After the United Nations Conference ended, the dispute between Yan Nation and John Bull Nation quickly spread throughout the world.

After the mainstream media in various countries on Blue Star rushed to report it, netizens were completely furious:

“Yan Country’s overseas assets amount to tens of trillions of US dollars. If the West really dares to freeze and confiscate them, I’m afraid S3 will erupt!”

“Damn! The international situation is changing so fast! How could the representative of John Bull Country be so brave this time and dare to take the initiative to provoke Yan Country? Isn’t this courting death?……?”

“Yes, the crown prince of Yan State, Qin Tian, is a ruthless person. He never jokes with you. He will fight whenever he can and will never argue with you. I think Yan State will send troops to teach John Bull a lesson after returning.”

“I don’t think so this time. The whole West is on John Bull’s side. Yan Country might be in danger this time. The Su-Xiong alliance was so powerful back then, yet it lost to the West!”

“I still think highly of Yan Country! The world has suffered from the West for a long time! Support Yan Country and hope Yan Country can win!”

“It seems that Yan Country’s deterrence to these Western countries is still not enough, so they still dare to act like that in front of Yan Country. Support Yan Country and teach them a good lesson!”


While netizens were discussing this, the news quickly reached Yan State.

In the Crown Prince’s office,

Prime Minister Li Nanfeng, Chief of Staff Cao Desheng and other Yan State ministers had gathered here!

Cao Desheng was the first to report:

“Your Highness, we have already found out that John Bull’s abnormal and provocative behavior this time was motivated by the Eagle Sauce!”

“According to our agents lurking in the Eagle Country, the Eagle Country has developed a new fighter jet, and its performance may be better than our quasi-sixth-generation aircraft Lingxiao.”

Qin Tian nodded after hearing this.

“No wonder John Bull was so bold as to confiscate our tens of trillions of overseas assets!”

“It turns out that a new type of fighter jet has been developed!”

Ma Guangming, Director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau, said with a worried look on his face:

“Your Highness! The fighter planes of the Eagle Country are more powerful than ours, so aren’t we at a disadvantage?……If we can’t defeat the Eagle Country, our Yan Country will be in trouble……….”

Qin Tian smiled calmly:

“Teacher, Chief Cao, please tell Chief Ma whether we are afraid of the Eagle Sauce Country……..?”

Since the surrender of the Emperor of the East,

Qin Tian’s achievement points have skyrocketed dozens of times, and the corresponding exchange of new weapons and technologies has also increased!

The sixth-generation aircraft of the Eagle Sauce is no longer considered high-tech in Yan Country!

It’s just that Yan Country’s cutting-edge weapons are top secret.

Only four people in Yan Country know the specific situation.

These four people are the king, the crown prince, the prime minister, and the chief of staff!

Therefore, it is normal that the Director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau Ma Guangming is not clear about the current development of Yan Country!

Prime Minister Li Nanfeng looked at the ministers and explained:

“I am not satisfied with you. Twenty days ago, our 150,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and aerospace carrier-based aircraft were almost ready for commissioning. Navy pilots have been training to increase their combat capabilities and are ready to go to the battlefield at any time………”

“No matter how advanced the fighter planes of the Eagle Sauce Country are, they can never be the opponent of our Yan Country’s aerospace carrier-based aircraft! Don’t worry, everyone!”

Everyone was delighted when they heard this, and they all felt relieved.

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and aerospace carrier-based aircraft of the Yan Country have been built for almost a year, and they can finally be used!

“Since this John Bull country has jumped out to seek death, then we don’t have to be polite. Let’s discuss how we should deal with the West and the Eagle Sauce?”

Qin Tian’s face was gloomy. He wanted to teach John Bull a lesson, but he didn’t know where to start….

Ma Guangming, Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs, thought about it and made the first suggestion:

“I heard that Ating and John Bull have a territorial dispute. Why don’t we help Ating take back the Falkland Islands and deal a heavy blow to John Bull?”

Qin Tian rejected it without even thinking:

“Helping Ating to recapture the Falkland Islands can severely damage John Bull, but it has no benefit to our Yan country! Isn’t it a bargain for Ating to waste our troops and military expenses?”

Working for others for free,

Qin Tian is not that stupid!

Prime Minister Li Nanfeng looked at the world map and said:

“Your Highness, how about this, let’s take over John Bull’s Strait of Gibraltar first! This is the throat of the Atlantic Ocean entering the Mediterranean Sea, and it is also an important port for Blue Star’s ocean trade. Its importance is no less than the Strait of Maqijia and the Suez Canal!”

“If we can take this place, we can cut off the connection between the Western Alliance and the Eagle Sauce, and we can also collect tolls here, killing two birds with one stone!”

Qin Tian nodded slightly, and focused his eyes on the Strait of Gibraltar on the map.

The Strait of Gibraltar has always been a disputed territory between the Bullfighting Country and the John Bull Country. It has been occupied by the John Bull Country for nearly three hundred years, and it is still in the hands of the John Bull Country.

Both countries claim sovereignty over this place.

It is one of the most important ocean golden waterway throats of the Blue Star.

Whoever occupies this place controls the trade between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean!

Its value cannot be measured by money!

“Good! This place is good! This is it. John Bull likes to jump. If they dare to sanction Yan Country and confiscate our overseas assets, we will send troops to occupy this place and teach the West a lesson!”

“If they continue to be stubborn and insist on going to war with our Yan Country, then we can destroy the entire Ouzhou at the same time!”

At this time, Qin Tian’s face showed greed and cruelty!

Originally, Yan Country was developing well, selling arms, food, minerals and oil and gas resources, and its economic strength was booming.

As a result, you Westerners insisted on making trouble, so don’t blame Qin Tian for being cruel!

“Commander Cao, I order you to immediately arrange for our aircraft carrier fleet to secretly enter the Mediterranean Sea! Keep silent mode and don’t let anyone find you!”

“Wait for my order! I want to see if the West is really brave enough to freeze our overseas assets!”

Qin Tian ordered….(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Early the next morning, the black-hearted Eagle Sauce and Western countries had already been drooling over Yan’s wealth!

At eight o’clock that morning, they announced the news to the world through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, freezing and confiscating all of Yan’s overseas assets!

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused heated discussions among netizens:

“No way! Little Britain is serious…….? Are the West and the Eagle Sauce really going to fight Yan Country?”

“It’s over! It’s over! The internet keeps talking about Season 3! I thought it was a joke! I never thought it was real!”

“Who says it’s not? Yan Country vs. the entire West! Movies don’t dare to play it so exciting! It’s too crazy!”

“Everyone, please be safe. Stock up on food resources as soon as possible to avoid risks…….!”

“What does Yan Country say? Is a war really going to break out?”


Netizens were very concerned about Yan’s reaction at this time, and they checked Yan’s attitude through various websites and media.

Yan’s attitude did not make netizens wait too long.

Yan’s Foreign Affairs Department immediately responded tit for tat and issued a public statement:

“Seriously warn John Bull, the West and the Eagle Sauce that freezing our overseas assets violates the international law of the League of Nations. In order to protect the sovereignty and property of Yan, we require the West and the Eagle Sauce to unfreeze our assets within three hours and compensate Yan for its losses……..”

“Otherwise, the West and the Eagle Sauce will be hit by the military strike of the Yan State!”

After this message was sent out, it attracted the attention of the whole world, and the situation immediately became tense.

Netizens were all scared.

Is the S3 0.6 war really going to happen?

In three hours, what choice will the West and the Eagle Sauce make?

People all over the world are worried that this S3 war will affect their own countries.

They have focused their attention on the West to see if the West and the Eagle Sauce will unfreeze the property of the Yan State within three hours!

On the other hand, the Yan State has dispatched a 150,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group to the Strait of Gibraltar secretly.

This time, not only the Tianweilong and Tianlong destroyers are accompanying them!

There are also four 15,000-ton frigates, two submarines, a 30,000-ton amphibious landing ship, and two supply ships.

Qin Tian is going to get serious!

These warships are almost the entire assets of the Yan State Navy!

The most powerful of them is the aerospace carrier-based aircraft on the 150,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.———Tiankun fighter!

No matter what choice the West makes,

Qin Tian has taken the Strait of Gibraltar…….!

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