:Yan State,

Crown Prince’s Office,

Prime Minister Li Nanfeng, Chief of Staff Cao Desheng gathered and sat opposite Qin Tian.

Qin Tian was reviewing the latest intelligence sent to him, which was the latest announcement issued by Eagle Sauce and John Bull State, the West.

“Teacher, how long is left before the three-hour deadline?”

Qin Tian asked

“There is still more than an hour left!”

Li Nanfeng replied

“It seems that the West and the Eagle Sauce are really determined to go to war with us!”

“Good! Then I will help them! Order the Zulong aircraft carrier fleet to head north and head straight for the John Bull country!”

“As soon as the three-hour limit is up, immediately surround the homeland of Johnny English Country!”

“This is the West seeking its own death, we are not to blame!” Qin Tian said, a trace of determination appeared in his expression, and he threw the intelligence information fiercely on the table.

“Yes! Your Highness! I will give the order right away!”

The Chief of General Staff Cao Desheng replied.

After that,

Cao Desheng rushed to the command site and issued the latest order to the front-line commander Xiang Wenfu!

In the Mediterranean Sea, at the Gibraltar naval port, rows of tanks and infantry vehicles formed a steel wall, protecting the entire base.

Countless Yan soldiers were rushing to build temporary fortifications and set up temporary camps……..

“”Hurry up! Hurry up! Work faster! We must prevent the enemy from attacking!”

The engineer officer kept urging the soldiers.

For the Yan people, this place will be Yan’s territory in the future, and it must be well built………You can’t be sneaky!

In the distant aircraft carrier tower, General

Xiang Wenfu was looking towards the Gibraltar base with a telescope, observing the workers’ every move.

At this time, the signalman behind him suddenly ran over and handed Xiang Wenfu the latest order from the headquarters:

“Report to the commander! The latest order from Chief of Staff Cao! We are required to rush to the British Channel immediately to complete the encirclement of John Bull Country!”

Xiang Wenfu put down the telescope in his hand, picked up the order and read it for a few seconds, overjoyed!

“Okay! I’ll wait for the order from headquarters!”

“Order the Zulong aircraft carrier battle group, all warships and submarines to move immediately!”

“Leave some of the garrison to guard the Strait of Gibraltar, and the remaining troops will follow me to John Bull Country!”

Before, Xiang Wenfu relied on two warships to annihilate the entire navy of Dongyang Country, and forced the Emperor of Dongyang Country to surrender in person.

He can be said to be a world-famous general!

Now, the Western forces deliberately make things difficult for Yan Country.

This is a new opportunity for Xiang Wenfu.

If he can defeat John Bull Country and force the Queen of John Bull to surrender and apologize, then Xiang Wenfu’s reputation will not only be famous all over the world, but it is estimated that it will be passed down through the ages and recorded in history!

After all, John Bull Country was once the overlord of Blue Star, the Sunset Empire!

Its prestige and deterrence are far greater than that of Dongyang Country!

Moreover, this time, the troops in Xiang Wenfu’s hands are not only Tianwei, the two warships of Tianlong, but also the Zulong aircraft carrier and the Chixiao-class aerospace carrier-based aircraft!

It has improved more than one level compared to the previous strength!

(To read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!

) Even if the Eagle Sauce Country comes, Xiang Wenfu is not afraid


“Yes! General!”

Afterwards, under Xiang Wenfu’s order,

Yan’s Zulong aircraft carrier battle group quickly formed a battle formation, leaving some garrisons to guard the Strait of Gibraltar, and then headed for the British Strait.

In this way, time passed by minute by minute, and the Zulong aircraft carrier battle group soon arrived in the waters near the British Strait.

At this moment,

0Seeking flowers

The three-hour deadline given by Yan Country has expired.

None of the Bull Country, the Western countries, and the Eagle Sauce Country have come out to apologize or negotiate, and no country has unfrozen Yan Country’s overseas assets.

Qin Tian immediately gave Xiang Wenfu the order to attack.

After receiving the order,

Xiang Wenfu did not delay for a second and immediately asked Yan Country’s early warning aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft, and electronic warfare aircraft to take off and head to the British Channel to detect every move of the Bull Country Navy.

These early warning aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft, and electronic warfare aircraft are all new aircraft, which were born together with the Zulong aircraft carrier.

At the beginning, thanks to Director Liu of the Royal Dockyard, Qin Tian was asked for an additional US$30 billion in military funds for the research and development of warships, aircraft, carrier-based aircraft and other supporting equipment belonging to the aircraft carrier battle group.

This allowed the Zulong aircraft carrier to form a complete combat capability.

Then, on the flat deck of the Zulong aircraft carrier, various fighters successfully arrived at the designated positions after the early warning.

“”Ready! Fire!”

At the command of the ground crew on the deck, several catapults of the aircraft carrier were activated at the same time. In a flash, the early warning aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft, and electronic warfare aircraft disappeared from the deck in an instant.

The powerful thrust made the speed of the fighter planes reach 500 kilometers per hour in a short time.


Above the sea, various fighter planes roared and began to rise in altitude. In a few seconds, they disappeared into the sky.

At the same time, on the other side of Little Britain, the Navy of John Bull was also taking off fighter planes to guard the surrounding waters!

What they didn’t know was that a shocking naval battle was brewing on the calm sea of Little Britain!

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