The rocket was so fast that it hit the center of the position directly.



There was a violent explosion.

Countless rockets split into hundreds of different sub-bombs and began to bombard the Ermaoguo positions.

The entire area was completely covered by artillery fire.

The buildings, soldiers, tanks, infantry vehicles, and bunkers on the positions were all blown into ruins.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

“Help! I don’t want to die! Please save me!”

“My legs! My arms, ahhhh!”

“Run! Take cover! Quick!”


The soldiers had no time to escape before they were blown to pieces, screaming and howling!

The air was instantly filled with the smell of blood and burning, and craters appeared on the ground one after another, with broken limbs and debris everywhere….

Of the thousands of soldiers guarding the frontline, only a few dozen managed to escape.

The entire position was in ruins, and the radar, signal station, and weapon systems were almost all destroyed!

When the Russian commander saw this scene, he laughed and said:

“It’s so exciting! It’s so exciting! The rocket launchers of Yan Country are really good, and they are so powerful!”

Then, after another round of volleys, the first line of defense of Balemut City was completely defeated, and the buildings in the entire city were destroyed.

There were collapsed stone piers and broken city walls everywhere……..

The remaining soldiers of the 35th Division of the Ermao Kingdom hid in underground bunkers and passages.

These were underground fortifications dug by the Ermao Kingdom.

They were going to use street fighting to block the Ermao Kingdom’s offensive. When

Commander Mao Xiong saw this, he immediately ordered:

“Release Yan Country’s drone cruise missiles to annihilate Ermao Country’s soldiers in the city!”

“Yes! General!”

If we really fight in the streets, it will be time-consuming and laborious, and the casualties will be very heavy!

The Mao Bear Commander is not stupid.

He does not intend to fight in the streets with the Er Mao Country, but to use this opportunity to test the combat capability of the Yan Country’s drones!

Soon, the Mao Bear soldiers operated the ten Woodpecker-class drone fire vehicles.

“Turn on full situational awareness, all drones share vision! Fire!”

With the order from the Mao bear officer, all the drone cruise missiles on the ten drone fire vehicles were launched and entered the cruise state!

Then, the dense drone cruise missiles completed the network in the air and flew towards the Balemute city of Ermao.

The drone command vehicle will automatically process various situation information sent back by the drone, identify the target, and then intelligently assign the drone’s combat mission.

Therefore, Mao bear knows everything about the dynamics of the Balemute city area!

“Report to the commander! A sniper team of 7 people has been spotted on the northeastern flank of Balemut City. The target has been locked!”

“Do you want to destroy them?”

The sniper team appeared on the screen, and the sight of the unmanned cruise missile quickly locked onto these people.

“Destroy them immediately!”

The Russian officer issued a combat order!

The combat command vehicle has accurately calculated how many cruise missiles are needed and where to explode in order to maximize the benefits of killing these people.


Three cruise missiles received the order and rushed towards the sniper team.



Then, a huge explosion was heard from the ground.

Before the 7-member team could react, they were wiped out by the drone, and all of them died on the spot………

“Report! The enemy sniper team has been successfully eliminated!”

Then, countless cruise missiles, operated by the bear soldiers, began to search for the next target.

They were like the scythe of the god of death, quickly harvesting the lives of the enemies on the battlefield.

“Report! A small enemy communication radar was found in the green belt of Balemut 913 and has been destroyed!”

“Report! A small group of rocket launchers was found at the Balemut 823 position and has been eliminated!”

“Report! The enemy’s underground bunker was found at the Balemut 965 position and has been destroyed! All personnel have been eliminated!”

“Report! An enemy tank was found at the Balemut 852 position and has been destroyed! All personnel have been eliminated!”


In this way, the Mao Bear Army destroyed most of the firepower points of the Ermao Country without any effort. When

General Uromev, the commander of the 35th Division of the Ermao Country, saw the whole situation, his eyes turned green with shock……..

In the past, they bombed the Russian positions crazily, but now, they don’t know where the Russians got so many advanced weapons, and they almost destroyed their own troops!

If it drags on like this, the entire 35th Division will have to die here.

The adjutant next to him also reminded worriedly:

“General! Order a retreat. The enemy’s drones are more powerful than those of the Eagle Sauce. We can’t defeat them at all!”

“Yes, General, the enemy’s rocket launchers have a long range and great power. If the enemy launches another salvo, we will all die here!”

General Uromev was almost crying. He lost all his wealth in this battle……….

In desperation,

Uromev had to make a decisive move and reluctantly issued the order to retreat:

“Retreat! Retreat! Abandon the city of Balamut!”………………………..

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