Um? Water without a source, wood without a root, and light without an end, these three nothings, when combined, sound a bit familiar, as if someone has mentioned it before. By the way, it's Lili. It once said that the colorful brocade silk is the god of heaven who travels to all realms and collects sourceless water, rootless wood, dustless soil, priceless gold, nameless fire, endless light and boundless darkness. It is made from the printing and rubbing of seven kinds of substances.

"Could it be that you want us to get the red silk from Team Yun Dong?" Bai Yang asked hurriedly, but his heart was pounding. Only one girl from Team Yun Dong remained in the school, and he didn't know if the red silk was in her hands. Moreover, it will take a lot of time to come and go. Can Xiao Zi afford to wait?

Jin Wu frowned. Sure enough, as soon as he encountered something related to Xiao Zi, Bai Yang's head was filled with tears. The hoof kicked,"This rootless tree is the original body, what do I do with the incomplete rubbing body of the red silk? Dust off? You don’t have to worry about the Infinite Light. After this divine light is scattered in the human world, some of it will still exist in the bodies of the God-quenchers with the light attribute. However, the purity of the Infinite Light will naturally be different due to different personal bloodlines and different opportunities. But with me, the Golden Crow, Benwu, you naturally don’t have to worry about this infinite light.

As for the sourceless water, Zi Yatou has already collected it. It’s just that the little girl doesn’t know the treasure, so she wants to use it to make iced cakes. Although the cake has not been eaten yet, the sourceless water is within reach.

Wei Zibingxue was smart. After hearing what Jin Wu said, he naturally guessed that the sourceless water Jin Wu mentioned was the thousand-year-old cold chalcedony taken from the cold pool at the foot of Wuxian Mountain. Although she didn't know how this thousand-year cold chalcedony turned into sourceless water, since Jin Wu said so, Wei Zi would not doubt it.

Moreover, Wei Zi had no intention of worrying about these details at this moment. She only cared about one thing:"Xiao Jin, is it dangerous for you to use the Infinite Light?" Before, she was attacked by the formation because of manipulating the lock formation. Backlash, if a tree without roots now becomes the center of the formation, will the target of the reflection also change?

Jinwu hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth. Once the lie of reporting good news but not bad news was discovered, it would be even more worrying, but a small modification was still necessary,"There is still some danger. But with my magical power and I am still 70% sure of my cultivation level."

"I'm with you and you tell me what to do!"Bai Yang frowned and said without any doubt. He was connected to Jinwu's destiny, so he naturally sensed the moisture in Jinwu's words, but he would not expose Jinwu, but chose to bear it with him. He was connected to Jinwu's spiritual mind, They have similar magical powers. If the two of them join forces, they will certainly have greater control.

"good!"Jinwu laughed and agreed.

Seeing that Wei Zi was still frowning and opening his mouth to speak, Jinwu's deep voice came out:"Misfortunes and blessings depend on each other. Although the process of activating the formation heart is a little dangerous, it is not about tempering magical powers. Perfect timing? There are thousands of years of cold chalcedony to resist. When we succeed, Bai Yang and I will have even more pure power of light. Don't worry, I will protect Mr. Bai. It took a lot of effort to find him. I won't let him die here."

Hearing Jin Wu's words, Wei Zi was still worried, but she didn't say anything more. Tempering the God is difficult, but hardship shows courage, and hard work only leads to success. No matter how worried she is, she will not stop Bai Yang from taking risks. What's more, this time, he did it for himself.

It was because of his lack of knowledge and cultivation that the power of the locked formation was no match for the blood sacrifice technique, causing the locked formation to backfire and forcing his partners to take risks.

"No, there can't be another time. I must become stronger and be able to protect the people I want to protect, not just be protected by others. Although, being protected is also a happy thing."Unconsciously, Wei Zi clenched her fists and made up her mind.

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