In the United States, the HJH Global Weather Monitoring Center is the world’s largest weather research center.

Its data accuracy and technology are also the best on Blue Planet.

The geography, weather, natural disasters, and sea areas of the entire Blue Planet will be monitored in real time.

In the main control room, dozens of staff members reported global weather data as usual.

Suddenly, a huge red dot alarm appeared on the monitoring screen , and the equipment monitoring atmospheric infrasound showed a large range of fluctuations, sometimes ridiculously high, sometimes terribly low, more exciting than a roller coaster!

This abnormal data fluctuation is likely to be a huge earthquake or tsunami in a certain area of Blue Planet!

When the staff on the scene saw this situation, they immediately tensed up and stared at the monitoring screen.

Robert, director of the United States Meteorological Bureau, noticed this and decisively issued an order:

“Focus on the Indian Ocean and implement targeted monitoring”


The staff quickly entered the command and pointed all monitoring equipment at the Indian Ocean.

“Report! It was found that the air pressure in the Indian Ocean suddenly increased by nearly 100 times! However, it quickly fell back.”

“Report: Death Island in the Indian Ocean has been detected, and an earthquake source with a magnitude of more than 10 has been found. It is being tracked.”

“Report! Monitoring has detected a red-level tsunami in the Indian Ocean’s Death Island area, with a wave height of 93 meters and a duration of 20 seconds, which is continuing to weaken!”

“Report! Super typhoon detected in the Indian Ocean……”


After hearing these data reports, the director of the Meteorological Bureau, Robert, was stunned…..

He has been engaged in meteorological work for 30 years and has never encountered such strange meteorological data.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and other natural disasters are all shown as the highest level, which are super disasters rarely seen in human history!

The strange thing is that these super disasters all last for more than ten seconds and then they are over….?

And there was no sign or warning, it just happened so suddenly?

Robert didn’t have time to think about it.

Based on the current data, it was enough to judge that a huge disaster had occurred in the Indian Ocean.

As the director of the Meteorological Bureau,

Robert had a responsibility, which was to issue a natural disaster level warning to the citizens of his country

, reminding citizens and tourists not to go to the disaster area……..

So he spoke again:

“The highest weather warning is issued to all citizens! Stay away from the Indian Ocean’s Dead Island”

“Yes, Director!”

After that,

Robert turned his head and told his secretary,

“Get the car ready now, I want to meet the president!”

“”Yes, Director!” the secretary replied.

In fact, the role of the Meteorological Bureau is not only for civilian warning, it also shoulders military responsibilities.

All geological features and meteorological characteristics on the Blue Planet are important military intelligence.

If a tsunami or earthquake occurs in a certain sea area, it can also remind the navy, submarines, and air force to take shelter.


Robert, director of the Meteorological Bureau, drove to the White House.

After a brief briefing,

Robert entered the President’s office.

As soon as he entered the door,

President Leiden motioned Robert to sit down:

“What’s wrong, Chief Robert? You look panicked. Did something happen?”

“Mr. President, there is an important matter that I must report to you urgently.”

After Robert sat down, he continued:

“We have just detected a major natural disaster in the southeastern Indian Ocean.”

“The location was near the Death Island of Yan Country. A super earthquake, a typhoon of more than ten levels, and a devastating tsunami occurred there almost at the same time!”

“I suggest you immediately give orders to the military to keep our navy, submarines, and air force away from that sea area. Be careful!”

Robert handed the weather data to President Leiden.

Leiden took the data and flipped through it with some doubts.

Looking at the location marked on the data, he murmured silently:

“Indian Ocean Yan Country Death Island Waters….”

President Leiden was startled, and suddenly thought of something.

A bad premonition suddenly came to his mind…….

Isn’t the Indian Ocean aircraft carrier fleet sailing in this area?

According to the time calculation, they should be attacking Yan Country at this moment.

Isn’t there any accident?

President Leiden didn’t dare to be careless. He picked up the phone decisively and said:

“Please transfer me to Admiral Dick, Commander of the Indian Ocean Fleet, immediately.”

“Yes, Mr. President.” The assistant on the other end of the phone started to operate urgently, but found that

General Dick could not be contacted at all:

“Mr. President, it seems that we can’t contact General Dick. The signal has been interrupted.

President Leiden’s heart skipped a beat and he felt something was wrong.

“Come to my office immediately and contact the commanders of the Indian Ocean Naval Base for me. I want to know what is happening there!”

“Yes, Mr. President!”

Soon, the technicians in charge of communications arrived at the office.

They used satellites and various communication equipment to try to contact the various headquarters of the Indian Ocean Naval Base.

After many attempts, they were unable to contact the Eagle Sauce Navy in the Indian Ocean.

The technicians reported with a frustrated look on their faces:

“Mr. President, all the captains and commanders of warships in the Indian Ocean have lost contact!”

“Communications were also interrupted, including the naval base near Death Island!”


President Leiden could no longer sit still.

He stood up from his seat, breathing more and more rapidly:

“Keep in touch, how could two aircraft carrier battle groups and hundreds of warships lose contact at the same time!!”

“Immediately notify the Chief of Staff, the Vice President, and the Director of the National Health Administration to come see me.”

Leyden was a little anxious.

He always felt that the matter of the super-level natural disaster was definitely not as simple as he imagined.

“”Yes! Mr. President!” the assistant replied.

At this moment,

Carnegie, the director of the NAAS Space Agency of the United States, appeared at the door of the office in a panic.

Carnegie held a document in his hand and said with a heavy breath:

“Mr. President! It’s bad!”

“A huge mushroom bomb exploded in the Indian Ocean……”

As Carnegie spoke, he walked quickly to Leiden and handed him the photos taken by the International Space Station and satellites.

When Leiden heard the mushroom bomb exploded, his mind was already tense to the extreme.

After he took the photos and took a closer look, his brain [buzzed……】There was a sound, as if someone had hit me with a club, and

I felt numb….

The photos show the mushroom cloud produced by the mushroom bomb explosion, as well as some scenes of surging waves.

There are also clear photos taken from the International Space Station. After the mushroom bomb exploded, black smoke went straight into space, as if the entire blue planet was on fire.

“Oh! God!”

Leyden couldn’t believe his eyes.

The huge mushroom cloud enveloped his heart like an indelible nightmare………

He did not issue any order to launch the mushroom bomb, so this mushroom bomb was obviously not from the Eagle Sauce Country. Combined with the TV speech made by Qin Tian, the Crown Prince of Yan a few hours ago , could it be that……?

Does Yan Country really have mushroom bombs?…………………………

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