The aye-aye sent out his thoughts,"How about I take back the sky and the sun?"

"No need, you take back the sky and the sun, they will naturally have a way to deal with it. Their stealth armor should be able to adapt to different daylight conditions."After a pause, the boy in gray couldn't help complaining,"It's really frustrating to fight with this kind of team. I can't even fight openly and openly!""

The aye-aye was silent. After a few breaths, he still said something, something that he had withheld for a long time because he knew he would regret it if he said it:"Use the power of darkness to make them invisible in the darkness. Difficulty, but it is not difficult to make them invisible in the dark. if you want……"

"No! I do not want!"The boy in gray clothes interrupted Xiao Hui's message without hesitation."It's just a game. I don't know why you don't want to use your dark powers. But since you don't want to, since you didn't use your magical power when being chased by a group of aye-ayes, there is no need to use it in an exam competition.

I don't care about winning or losing a game, or even whether I can get into a senior college. Anyway, I haven't been to a school before, so I'm living a good life."

Xiao Hui fell into silence again.

The darkness gave him the power of darkness, but it longed for the redemption of light.

In the darkness, its magical power was even more powerful. Without the antagonism of the light energy particles, its magical power could be maximized However, only it itself knows that when the dark power in its body reaches its maximum, its spiritual thoughts will be completely lost and it will lose the ability to control its own behavior.

When the divine marrow full of dark energy is When the power spreads all over its body and blood, no bright energy can enter its spiritual platform and give it a little bit of salvation.

In the endless darkness, it can only rely on instinct to find a little bit of light. In the darkness, It found those little bits of starlight, which were star souls hanging on the astrolabe.

It thought it was just chasing, chasing those little bits of starlight, but unexpectedly, those little fleeting star souls were destroyed by its own hands. Go. The appearance and disappearance of those light spots push it deeper into the darkness, repeating the cycle endlessly.

The last time it lost its mind, the Black Mountain Moon came to save him, but if it sinks again Once again, it fell into endless killing under the endless astrolabe. This time, who can stop it, and who can save it?

No, it cannot easily use the power of darkness, it would rather its own soul be destroyed, It can't lose control anymore. Because it can't let thousands of star souls be destroyed in its own hands; because there won't be another Black Mountain Moon risking the world's disapproval to save it.

"However, if I were more cautious and used the dark divine power for a little while instead of fighting with all my strength, I wouldn't lose my mind again, right? In the last match against the Color Team, the dark energy barrier was released out of desperation. Wasn't it okay?"

The aye-aye is extremely conflicted. It knows that the young man in gray named Liu Sha desires to enter a senior college, and it also wants to help him. Liu Sha is not only its partner for many years, but also its savior.

He obviously has the ability to help the Zhijian team defeat their opponents, but he dare not take action due to various scruples. If Liu Sha really misses the Shenwu Academy because of this, Aye-Hou wonders if he will regret it.

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