President Leiden even looked at his watch deliberately, and said jokingly in a nonchalant and playful tone:

“To be precise, Yan Nation still has 59 minutes to think.”

When these words came out, everyone was shocked!


“Launch mushroom bombs at Yan Country? ?”

“Oh! God! Isn’t this crazy?”

All the reporters gasped, their pupils shrank into pinpoints, and they couldn’t help but scream.

At that second, fear swept the entire press conference.

Everyone present was frightened by President Leiden’s words and trembled all over, their faces turned pale….

The whole world knows that Yan has mushroom bombs.

At this time, if the Eagle Sauce rashly launches a mushroom attack on Yan, there will be only one outcome, that is, the two countries will engage in mushroom bombardment, and then both sides will be destroyed, and civilization will return to the Stone Age overnight!

All the assets, wealth, family, and happiness of the Eagle Sauce people will be reduced to ashes……….

How could President Leiden make such a stupid decision?

The reporter trembled and held the microphone tightly, and asked in a trembling voice:

“total……Mr. President, as far as I know, Yan Country’s mushroom bomb has just been successfully tested.”

“Your bombardment of Yan Country will bring destruction to Yingjiang Country.”

“I think the people of the entire Eagle Sauce Country will not agree with you taking such a dangerous action!”

President Leiden laughed contemptuously:


He glanced at the reporters and explained calmly:

“Don’t be afraid, we dare to make this decision because we have received accurate intelligence.”

“Although Yan State has mushroom bombs, they do not have the ability to deliver them over long distances.”

“Whether it is strategic nuclear submarines, long-range bombers, or hypersonic intercontinental missiles, Yan Country does not have these cutting-edge weapons!”

“in other words…Their mushroom bombs are powerful, but they can’t reach our homeland!”

After hearing President Leiden’s explanation, the reporters felt relieved, and the fear that had been hanging over their heads also went away with the wind……

Since Yan Country has no long-range delivery capability, isn’t it like a toothless tiger, waiting to die on the spot?

The reporters who were originally very afraid of Yan Country now have more confidence and don’t take Yan Country seriously at all……

“Mr. President, we are very satisfied with your answer. Thank God and thank Eagle Sauce for you! We will always support you!”

The reporter was also very smart and sent appropriate flattery and blessings.

Afterwards, this press conference became dull and became a performance for the media to praise President Leiden.

The news that Eagle Sauce decided to launch mushroom bombs to attack Yan Country an hour later immediately detonated the whole world.

No one thought that the struggle between Yan Country and Eagle Sauce would be so exciting.

For a time, netizens around the world were talking about it: Dongyang netizens:”It’s so funny, I thought Yan Country was a black swan, but it turned out to be a toad.

It has no long-range delivery capability.

What can it do if it develops mushroom bombs? Sure enough, the Birch people are stupid and inferior!

They are not as good as us Orientals at all!

” Dragon netizens:”Indeed, when it comes to kneeling down and being dogs, we Birch people are indeed not as good as the Orientals!

” Oriental netizens:”Long Country, you


Netizens from White Elephant Country:”Remember, there can only be one overlord in the Indian Ocean, and that is our White Elephant Country! You Yan people, keep on being so arrogant, why don’t you speak? Speak louder, I can’t hear you!”

Netizens from Mao Bear Country:”It’s over! It’s over! This time Yan Country is really finished!”


The news quickly spread back to Yan Country.

The Yan people were stunned and felt as if the sky had fallen.

Countless people cried in despair………

Originally immersed in the joy of the successful test explosion of the mushroom bomb, now it feels like falling into an ice cave, and the whole body is extremely cold!

Not only the citizens of Yan Country, but also the King Qin Shanhe was directly paralyzed on the spot when he heard the news. It was as if the soul was ripped away from him, and his mind was blank……….

It took a long time for him to react from his fear.

His family knew his own business.

He knew that

Yan Country did not have strategic nuclear submarines, hypersonic intercontinental missiles, and long-range strategic bombers.

If the Eagle Sauce Country directly attacked Yan Country with mushroom bombs,

Yan Country would not have any ability to fight back.

Thinking of this,

Qin Shanhe felt cold sweat all over his body and trembled all over…….

He immediately summoned the Prime Minister Li Nanfeng, as well as the directors and generals to discuss countermeasures.

However, no one could come up with a good solution.

In desperation, everyone could only support their weak bodies and take a special car to the Beifeng Research Base to find Qin Tian and try to ask Qin Tian if he had any solutions………………………….

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