Yanguo’s intercontinental missiles broke through the Eagle Sauce air defense system, the Statue of Liberty was shattered, the Starlink satellite system was completely paralyzed, and President Leiden fainted on the spot….

Each of these incidents, taken individually, is explosive world news!

No one expected that these incidents would happen collectively on the same day!

After the reports, the emotions of the heads of state, media, senior officials, and the public around the world were instantly ignited, and they frantically clicked on the entries of these incidents on the Internet.

While people were shocked by the advanced intercontinental missile technology of Yan Country, they also did not forget to mock the embarrassment and unbearableness of President Leiden of the Eagle Sauce Country.

Various videos about President Leiden and the bombing of the Statue of Liberty went viral on the world Internet.

For a time, everyone from the president to the military soldiers of the Eagle Sauce became the laughing stock of the world’s netizens:

“Although the Eagle Sauce people lost the Statue of Liberty! But they gained freedom! I gained happiness! Hahahaha…….”

“Ahhhh!!! Too awesome! What Yan Nation launched was not an intercontinental ballistic missile, it was simply a pride missile! A proud missile! It really makes us Hua people proud!”

“Ha ha ha ha……I am crying with laughter. Is this the air defense system that the Eagle claims to be the best in the world? It is said that in order to defend against the intercontinental missiles of Yan country, they blew up their own Starlink system. I am almost numb with laughter……..Hahaha……”

“I heard that old man Leiden was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot, and was sent to the hospital. He is still being rescued, hahahaha……!”

“Where are the Japanese people? Why don’t they come out to lick the smack? Aren’t you the Eagle Sauce fathers invincible? Didn’t you say that we birch people are not good enough?”

“Dragon Country, East Ocean Country, Eagle Sauce Country, come out and speak! Speak! What happened to the birch people? Speak louder……I can not hear!”

“Yan country is really awesome! They don’t pamper the Eagle sauce at all! They even dare to blow up the statue of the Queen of Liberty in the Eagle sauce, it’s amazing! This is the most satisfying day of my life!”


The media, heads of state, and senior officials from all over the world were all stunned.

Now everyone knows that the crown prince of Yan Country is not easy to mess with.

He really dares to take action!

The key is that he really has the ability.

Even the Eagle Sauce cannot defend against his missile technology.

At the same time, it also frightened the countries in the entire Indian Ocean and sent envoys to repair foreign relations with Yan Country.

The international community is so cruel and realistic.

When you have mushroom bombs and intercontinental missiles, you already have the ability to overturn the table.

The five major member states are afraid of you, not to mention those small countries…….!…………………………

Yan Country,

Beifeng Research Base, a foreign affairs document was delivered to Qin Tian.

This was sent by King Qin Shanhe.

The main content of the document was that many countries in the world had sent foreign affairs envoys to visit Yan Country during this period.

In addition to wanting to establish good relations with Yan Country, they also wanted to buy some missile weapons from Yan Country.

【[Sword of Judgment No. 1] As a national treasure, Yan State’s national treasure cannot be sold!

Apart from this weapon,

Yan State’s other missiles are not very cost-effective and are a bit unsatisfactory…….


King Qin Shanhe wanted to ask Qin Tian if he could develop some medium- and short-range missiles for export.

The performance was not top-notch, but it could not be too bad. He could sell the weapons as arms to increase the financial income of Yan State! Although

Yan State is rich in oil and gas resources,…Who would complain about having too much money?

In the past, Yan Country did not have the technology to produce decent weapons, and no head of state would be crazy enough to come to the backward Yan Country to buy weapons.

But now it is different.

After the collapse of the Statue of Liberty in the United States,

Yan Country’s missiles have become famous!

Everyone knows that the air defense system of the United States, which claims to be the best in the world, cannot defend against Yan Country’s missiles!

The actual combat effect is there, who dares to say that Yan Country’s missiles are not awesome?

With fame and technology, buyers naturally came to the door.

Qin Tian hardly thought about it.

Why not do the business that came to his door?……

For Qin Tian,

【Sword of Judgment No. 1] If such an advanced intercontinental missile can be developed, then ordinary medium-range and short-range missiles, cruise missiles, torpedoes, and short-range air defense missiles are even more of a piece of cake.

The most important thing is that arms are very profitable!

Qin Tian knows how the Eagle Sauce Country made its fortune!

Whether it was World War I or World War II, in the early days, the arms dealers behind the Eagle Sauce Country sold weapons to both sides of the war and made a lot of money.

Therefore, they accumulated original wealth and gradually strengthened the strength of the Eagle Sauce Country, embarking on the road to becoming the overlord of the Blue Star. If

Yan Country wants to develop rapidly, it will definitely not be able to rely solely on oil and gas resources.

It must open up a second source of fiscal revenue, and the arms trade is the most suitable industry for Qin Tian at the moment…….

Qin Tian has a system in his hands, and the thing he lacks the least is arms technology……Moreover

, the technological development of Yan Country will only become faster and faster in the future, and the demand for money will become greater and greater.

To manufacture any cutting-edge weapons, manpower, material resources, and equipment are required……..

Even tens of thousands of factories need to work together!

Without money, even if you have technology, you can’t make cutting-edge weapons.

After reading the foreign affairs documents,

Qin Tian put down the experimental equipment in his hand, changed into the crown prince’s clothes, and under the protection of the royal guards, took a special car back to the palace.

Qin Tian planned to meet with foreign ambassadors visiting Yan Country and discuss relevant arms contracts with them……..

The first country chosen by Qin Tian was Yan’s good neighbor.

It was called”a piece of cloth on the head, the richest in the world”.———Camel Country…………………………

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