As the national anthem of Yan State was finished, Wu Ren came to the surrender platform with the surrender document in his hand. When Wu Ren faced the camera respectfully, the audiences from all over Yan State and the people from all over the world subconsciously held their breath.


His eyes were fixed on the Emperor Wu Ren’s every move, fearing that he would miss any wonderful moments.

At the same time, the Yan State TV station also considerately enlarged the camera image and gave a close-up of the dead fish face of the Emperor Wu Ren……..The ultra-clear images allow countless people watching the live broadcast to experience this exciting moment more closely………

The angle of the shot made the audience feel as if Emperor Muren was reading the surrender book to them face to face.

The experience was amazing…….But

Emperor Muhito’s movements were very awkward, stiff, and hesitant, which made the audience anxious and angry:

“Read it! You are really good at reading it, you are so slow! This emperor was born in Japan, if he were in our village, he would have trouble even getting on the kang….!”

“What’s the point of procrastinating? Instead, you will be tortured by pain for a longer time! It’s better to recite quickly!”

“That’s right! It’s just a surrender letter. Your ancestors have read it before. You’re treating it like a death warrant……..!”

“Damn the Emperor, you’re still chanting! I’m still waiting to set off fireworks to celebrate and post on WeChat Moments! Chant now!”

“Hahaha…..I’m ready to record it. I’ll play it for the Japanese when I have the chance to go to Japan!””

“I am dying of laughter. Look at those Japanese ministers behind the emperor. It’s as if all their family members are dead! Ahahahaha…..!”

“Are you feeling uncomfortable? It’s okay, just bear with it, because the uncomfortable things are still to come…….!Hahaha……!”


Most of the audience’s attention was focused on Emperor Wuren, but at the same time, many people also focused their attention on the Yan Country delegation:

“What a pity! I thought I could meet His Royal Highness Prince Qin Tian of Yan State, but he didn’t come at all!”

“How could His Royal Highness the Crown Prince be on the same stage with the damn Japanese Emperor? Is he worthy?”

“The representative of Yan State is the Director of Foreign Affairs, which is inconsistent with the status of the Emperor. Is this in compliance with regulations?”

“What status does that bastard Emperor have? A defeated country is still concerned about status. Sending a person of the rank of Director of the Foreign Affairs Department to receive the surrender document is considered a face-giving to the Japanese country!”

“That is, rely on……We should let the dogs in our village receive the Emperor’s surrender letter.”

“Ha ha ha ha……! Upstairs, your suggestion is good, I support it……!”


At this moment, in the cabinet meeting room of the Eastern Kingdom, the ministers and researchers who were unable to attend the surrender ceremony gathered here.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Murakami Yosei instructed each researcher:

“Remember! Don’t miss any details of the Yan Kingdom warship, and record everything that can be recorded!”

Before leaving, Prime Minister Koizumi Jushiro gave an order to Chief Cabinet Secretary Murakami Yosei, asking him to gather all the top scientific and technological talents from the East Asian countries to analyze the structure and construction of the Tianwei through some footage of the surrender ceremony…….

“Yes! Mr. Cabinet Chief!”

The researchers stared at the live camera, not missing any of the Tianwei’s scenes……..

Murakami Yosei knew that he had no choice but to use this method, so he shook his head and sighed:

“Alas! Unfortunately, our scientific researchers boarded the ship to participate in the surrender ceremony, but the Yan Kingdom discovered it in advance.”

“Otherwise, we will definitely be able to steal some of the secrets of the Tianwei……..!”

“Damn it! The Yan people are so cunning!”

Murakami Yangsheng clenched his fists and waved them vigorously in the air unwillingly……..

Back on the Tianwei warship, time passed by minute by minute, but for Wu Ren, it seemed like many years had passed.

Perhaps because he felt too humiliated, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his lips turned pale, and his body trembled slightly.

He was unable to speak aloud to read the surrender document.

Seeing this, Director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau Ma Guangming and Navy Commander Xiang Wenfu looked at each other and understood each other’s thoughts.

Ma Guangming stepped forward and said:

“Emperor Wuren, what happened?…….? Don’t play the game of feeling unwell with me. If you feel tired, you can ask someone to help you.”

“But don’t try to play tricks and try to avoid this step……..!”

As a soldier, Xiang Wenfu was not so polite:

“If standing is tiring, kneeling won’t be tiring, right? If that doesn’t work, you can just kneel and read the surrender edict!”

Seeing the emperor being humiliated, the ministers of the Eastern Kingdom below the surrender platform were instantly furious, staring at Xiang Wenfu with their eyes fixed, as if they could spit fire……..

If it wasn’t for the wrong occasion, they would have gone up to fight Xiang Wenfu.

After all, the emperor was a young man, experiencing such a big scene for the first time, so what if he couldn’t stand steadily?

Is it necessary to humiliate him like this?……They were just about to step out to protest to the media at the scene, but……

The Emperor himself, who was standing on the surrender platform, waved his hand at Xiang Wenfu and said:

“I don’t need the concern of the Yan country representative! I will complete this surrender ceremony as promised!”

Therefore, the ministers of the Eastern Ocean country had to suppress their anger.


Emperor Wuren held the surrender letter and said with difficulty:

“On behalf of all the people of Dongyang, we accept all the terms proposed by Yanguo and surrender to Yanguo unconditionally. We apologize for attacking Yanguo’s merchant ships and promise that we will not do it again. Please rest assured, my country and the world…….!”

“I hereby order all officers and armed personnel of the East Asian Army and Navy to immediately lay down their weapons, not to mention any war, to obey all the peace conditions proposed by Yan Country, and to order all citizens to………”

“As the ruler of the East, I hereby, on behalf of all the citizens of the East, obey all the terms of surrender of the Yan Kingdom and all the necessary conditions for surrender……….”


When Emperor Munin read these words, his heart seemed to bleed.


Too shameful!

A great humiliation!

How is this different from a public execution?……Wu

Ren suppressed his anger and grief and said the last words of the surrender letter:

“On behalf of the East, I promise to the Yan Kingdom that within three days, I will pay the Yan Kingdom 980 million taels of silver and 200 billion US dollars…….!”

After saying this, he leaned forward slightly, bowed 90 degrees, and buried his head deeply……..

With both hands he raised the letter of surrender above his head respectfully and handed it to Ma Guangming, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yan State.

Ma Guangming then exercised the privileges of a victorious country and said calmly:

“On behalf of Yan Country, I accept the surrender of all citizens of Dongyang Country. I hope Dongyang Country will learn from this and not repeat the same mistakes…….!”

As soon as he finished speaking, (for exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!), the sound of many camera shutters rang out at the scene.

This epoch-making scene was frantically recorded by the media and reporters.

Ma Guangming stood still, but stretched out one hand and took the surrender letter with a proud attitude……….

There were two copies of the surrender document. After carefully reading it and making sure there were no problems,

Ma Guangming handed it back and said expressionlessly:

“Emperor Wuren, please sign it!”

Wuren took the surrender document, took the pen from the staff, looked at the place where the signature was on the surrender document, and felt as if his heart was being cut by a knife……[]

All of a sudden, all kinds of memories of the past came to my mind……..

I was stunned on the spot, unable to write for a long time. The Yan country audience who were watching the live broadcast, as well as the Hua people audience all over the world, stared intently, held their breath, and shouted wildly in their hearts:

“Sign! Sign quickly! Sign quickly! Damn, you’re wasting time again! What a waste!”

The people of the world were even more anxious than the representatives on the scene.

Many of them leaned close to the live broadcast screen, staring at Emperor Muren, waiting for him to sign.

Some people with bad tempers cursed wildly on the barrage screen.

“Sign it! What a waste of time! I’m just waiting for him to sign and open the champagne……I was so anxious that I wanted to sign for him!”

“What a hassle! I finished a pack of cigarettes and he still hasn’t signed! It’s so infuriating!”

“Can you go up and give him a kick? With this kind of mentality, he can be an emperor. He is really screwed……..!”


As if knowing the audience’s mood, Yan Nation’s Navy Commander Xiang Wenfu reminded them:

“Emperor Wuren, don’t waste time, this is just torturing you!”

After hearing this, Wuren knew that wasting time would do him no good, so he tightly grasped the pen in his hand and signed his name in the blank space.

Then, he handed it to Ma Guangming, the Director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau.

After Ma Guangming signed his name, the two countries stamped the seals of their royal families on the letter of surrender……..

Just like that, the surrender letter was completed, and this world-renowned surrender ceremony came to an end………

The subsequent details were relatively simple to deal with.

After everything was finalized, there was no need for the Japanese delegation to stay.

Wu Ren turned around and walked out first.

Prime Minister Koizumi Jukuro and other ministers followed behind Wu Ren.

At this time, the media reporters rushed up frantically.

No one wanted to miss this once-in-a-lifetime interview opportunity.

“Hello! Your Majesty, I am a reporter from the Windmill Country Radio Station. I would like to ask what impact this surrender ceremony has on the East Asian Country…….?”

“Hello! I am a reporter from John Bull Radio. When the emperor surrendered, did he feel unwell? Did Yan Country mistreat you?……?”

“Hello, the delegation of the Eastern Kingdom. May I ask if the Eastern Kingdom will rebuild its navy in the future?…..? What are the long-term plans for the country’s future military development?…….?”


Many media reporters held the microphones in front of the heads of the Oriental delegation, hoping that the emperor and the Oriental leaders would respond to them, but Wu Ren and the Oriental leaders were in a state of panic and had no interest in responding to the reporters.

“Sorry! Please move aside!”

The ministers of the Eastern Kingdom tried their best to protect the Emperor and isolate all the reporters!

At this time, a reporter from the Dragon Kingdom rushed out from nowhere. He did not intend to let the Eastern people go.

His next question would stab a knife in the hearts of Emperor Wuren and the Eastern Kingdom ministers:

“Hello! I am a reporter from Longguo Radio. I would like to interview the Emperor himself. Why doesn’t the Emperor smile on this day of universal celebration? Is it because he doesn’t like to smile?”

When this was said, the Emperor and the ministers of Dongyang paused for a moment, their faces darkened instantly, and their anger rose.

Even the reporters from other countries around were stunned, staring blankly at the Longguo reporter…….

This Dragon Country reporter is really brave!

The Emperor had just signed the surrender document and was in a bad mood………

You’re still asking this kind of question at this time.

Isn’t this just hitting the emperor in the face?

As the saying goes, if the emperor insults his subjects, they will die.

As a soldier, Sato Takuya couldn’t stand it anymore.

He rolled up his sleeves and wanted to fight the Dragon Country reporter.

Fortunately, he was stopped by Koizumi Jukuro.

Emperor Muren just glanced at the Dragon Country reporter coldly, then angrily pushed the reporters away:

“idiot….Get out of my way! Get out of my way!…..!”

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