“Sorry, President Putin, for now, we have no plans to sell them. These technologies are all confidential to us. If there is an opportunity in the future, we may consider selling them…….!”

Qin Tian did not say anything final. After all, who dares to make a promise about the future?……Hearing this


Emperor Putin felt a little regretful, so he had to settle for the next best thing:

“Mr. Crown Prince, since you are unwilling to sell advanced technology, can you sell me some of Yan’s Y-300 tanks, new rocket launchers, and anti-aircraft missiles?……?”

Since buying weapons and equipment from Yan Country, the offensive of the frontline of the Great Mao has become stronger and stronger.

It has advanced more than 100 kilometers towards the Second Mao Country.

Now the ammunition is almost used up, and it is in urgent need of new supplies from Yan Country.

Qin Tian can sell tanks and rocket launchers, but this time,

Qin Tian does not plan to sell too much, because after receiving compensation from the Squid Country and the East Asian Country,

Yan Country is almost not short of money.

If it sells too much to the bear at one time,

I am afraid that the Second Mao Country will not be able to withstand the offensive of the Great Mao…….As the saying goes…..

A weak bear is a good bear!

Qin Tian still understands this principle.

He must not let the bear idle, nor let him grow well…….

It would be best if Da Mao and Er Mao continued to fight forever…….

This would be the greatest benefit to Yan Country.

After thinking this through,

Qin Tian pretended to be embarrassed:

“Sorry! President Putin, you know we just ended the war with the Squid Country and the East Asian Country…….”

“We don’t have much stock of weapons and ammunition left, but given the friendly relations between our two countries, I can give you a small amount. As for the price, I’ll keep the same price as before……..!”

“Thank you, Mr. Crown Prince!”Putin said with a smile.

After that, the two chatted for a while and then hung up the phone.

Qin Tian could finally sleep well………..

The next morning, the news that the Emperor of the Eastern Kingdom was going to hand over the surrender letter to the Yan Kingdom representatives on the Yan Kingdom warship swept across the entire Blue Planet like a 17-magnitude tsunami…….Netizens around the world were shocked:

“Damn it, Damn it!!! It can’t be true, the Emperor of the East Asian Kingdom personally came forward to submit a letter of surrender to the Yan Kingdom……? This is fake news, right?…….?”

“What fake news! This is true, don’t you know it?…….The Yan Country’s Navy completely wiped out the Dongyang Country’s 88 Fleet and is now blocking the Dongyang Country’s gate!”

“Damn! The Yan Kingdom is really scary, it can actually defeat the Dongyang Kingdom…….It is such a shame for the emperor of a country to accept the surrender on the warship of Yan country…….!”

“The changes are so great! The world has changed so much that I don’t recognize it anymore. I remember that one year ago, Yanguo was still a bully. It had nothing but oil! How come Yanguo has become so powerful in just one year?…….?”

“You have to speak softly when talking to the Yan people in the future, times have changed!”

“Not only do we have to speak in a low voice, but we also have to avoid seeing Yan people. I guess, in the near future…..Yan Country is very likely to become the sixth permanent member of Blue Planet!”


Netizens all over the Blue Planet were filled with emotion at the same time.

Such a major event happened in peacetime, which was rare and could make the whole world tremble………Unlike netizens around the world, the East Asian country presents a completely opposite side.

At this moment, the streets and alleys of the East Asian country are dead, and the shops, vendors, and stalls on the streets are closed.

The prosperous streets with bright lights and wine are also desolate and lonely……..

The unruly Japanese who used to live there are now like bereaved parents……..

His face looked uglier than if his father had died.

The streets were full of drunken Japanese people and some homeless people with nothing to do……..

They fought, drank, and robbed…….

Use alcohol to numb your nerves….(cjci)..

There is no way, no one can accept this fact! The emperor himself actually surrendered to Yanguo…….

This is a great shame for the Japanese people! The

Japanese internet is full of anger and resentment:

“Baka! We must not surrender to Yan Country! We will not allow Yan Country to humiliate our Emperor!”

“I can’t stand it! Kill me! I can’t accept this result! I would rather die on the battlefield than see the emperor being humiliated!”

“We beg the Emperor to give us orders and never surrender. We would rather die with one hundred million men than surrender to Yan State……..!”

“Forget it! We can’t beat Yan Country……..Have you seen that terrifying electromagnetic railgun? It can destroy an aircraft carrier with one shot…….!”

“A month ago, we were the second largest navy in the country and the fourth largest navy in the world!……..Even the Dragon Kingdom would not easily go to war with us! How long has it been?…….The entire 88th Fleet is gone, and all four aircraft carriers are sunk……!”

“The most hateful thing is that Yanguo actually blew up the Yasukuni Ghost Toilet where we worship our ancestors. That is the place of faith for our samurai spirit!”


For the people of Dongyang, the sky has fallen at this moment.

Their faith and cognition have been completely crushed by Yan Country, and it seems that there is no point in living…….The powerful navy, the high and mighty emperor, everything was like a mirage, vanishing into thin air…….

The country’s future is bleak and there is no way out…….

The hawkish ministers and media organizations, who have always been radical, have also lost their temper…….

Prime Minister Koizumi Jushiro issued them the most stringent gag order, not allowing them to report on the incident, let alone inciting the public and spreading hatred against Yanguo…….Because Koizumi Jushiro was afraid that

Yanguo would punish Dongyang Kingdom and thus refused Dongyang Kingdom’s surrender!

At that time, Dongyang Kingdom would be really finished……..

It must be said that the endurance of the Japanese is the best in the world! No official in the whole country dared to say anything bad about Yan Country.

In order to survive, the Japanese are really humble to the extreme……..!

This kind of country is often terrifying!

The deeper the injury, the greater the rebound!

I dare not imagine what the media would be like if Dongyang defeated Yan. I am afraid that 24-hour non-stop news bombardment will be a normal state……..!

Now……(To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

The most uncomfortable people are not the Orientals, but the Hua people who immigrated to the Oriental country!

Before, when Yan Country was not strong enough, many Hua people were proud to study abroad, and joining the West and the East was their lifelong pursuit……..

At present, these Hua people are always in fear and anxiety! In the past, they often mocked the Hua people of Long and Yan countries, using the advancement and strength of Dongyang country to despise their compatriots and show their superiority…….

Now, as the news that the Emperor of Japan had personally apologized to Yan Country came out, their previous noble [superiority] and pride instantly became worthless, as if they had been slapped in the face by reality, causing them to feel pain on their faces…….

Whenever they are alone at night , they can’t help but think: Is it right to immigrate to Japan?

In the immigration circle, countless”Western-loving dogs” are discussing:

“Is Yan Country already so powerful? Are the Hua people really going to rise?……? This is incredible. Was it really a mistake for me to choose to immigrate?”

“What’s wrong with that! People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places! Now that Yan Country is strong, why don’t we just go back?”

“It would be nice if I could go back, but unfortunately I can’t go back anymore. Yan Country is not an immigration country. If you want to obtain Yan Country citizenship, it is harder than climbing to the sky unless you can win the Nobel Prize……..”

“Hey! Half a year ago, Yan State was just a small country with abundant oil and gas. How come in just half a year……..The strength of Yan State is approaching that of Wuchang……!”

“Who knows!”


The rapid rise of Yan Country has made these immigrants [Western-loving dogs] feel upset, and they have no choice but to leave messages online to seek a little comfort.

However, the atmosphere on the Internet in Yan Country seems lively and joyful, even more excited than the Chinese New Year…….

All major media outlets, newspapers, and self-media in Yan Country are reporting on this matter.

Yan Country Royal Television is no exception.

The young and beautiful host is announcing this good news to the entire Yan Country population in front of the camera:

“Dear viewers and compatriots, we are now interrupting with an urgent news report. The content is as follows:”

“Last night, we received accurate information from the Yan State Foreign Affairs Agency. Our Yan State Navy, relying on its fearlessness of life and death and its heroic and tenacious spirit, defeated the Eastern Army in the Pacific Ocean and protected the safety of our Yan State merchant ships!”

“Three days later, the Emperor of the East Asian Kingdom will personally hand over the letter of surrender to our representatives on the Tianwei warship of the Yan Kingdom Navy!”

“And promised not to attack Yan’s trading ships, and compensate Yan for the loss of 980 million taels of silver and 200 billion US dollars!”

While speaking, the host burst into tears, with a hint of excitement in his excitement, and a hint of relief in his excitement:

“The century-long shame of our Hua people has finally been washed away at this moment. Facts have proved that we Hua people are not cowards! We Hua people are no worse than anyone else! Salute to our naval officers and soldiers! Salute to every Hua person! Salute to our great country!”

“On this day of universal celebration, on behalf of the Royal Television, I would like to say thank you to every hard-working worker, farmer, and soldier in Yan Country. It is because of you that our Yan Country has become so beautiful……..!”

“at last……! Thank you to our great King and the wise Crown Prince! Long live the King! Long live the Crown Prince! Long live the people!”

In front of the TV, countless people stood up and clapped their hands, bursting into unprecedented cheers…….Even though their palms were red from clapping, no one stopped……..

At the same time, fellow birch people from all over the world also sent their best wishes to Yan Country!

They told each other about it and cried with joy!

This day was the happiest day for fellow birch people from Blue Star……..

The joyful atmosphere spread throughout the streets and alleys of Yan Country, with lights and decorations everywhere and firecrackers blasting……….The

Huaren network was in an uproar:

“So exciting! A century of shame has been washed away! We Hua people have finally stood up……!”

“woo woo woo woo……Old comrades, have you seen it? Our Yan country has really become powerful!”

“Ha ha ha ha…..! This is murderous and heartbreaking! 980 million taels of silver! We did this on purpose, to disgust the Japanese……..The Yan country’s top leaders are really good at this. I like it…….!”

“Long live the King! Long live the Crown Prince!”


At the same time, in the Crown Prince’s office, the staff of Yan’s Foreign Affairs Department delivered a list of invitations to the surrender ceremony to the Crown Prince Qin Tian’s office.

“Your Highness, here is the invitation list, please take a look!”

Qin Tian opened it and took a look.

The list included political and business celebrities from Yan Country, representatives from friendly countries, representatives from the Blue Star, veterans of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, etc.

There was no big problem:

“No problem, just follow this list.”

“Yes! Your Highness, there is one more thing I need to report to you.”

“The Director of Foreign Affairs of the United States called and begged us to invite them so that they could also send representatives to attend the surrender ceremony. Your Highness, this matter……..How do you think our Foreign Affairs Department should respond?”

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