As soon as the match between Wushengxiuxiang and the Hunting Shadow Team ended, Wei Zi's heart started to lift involuntarily.

The fourth round of the purple group has ended, and the fifth round is next. According to previous practice, the first battle of each round starts with the Yundong Team, which has the highest team value.

Of the five remaining teams, only the Color Team and the Shadow Hunting Team have not yet played against them. However, the Shadow Hunting Team had just finished their standing fight with the Immortal, so the possibility of being arranged to fight continuously was not high. Therefore, the possibility of the first encounter between Color and Yun Dong in the fifth round is very high.

As expected, Wei Zi heard Wu Lao's slightly excited voice:"The first match of the fifth round of the Purple Group, the two sides are the Shanfudong Yundong Team and the Color Team. Players from both sides are invited to enter."

For the Yundong Team, Wei Zi is still worried. Even though the Yundong Team lost to the Zhijian Team before, but Color defeated Zhijian, this did not affect her evaluation of the Yundong Team at all.

Spiritual attacks are rare, but Yun Dong's team can not only launch spiritual attacks, but also have four identical Southern Spirit Birds. A single tree cannot support itself, two trees form a forest, and three trees form a forest. What about the four trees? Although he rarely had the opportunity to see the four trees together, Wei Zi knew that the four trees thought"bang". Bang, bang, god knows what.

Although Jinwu had said before that the spiritual level of the Southern Territory Spirit Bird was probably not much different from hers, if she had been prepared and careful, it shouldn't be difficult to survive the chorus of Spirit Birds chirping. But for some reason, Wei Zi felt uneasy.

She always felt that Team Yun Dong was not as simple as they appeared now. They may have hidden their strength and have some back-up tactics that they haven't used yet. The loss to the Zhijian Team may have been a result of a careless loss in Jingzhou that was caught off guard, or it may even have been intentional. After all, as Dai Zhanying of the Hunter Shadow Team said before: the first time someone is jealous, the second is the best time to sleep.

It is precisely because of this that Wei Zi has never let Li Li return to color, but has always hidden it deep underground. Even when he returned to the Divine Beast Tower yesterday, in order to hide his whereabouts, Li Li used the earth escape technique to go back and forth.

The voice of Mr. Wu announcing the start of the game had just fallen, Wei Zi's marrow shield had just come out, and the crisp chirping of four skylarks could already be heard in his ears. The sound was clear and melodious, but it was like a heavy hammer hitting Wei Zi's spiritual platform. Although Wei Zi was alert, he still did not expect that the Yun Dong team would use the Four Birds at the beginning of the game.

The flow of spiritual thoughts was sluggish. Although it is still flowing, it seems to be trapped in a swamp, carrying a heavy burden and hesitating forward. In a daze, she saw Yun Dong and the four girls rushing towards the color team, even leaving the two black-armored boys far behind, not caring about the disjointed formation.

Wei Zi secretly cried out. Before this, Skylark's Qingming could be said to be the most powerful move among Yun Dong's known magical powers. It can stop the flow of the opponent's spiritual thoughts for a breath, and can also cause the magical power being used to collapse instantly.

At this time, no one from the color team used any magical powers. At first glance, it seems that using this magical power so eagerly is somewhat wasting the effect of its collapse magical power.

But Wei Zi understood that Yun Donghui showed off its previous killer move without hesitation at the very beginning of the game, and must have a plan. After the four birds chirped in unison, he should have followed up with a bigger killer move, trying to kill him. Their color team was quickly defeated.

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