Qin Tian still attaches great importance to the improvement of military combat power.

At present, although the Eagle Sauce Country dares not invade the Yan Country by force, various reconnaissance ships, reconnaissance aircraft, early warning aircraft, and reconnaissance submarines often come to the waters of the Yan Country for close reconnaissance and harassment!

The behavior of the Eagle Sauce Country is not fatal, but disgusting!

You can’t do anything about this!

Who made your conventional navy inferior to theirs?

Their reconnaissance ships come to your sea border for reconnaissance. You can’t just fire mushroom bombs directly at the Eagle Sauce country’s homeland, right?

Once a small-scale conflict breaks out, your conventional warships and weapons can’t beat them, so you can only stare anxiously!

The Yan Country is not afraid of a real fight with the Eagle Sauce, nor is it afraid of the Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carrier battle group!

After all, the Yan Country has mushroom bombs in its hands, and the Eagle Sauce dare not force the Yan Country!

The discomfort of the Yan Country is that the Eagle Sauce Country’s behavior is just scratching the itch.

It will send a few broken ships and planes to harass you and disgust you, but it will not turn against you!

In short, you just can’t have a good day, and you can’t do anything about it……..!

Unless Yan Country can have its own aircraft carrier battle group to conduct regular sea patrols, this [harassment] situation can be solved!

Not only can it be solved, Yan Country’s navy and warships can also go to the waters of Yingjiang Country to conduct anti-harassment!

Soon, Qin Tian’s convoy arrived at Yan Country’s scientific research institute under the strict protection of the Royal Guards. After this period of expansion, the scale of the scientific research institute has expanded by more than three times, and it looks quite magnificent. After seeing Qin Tian, the researchers hurriedly saluted respectfully:

“”Your Highness the Crown Prince!”

All the researchers looked at the Crown Prince in front of them with admiration in their eyes.

Before, Yan Country was still a small country bullied by the Eagle Sauce Country. It was under the leadership of Qin Tian that Yan Country produced mushroom bombs and intercontinental missiles, eliminating the danger of Yan Country’s destruction.

Thinking of this, the researchers were full of awe for Qin Tian.

Qin Tian nodded slightly and smiled politely:

“Thank you for your hard work. Where is Dean Lin? Is he not here?”

“Your Highness, Dean Lin is still in the experimental workshop. He probably forgot the time and was busy with the manufacturing problem. He forgot to come to greet you. Do you want me to call him?”

Qin Tian didn’t care about this:

“No, I’ll go find him directly. You lead the way.

Qin Tian was not too arrogant.

His behavior and tone of voice seemed quite friendly.

Under the guidance of the scientific researchers,

Qin Tian came to the experimental workshop.

As soon as he came in, he saw that Mr. Lin was discussing something with a group of academicians in front of an airplane.

These academicians had messy hair, very dark circles under their eyes, and some bloodshot in the corners of their eyes.

Judging from their appearance alone, these academicians must be overloaded with work….

Although their bodies were exhausted, their expressions revealed a sense of joy and excitement.

Seeing this scene,

Qin Tian was full of admiration. He walked closer and asked with concern:

“Elder Lin, how long have you not had a good rest?

Elder Lin raised his head and saw Qin Tian, and patted his head and said:

“Your Highness, why are you here? I’m sorry, Your Highness, I didn’t come to greet you. Please forgive me.”

“I have been too busy recently. The development of some projects has entered a critical moment. My mind is on this and I have not had much rest.”

Lin Lao’s eyes were a little excited.

During this period, he devoted himself to the manufacture of aircraft carriers and stealth fighters day and night.

Seeing that there was great progress, he was even more unwilling to waste time.

“Elder Lin, you are an important pillar of our Yan country’s scientific and technological community. You should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and don’t wear your body down!”

Elder Lin trembled slightly:

“Your Highness, don’t worry, I’m in good health.”

Qin Tian nodded and returned to the topic:

“Mr. Lin, how is the recent progress of our nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and stealth fighter?”

Mr. Lin’s face straightened and he replied:

“Your Highness, thanks to your strong support, our research institute has no shortage of money, technology, or people, so the overall progress of research and manufacturing is very fast, several times faster than we expected.”

“Today, with the joint efforts of all academicians and experts, the miniaturized nuclear reactor and electromagnetic catapult technology of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers have been completely solved, and indicators such as hull manufacturing and all-electric propulsion are being tackled with all efforts.”

“As for the Lingxiao stealth fighter, it is not as complicated as the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. If nothing goes wrong, Your Highness should be able to see our first prototype soon.”

Qin Tian gave the research institute a complete set of drawings of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and stealth fighters.

As long as these technologies are mastered, the manufacture of other warships such as 10,000-ton destroyers, missile frigates, cruisers, and electronic reconnaissance ships will be easy.

Qin Tian calmed down after hearing this, and looked at Elder Lin and the academicians around him with satisfaction, and said:

“Mr. Lin, fellow academicians, the current international situation is grim. Western forces such as the Eagle Sauce are ready to make moves and often harass and provoke us in our waters and airspace.”

“Because we don’t have any decent aircraft and warships, our coastal defense has always been passive. I hope you can hurry up and build aircraft carriers and stealth fighters for Yan Country to contribute to our Yan Country’s security.”

“Secondly, during the manufacturing process, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you can always come to me, I will fully support you!”

Qin Tian’s words were firm.

When Yan Country has its own sea and air weapons, it must go to the territorial waters and airspace of Yingjiang Country to conduct reconnaissance and spy, so that Yingjiang Country will also suffer.

After hearing this, Lin Lao looked more serious and said:

“Don’t worry, Your Highness. I promise I will accomplish my mission!……Just now you said that you would come to me if I had any difficulties. Right now, our team has indeed encountered some difficulties.”

Qin Tian was startled:

“What difficulty?”

“Your Highness, you also know that nuclear-powered aircraft carriers have little combat power. They not only need stealth carrier-based aircraft to seize air superiority, but also need the protection of supporting frigates, large destroyers, supply ships and other warships.”

“I was thinking, could you please allocate more funds? I will use the funds to develop the warships, submarines, and fighter planes needed for the entire aircraft carrier battle group.”

“By then, once the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is launched, it will form a combat group and form combat effectiveness!”

Mr. Lin explained………………………….


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