Without affecting the performance of intercontinental missiles, the more decoys there are, the safer the main warhead is.

I originally thought that the range of 29,000 kilometers, the speed of 40 Mach, and the accuracy of 20 meters were already the parameter limits of [Sword of Judgment No. 1]!

Unexpectedly, the number of its decoys is also far ahead!

Looking at Qin Tian’s background,

Prime Minister Li Nanfeng’s expression revealed a sense of relief:

“There is hope for the revival of Yan Country!”………………………

At the same time, in the Octagon Building of the Department of National Defense in the United States , Commander General Mike was on duty. A signalman came to him urgently and shouted in panic,

“Oh no, General Mike, please take a look!”

“More than 200 red dots appeared on the radar screen of the early warning satellite. It seemed like a group of intercontinental missiles, and no one knew where they were flying to!”

As soon as these words came out, all the officers and senior officials on duty became nervous.

General Mike did not dare to delay for a second and immediately came to the radar monitoring screen, staring at it with a frown.

When he saw the more than 200 red dots on the radar, his heart sank instantly:

“Immediately order the early warning satellites and early warning radars to monitor these red dots in real time and analyze their flight paths and flight targets!”

The radar soldier heard this and urgently operated the computer, concentrating on analyzing the flight paths of these intercontinental missiles.

This analysis shocked the radar soldier.

These more than 200 intercontinental missiles actually came from Yan Country!

He immediately reported:

“General Mike, these intercontinental missiles were launched from Yan Country, and the target of the launch is not yet determined.”

“According to our C5 neuron system analysis, there is a 60% chance that this is our ugly market!”

General Mike:???????

“Ward sent it?”

When General Mike heard that these intercontinental missiles came from Yan Country and the target might be Chou City, his heart sank and fear instantly swept through his body…….

Many officers and staff present were so frightened that their faces turned pale, their bodies trembled, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads……

That’s hundreds of intercontinental missiles!

If these missiles carry mushroom warheads, the Eagle Sauce Country will suffer a catastrophe!


General Mike suddenly thought of something.

Where did Yan Country get such a long-range intercontinental missile?

Didn’t they say they didn’t have strategic intercontinental missiles?

Didn’t they say that the maximum range of their missiles was only 5,000 kilometers?

Damn the people in the Intelligence Agency!

There is no accurate intelligence at all!

They are all fucking rubbish!

General Mike didn’t have time to think about it, and angrily issued orders:

“These damn Yan people are really tired of living!”

“Regardless of whether their target is our ugly city, immediately activate the national air defense system and start the saturation interception mode.”

“No need to ask for instructions, immediately launch anti-aircraft missiles to destroy all of Yan Country’s intercontinental missiles!”

“As the most powerful country on the blue planet, there is absolutely no need for us to be nervous.”

“I want the world to know……Whoever, no matter which country, dares to threaten our airspace,”

“We in the United States have the ability to crush him to pieces!”

General Mike’s confidence made everyone present feel a little relieved.

In the eyes of the people of the United States, the United States is the No. 1 in the fields of intercontinental missiles and air defense missiles!

This is indisputable!

After hearing this, the radar soldier replied decisively without hesitation:

“”Yes, General Mike.”

Then, all the military personnel on the scene began to get busy and prepare to destroy the group of intercontinental missiles!

Just as the radar soldiers were preparing to conduct early warning interception, they were shocked to find that their own standard-class air defense missiles could not intercept in advance!

Because the speed of this group of intercontinental missiles was as high as Mach 40!

And their own air defense missiles were too slow.

Before they arrived at the designated location,

Yan’s intercontinental missiles might have hit Chou City!

General Mike noticed the radar soldiers’ hesitation…….

A bad premonition came to my mind, and

I asked hurriedly:

“What happened?”

The radar soldier turned around with a dull look and looked at General Mike, and said in shock:

“General Mike, these incoming intercontinental missiles are traveling at speeds of up to Mach 40!”

“Even our most advanced standard-class anti-aircraft missiles cannot intercept it!”


40 Mach speed!

How is this possible?

Are you kidding me!!!

General Mike widened his eyes in disbelief, and the officers around him looked as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight!

It was incredible to the extreme!

40 Mach speed!

It was a bit subverting their cognition!

However, a second later, they had to believe it because the speed number on the radar screen was indeed 40 Mach!

The data on the radar made everyone present gasp……..

General Mike was stunned!

It was really Mach 40!

How could it be Mach 40!…………………………

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