a torrential rain not only penetrated their defensive shield, but even struck them. Small holes that were not too shallow were left on their bodies.

Although they did not actually suffer any internal injuries, their appearance was in a miserable state, and the pain in their flesh was enough to make them grin.

Seeing this scene, the boy in gray had no choice but to A little click of the index finger stopped the rotation of the whirlwind.

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