If the Yan State army performs normally, they will never lose!

“Pass on my order, all soldiers on the front line, logistics, and those who participated in this war will be rewarded! Wages, bonuses, and benefits will be doubled!”

“Soldiers who sacrificed their lives for Yan Country will be given the highest level of preferential treatment and subsidies, and their families will be compensated with 500,000 US dollars……~!”

“Secondly, the bodies of the fallen soldiers were transported back to the country by the Crown Prince’s special plane and engraved on the Martyrs’ Monument to let everyone remember these warriors who sacrificed their lives for the country…….-!”

“Yes! Your Highness!”

The ministers all knew that Qin Tian-although tough to the outside world, he was very generous to the inside and never skimped on rewards and rewards! In the northeast of

Syria , in a remote mountain village, the headquarters of the Syrian Civil Defense Pioneer Armed Forces is stationed here. The Civil Defense Pioneer Armed Forces is a very small local armed force in Syria. Due to years of war, this armed force has declined from a few thousand people at its peak to less than a hundred people now, and has almost disappeared from the Syrian authorities.


They were hiding in this mountain village and barely making ends meet.

Today, the leader of the Pioneer Armed Forces welcomed a mysterious guest from Yan Country.

After a friendly conversation between the two sides, the leader of the Pioneer Armed Forces suddenly became excited, his eyes sparkled, and he felt that life had hope again. He quickly applied for a new social media account online as requested by the Yan Country guest , and then issued a public declaration:

“I declare that our Vanguard Armed Forces will be responsible for the devastating bombardment of the Squid Kingdom’s Kuer City.”

“We will crack down severely on all pro-squid armed forces. If the Squid Nation dares to continue to disrupt the normal trade between our Resistance Fox and the Yan Nation, our crackdown will be intensified until all the squid people are wiped out!”

“The incident in Kuer City is just the beginning. I hope the Squid Nation will take care of itself!”

Below this public declaration, the Vanguard Arms also kindly attached two combat videos.

The first video showed the 080th Cheetah Division of the Squid Nation being bombarded by rockets…….

A scene of a head-on confrontation between the Yan State Y-300 tank and the Squid M-100 tank. The M-100 tank was easily destroyed by the Y-300 tank…….

Finally, there is the picture of the 080th Cheetah Division Commander Mick being arrested…….

The second video showed the destruction of the city of Kul in the Squid Country.

Hundreds of missiles bombarded the city crazily, and the entire city turned into smoke in an instant………

All the videos were carefully edited, and no footage of Yan people was revealed, leaving no handle for the media.

Judging from the video alone, this incident really has nothing to do with Yan country, but was just the spontaneous behavior of a Syrian militant.

Once this video was released, it immediately caused a sensation on the entire network, and major mainstream media around the world reposted, liked, collected, and left comments…….

The popularity of the Vanguard Armed Forces has skyrocketed, and within ten minutes, it topped the world’s hot search list.

It has been circulated wildly on many popular platforms such as TiTOK, YouTube, Facebook, and Douyin. Internet users around the world were shocked and exclaimed:

“What the hell! Who is the Vanguard Forces? How come they are so powerful? They directly destroyed a city of the Squid Country and also annihilated the 080th Cheetah Division. I heard that the 080th Division is the ace force of the Squid Country!”

“The above! Are you stupid? The Yan Country must be behind this Vanguard Arms. Some time ago, the Squid Country attacked the overseas mineral resources of the Yan Country. This is obviously the Yan Country’s revenge on the Squid Country!”

“You’re right! Yan Country must be in charge of this matter. I checked and found that this Vanguard Force has fallen to the point where there are only a few dozen people left. How can they be capable of destroying a city of Squid?”

“Damn! If you put it this way, Yan Country is really awesome. Before, they tested mushroom bombs and used intercontinental missiles to blow up the Statue of Liberty in Eagle Sauce. Now, they directly destroyed a city of Squid! They also annihilated the Squid Ace Division! Too cruel, this Yan Country is really not joking, they just do it when they say it!”

“He is ruthless in doing things, and never hesitates to take action! Yan Guo’s methods and courage! I admire him!”


After the video went viral, it quickly spread among various countries.

The Middle Eastern countries and major powers in the world immediately held a meeting to discuss the next direction of the situation…….

The various forces of the Resistance Fox also conducted a video call.

After the heated discussion, the various forces of the Resistance Fox came to a conclusion: The big brother of Yan Country is really cruel, and he really goes all out when there is something going on!

In the hearts of the Resistance Fox,

Yan Country is implicitly regarded as the leader!

After all, for so many years, there are not many countries that can make the Squid Country suffer in the Middle East.

For decades, it has always been the Squid Country that has beaten up the Middle Eastern countries, and no country has ever beaten up the Squid Country!

As a result,

Qin Tian’s influence and achievement points in the Middle East have grown exponentially.

Looking at the huge amount of achievement points in the system,

Qin Tian immediately began to exchange various new weapons and technologies to deal with possible conflicts that may occur next!

Squid Country, the Presidential Residence,

President Netahu and a group of ministers and officials of the Squid gathered in the council hall.

They frowned and watched the video on the big screen.

This video was the two videos released by the Pioneer Armed Forces.

After watching it,

President Netahu was almost furious, his face was flushed, his veins were bulging, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably……..

“FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Damn Yan people! This crime is unforgivable!”

“Revenge! Must be revenge! I will blow up these damn Yan people!”

Netahu was so angry that his nails clenched into his flesh and his eyes were about to spit fire!

Netahu was not stupid.

He certainly understood that the so-called Vanguard Forces were just an excuse of Yan Country.

On the surface, it was the Vanguard Forces that attacked Squid Country, but Yan Country must be behind it!

Powerful rocket launchers, tanks, and intercontinental missiles, how could an ordinary militia in Syria have such advanced equipment?

What Netahu did not expect was that

Yan Country would be so ruthless.

Squid Country only sent troops to destroy Yan Country. The dozens of minerals and oil fields in the country caused no more than a hundred casualties to Yan Country.

As a result,

Yan Country did not follow the rules of war at all. It not only annihilated the terrorists disguised by the Squid Country, but also destroyed the entire city of Kuer!

The Squid lost nearly 40,000 elite troops.

You know, the elite troops of the entire Squid Country are only about 150,000.

As a result, more than 40,000 were sacrificed this time.

How could President Netahu not be angry?

Not only that, the largest iron ore mine and power plant in Kuer City were blown up, causing a total power outage in the northeast of the Squid, and the people complained………

This is a great shame for the Squid Nation!

In all the years since its founding, the Squid Nation has never suffered such a huge loss!

“Today is the greatest day of shame for our Squid Nation in the 70 years since its founding!”

“I must avenge this vengeance. I will use all means to make Yan Country pay the most painful price!”

President Netahu roared angrily at the senior officials, his voice more than ten decibels higher than before. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Pass my order immediately to declare war on Yan Country, and have all our FF-350 stealth fighters, bombers, mushroom bombs and other cutting-edge weapons ready for battle!”

“I want to destroy Yan Country! I want to wipe out the Yan people from this world completely!”

When they heard the word mushroom bomb, the directors of the Squid Country looked at each other nervously.

Once the mushroom bomb was used, the consequences would be disastrous.

You know, Yan Country also has mushroom bombs.

Once the two countries start bombarding each other with mushrooms, with the small area and territory of the Squid, more than 10 million people will definitely die without a burial place!

The Director of the National Health Agency, Garandi, hurriedly dissuaded:

“Mr. President, you must think twice!”

“The territory of Yan Country is dozens of times larger than ours. They only need to release a large-yield mushroom bomb, and all the territory of our Squid Country will be destroyed, and tens of millions of squid tribe members will be exterminated!”

“We squids have been in exile for thousands of years. We can’t just lose the country we built with great difficulty!”

The directors nearby were also worried and advised:

“Yes! Mr. President, please don’t be impulsive!”

“Mr. President, we must not engage in mushroom bombing!”


President Netahu was panting heavily, his eyes were red and purple, and the murderous aura in his eyes could not dissipate for a long time. He listened to the words of the directors. The Squid Kingdom had been in exile for thousands of years. The country that was finally established could not be destroyed in his own hands. The furious Netahu gradually calmed down. He looked around at the directors and said:

“So what do you think we should do now?”

“We can’t just watch our city of Kuhl being destroyed and do nothing, right?”

National Health Director Garandi made his own suggestion:

“Mr. President, both Yan Country and we are nuclear-armed countries, and no one dares to use mushroom bombs rashly.”

“Yan Country used conventional weapons to destroy our city of Kul, and we can also use conventional weapons to destroy Yan Country’s cities and mineral resources!”

“In terms of conventional combat power, Yan Nation is not our opponent!”

Neta Lake became interested and focused his eyes on Garandi, the director of the National Health Agency, and said:

“Go on!”

Garandi explained:

“I watched the video carefully. Although Yan’s tanks, rockets, intercontinental missiles and other weapons are more advanced than ours,”

“But don’t forget that in conventional warfare, the Air Force is the king of victory. We have advanced FF-350 stealth fighters, as well as hundreds of various types of aircraft, including early warning aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft, electronic warfare aircraft, etc.!”

“Once our air force faces Yan’s air force, Yan’s air force will be beaten up by us like a monkey!”

“Yes! You heard it right, it’s about playing with others!”

“I can guarantee that our pilots can beat the Yan Country Air Force even if they fly their fighters with their eyes closed!”

National Health Director Garandi is still very confident in his own stealth fighters.

He has previously investigated the situation of the Yan Country Air Force.

At present, the aircraft equipped by the Yan Country Army are mainly third-generation aircraft and a small number of fourth-generation aircraft.

These aircraft have almost no ability to fight back in front of the FF-350 stealth fighter. It is like using a fire stick VS a Gatling machine gun, purely seeking death! Seeing the hesitant expressions of President Netahu and other directors, Garandi continued to explain:

“Mr. President, colleagues, you are not professional soldiers and do not understand how big the gap here is!”

“Let me put it this way……Due to the size and ammunition capacity limitations, one of our FF-350s can only carry six missiles.”

“If we ignore this limitation, one of our FF-350 stealth fighters can destroy the entire air force of Yan Country. A fifth-generation fighter versus a fourth-generation fighter, that is an absolute crushing victory that transcends the times!”

“Once we gain air superiority, the territory of Yan Country will become the back garden of our Air Force. We can come and go as we please, bomb and blast as we please!”

At this point,

Garandi’s mouth curled up slightly.

The so-called No. 1 Air Force in the Middle East and the top five air forces in the world are not exaggerated!

In the decades of Middle East war, the Squid Country relied on its powerful air force fighters to crush the surrounding countries for sixty or seventy years!

The Middle Eastern countries were left without any chance to fight back.

When President Netahu heard this, his expression gradually eased, and his worries gradually dissipated…….

“Good! In that case, pass on my order to immediately carry out an air strike retaliation against Yan Country! I will return the hatred of Kuer City to Yan Country tenfold! Bomb all their major cities into ruins!”After hearing this, the Director of the National Security Agency, Garandi, stopped him again:

“No! Mr. President, although our air force is stronger than Yan Country, we cannot rush into battle now!”

Neta Lake was stunned:


Garandi explained:

“Mr. President, I have to tell you a fact. Our air-to-air missiles are seriously out of stock. We have almost no stock left.”

“You also know that because we carried out indiscriminate massacres of the people in the Kassa region, Western countries, under pressure from public opinion, stopped supplying us with weapons.”

“As a result, only the United States is willing to provide us with weapons and ammunition.”

“However, the manufacturing industry in the United States has declined severely, and the speed of weapons production cannot keep up with the speed of our use.”

“Therefore, we have a serious shortage of ammunition for our fighter planes, and we need about 1,800 missiles of various types for fighter planes to be replenished urgently!”

Fighters without ammunition are just decorations, completely useless.

The squid has a small land area and poor resources, and is unable to produce air-to-air missiles independently.

Advanced weapons and ammunition are all dependent on the supply of the West and Eagle Sauce.

Hearing this,

Netahu’s brows were twisted into a knot, and he was in trouble.

He knew that with the current weapon production speed of Eagle Sauce Country, it would take at least a month to quickly replenish the 1,800 fighter missiles of Squid Country. However ,……Having such a huge grudge against Yan Nation,

Netahu couldn’t wait a month to take revenge.

Even if he could wait, the angry people of Squid Nation couldn’t wait!

Just when Netahu was in a dilemma, the Director of the National Health Agency, Garandi, continued to put forward his own suggestions:

“Mr. President, I understand your concerns. The current weapons production efficiency of the United States is too low.”

“How about this? We pretend to be victims and go to the League of Nations to accuse Yan of terrorist acts against our troops and civilians.���To restore our international image, portray Yan Country as a terrorist country and make Westerners begin to hate Yan Country!”

“Then we are bribing major Western politicians and persuading them to resume supporting us with weapons and equipment!”

“In this way, we will not only gain support from the West, but also quickly obtain a batch of ammunition replenishments!”

“At that time, with the support of the West and the Eagle Sauce, it will not be too late to take action against Yan Country!”

President Netahu thought about it and felt that there was some truth. The reason why the Squid was able to sweep across the entire Middle East in the past was because it had obtained the full support of the West and the Eagle Sauce.

Now, taking this opportunity, changing the international image of the Squid Country, labeling Yan Country as a”terrorist country”, shaping itself as a”victim”, and regaining the support of Western countries, this plan is simply the best of both worlds!

Netahu was very satisfied with this plan and nodded:

“Director Garandi, I was right about you! We’ll do as you say…….!”

“Yes! Mr. President! I promise to complete the mission!”

Director Garandi replied.

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