In fact, the people who were most happy about winning this war were not only Yan Country, but also the resistance fox countries against the Squid Country and the Middle Eastern countries. Now that the Squid Country’s surrender treaty has been signed, part of its territory has been returned to Pakistan. After decades of war and suffering, the people of Pakistan and Arab people were originally extremely desperate.

…….There was no hope of victory at all.

The country was in tatters and the family was ruined…….Recovering the homeland and praying for peace are even more unattainable extravagant hopes…..


The lost territory was restored effortlessly.

Without doing anything, the long-cherished wish of several generations was easily fulfilled……..

The long-awaited peace has finally come to this sacred territory of the Middle East. Who wouldn’t be happy about this ? The people of Bath and Araba were completely excited and crazy. They took to the streets to celebrate, cheered, and sang praises to Qin Tian’s merits. Some even knelt on the ground, kowtowed in the direction of Yan State, and prayed for the crown prince of Qin Tian with their hands folded, and wept bitterly in gratitude.


The excitement was beyond words!

The entire Resistance Fox and the oil countries were crazy, completely crazy.

The defeat of the Squid Country was the greatest blessing in the world for them…….

Qin Tian, who defeated the Squid Nation, was regarded by them as the incarnation of the prophet Muhammad, and the savior sent by Allah to save the Arab people! In order to express gratitude to

Qin Tian,

all the people in the oil region were completely excited and gathered together to celebrate this event:

“Long live! Long live Qin Tian! Long live the Crown Prince! Thank you, your Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Yan Country!”

“Yan Country is awesome! Qin Tian is the reincarnation of God! Our Bath is saved, my child can finally grow up, thank Yan Country!”

“Our peace is hard-won. We would like to petition the government and ask Yan Country to continue to shelter us, protect us, and station troops in our country!”

“Yes! You are right! The Eagle Sauce and the West that bullied us have not fallen yet! We still need to be protected, and we request Yan Country to station troops in our country!”

“In this world, only the Yan country’s garrison can protect us! I support Yan country’s garrison in our country!”

“And I!”

“Count me in!”


A rally to celebrate the victory soon turned into a mass petition, because nearly one billion people in the world of Arab have been living in war, various local armed forces, terrorists emerge in an endless stream, and they have never felt safe for hundreds of years!

Only by seeking the protection of the strong can they get a little peace of mind!

Peace is hard-won, and the strength of Yan Country is obvious to all the people in the oil region!

It is of course best for Yan Country to protect themselves!

Faced with the”public outcry” of the people, some countries protected by Eagle Sauce have to consider the wishes of the people and hold meetings to discuss whether to abandon the Eagle Sauce’s garrison and protection and choose Yan Country? The answer, no surprise, is that Yan Country has become the overlord of the oil region.

Eagle Sauce and Yan Country don’t get along.

Who dares to risk the world’s disapproval, choose Eagle Sauce, and stand on the opposite side of Yan Country? Isn’t that courting death? So the answer is obvious, you must choose Yan Country!

Foreign ministers from dozens of oil-producing countries, including Bas, Syria, Camel, Pharaoh, and the United Arab Emirates, came to the Foreign Affairs Office of Yan as soon as possible and asked to see the ambassador of Yan.

For a time, the door of the Foreign Affairs Office of Yan was almost broken by the crowds of Arabs with white cloth on their heads.


Yan State Foreign Minister Ma Guangming was working in his office when he suddenly heard a commotion outside the building. He opened the curtains and looked out. He was shocked to see that the entire Foreign Affairs Building was crowded with Arab whites blocking the door. Ma Guangming didn’t know what was going on, so he hurried to the Foreign Affairs Hall downstairs and called his secretary to his side and asked:

“What happened? Why are there so many people outside?”

The secretary didn’t know what happened and shook his head:

“Director, I don’t know what happened……..”

So many Arabs came here, there must be something big going on!

Ma Guangming did not dare to delay and immediately said:

“Immediately follow the national reception etiquette and invite these people into the reception hall. If you have anything to say, come inside and talk!”

“Yes! Director!”

After that, all the staff of the Foreign Affairs Department came out to help and invited the Middle Eastern countries to the reception hall. Ma Guangming asked in confusion at the main seat :

“Ambassadors, what are you doing here in Yan Country?”

The ambassador of Bass Country was the first to stand up and bowed slightly to Ma Guangming.

“Hello, Ambassador Ma. It is like this. We from the country of Bas are here today to express our gratitude to the country of Yan!”

“In response to the request of our people and government of Bath, we hope that Yan Country can station troops in our Bath country to protect our people of Bath!”

“And our country of Bassen also hopes that Yan country can send troops to our country!!”

“We are also in the Egg Country!”


Ma Guangming understood immediately.

It turned out that these oil-producing countries wanted to seek the protection of Yan State.

It is true that when a poor country is in a busy city, no one cares about it, but when a rich country is in a remote mountain

, there are distant relatives. When Yan State was weak, it had no friends.

Now that Yan State is strong, the entire oil region claims to be a friend of Yan State! For the development of Yan State, such a thing as garrisoning troops will definitely benefit it infinitely

(to read the novel of Bao Shuang, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) , but who will pay for the garrison? Ma Guangming is not a fool. These dozens of countries have come to seek the garrison of Yan State. If each country has garrisoned 10,000 troops, there must be hundreds of thousands of people. The food and drink of these hundreds of thousands of people is a considerable expense. Thinking of this, Ma Guangming said:

“Only His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is qualified to make the decision on such a big matter as garrison protection, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is quite busy and I’m afraid he doesn’t have time to meet so many people……”

“Let’s put it this way. You all know that our Yan country has limited military strength, and the cost of equipment and supplies is relatively high. If you want us to station troops……..That depends on whether you are sincere………!”

As soon as these words came out, the ambassadors from the Middle East and other countries immediately understood what he meant.

The special envoy of the Bass country bowed deeply to Ma Guangming again, and then said respectfully:

“Ambassador Ma, rest assured, we will never make it difficult for Yan Country in terms of military expenditure. We, the country of Bass, are willing to pay 5 billion US dollars per year as compensation. I implore Ambassador Ma not to think it is too little…….”

“After all, our country of Bath has just recovered some territory. When we develop in the future, the military expenses compensated to Yan country will definitely increase, and we will never let you down!”

Ma Guangming was delighted when he heard this.

This country of Bath is really sincere!

5 billion US dollars is really a lot for the country of Bath!

It is almost equal to a quarter of their country’s tax revenue…….

After all, Bath is just a tiny country! Of course,

Bath is not a fool. They have their own plans for paying so much money……

Given the weakness of the Bass Country, it would be a pipe dream to use 5 billion US dollars to build an army stronger than the Squid Country! However, if we use these 5 billion US dollars to seek the protection of the Yan Country, we can not only get security, but also save unnecessary expenses, which is a sure win! With the protection of the Yan Country, who dares to bully us? With peace and security, once trade develops, it will be easy to earn back the 5 billion US dollars.


This account…….The Bass Country calculated very clearly!

After the Bass Country made its offer, before Ma Guangming could speak, other countries nearby did not want to be outdone.

Everyone came with a mission, and if they failed to complete the mission, they would not be able to go back and explain to the people and the top leaders.

As a result, more than a dozen countries offered their own prices:

“Ambassador Ma! I am the special envoy of Bassen. We are willing to pay 10 billion US dollars per year, which is twice as much as the price of Bath! Please come to our country to station troops first!”

“Ambassador Ma! I am the special envoy of the Kingdom of Yodan. We are the most sincere! As long as the Kingdom of Yan is willing to send troops to our Kingdom of Yodan, we plan to pay 15 billion US dollars in military expenses every year, and purchase an additional 10 billion US dollars of arms from the Kingdom of Yan!”

“Ambassador Ma! We in the United Arab Emirates are willing to pay 20 billion US dollars per year! We will invest an additional 30 billion US dollars in infrastructure in Yan………”

“Ambassador Ma! Our Camel Country contributes 50 billion US dollars to the military expenditure every year! In addition, we purchase 50 billion US dollars of arms and directly give them to the soldiers of Yan Country! Our Camel Country soldiers don’t need them!”

When the Camel Country envoy offered 50 billion US dollars in military expenditure and 50 billion US dollars in arms every year, plus these arms were prepared for the Yan Country garrison!

The envoys of other countries turned off their fire, staring at the Camel Country envoy with resentment, clenching their fists���Tight!

No one can compare to the Camel Kingdom in terms of wealth……

In order to get the protection of Yan Country,

Camel Country also risked everything. Upon hearing this offer,

Ma Guangming’s eyes lit up:

“Since everyone is so sincere, this matter will be easy to handle. Let me report to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and then come back to discuss it with you in detail!”

“”Everyone wait a moment!” Ma Guangming turned and left the reception hall, got on the special car and rushed to Qin Tian’s office.

In the car, Ma Guangming laughed without restraint after seeing that there was no one around, and his mouth was almost split open with laughter……..

What is powerful?

People actively give you money to seek your protection, and then they have to look at your face……….

This is powerful!

Qin Tian was not surprised at all when he learned about this, because the countries in the oil region have been in a state of protection most of the time, and it has been like this for hundreds of years, from John Bull Country, Ottoman Country, to Eagle Sauce Country!

They are used to the feeling of being protected.

Now that Yan Country has risen, they will naturally hold Yan Country’s thighs tightly……..!

After Qin Tian instructed Ma Guangming, he authorized Ma Guangming to have the right to negotiate.

Ma Guangming began to meet with the ambassadors of the oil-producing countries respectively.

During the whole negotiation process,

Ma Guangming experienced for the first time what it felt like to be begged and licked by others!

It was so cool!

He felt a little bit high.

He had been the Minister of Foreign Affairs for more than ten years and had never had such an experience!

In the past, the envoys of the countries in the oil-producing areas did not look at him straight in the eye, but now, one by one, they begged to establish a shelter relationship with Yan Country!

Thinking of the various humiliations of Yan Country more than ten years ago,

Ma Guangming felt quite relieved.

He seemed to be ten years younger and his spirit was smooth!

It was also the first time for the staff, counselors, and translators of the Foreign Affairs Official Residence to see such a scene of all nations coming to pay tribute, and they were all filled with emotion:

“Woohoo! I never thought! Our Yan Nation would be able to have what it is today! Just like the ancient Tang Dynasty, all countries respect us immensely! All nations come to pay tribute! The four barbarians are submissive! People from all directions come to pay respect! Our Yan Nation is really powerful!”

“Why the hell are you crying? Isn’t this a good thing?…….Woo woo woo……My ancestors, have you seen this? Our Yan Country has truly ushered in a golden age!”

“All the credit goes to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. He led us out of the predicament! Defeat Eagle Sauce and Squid Nation! Long live Yan Nation! Long live the Crown Prince!”

“I am so excited! I have been working in the Foreign Affairs Office for more than ten years, and I have never been so excited! The country is safe and sound, and the people are strong! I never thought that I would actually witness the arrival of this day!”

“In the past, our Foreign Affairs Department was so deserted. No country would treat our Yan country as a human being!……Who dares not to treat us as human beings? What about the Eagle Sauce and the Squid? They still lost to us!”

“As a Yan countryman, at this moment, I am proud!”

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