In the Presidential Residence of Eagle Sauce Country ,

Zhang Terrence of the National Health Agency, Vice President Daniel and other ministers of Eagle Sauce Country gathered here.

They looked serious and nervous as they gathered in front of the President’s desk.

Together with President Leiden , they listened to the intelligence report from Sean, Director of the FIAA Intelligence Agency:

“Mr. President, colleagues, just now we received an urgent request for help from John Bull Country and the West.”

“Yan State brazenly dispatched its navy to bomb the John Bull military base in Gibraltar, and the 5,000 army and navy soldiers stationed there were bombed into ruins. Here are the photos and detailed battle information.”

Sean spread the information and photos on the table for President Leiden and the directors to see, and then he continued:

“After less than 2 minutes of fighting, the John Bull army was completely wiped out. In 5 minutes, the Yan country’s amphibious landing craft occupied the Strait of Gibraltar and blocked the trade between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic!”

“The situation is far more dangerous than we thought! Qin Tian, the crown prince of Yan State, is a ruthless man who will avenge his enemies immediately. John Bull State and the West are trembling and begging us to send troops to rescue immediately!”

Yan State’s trial is not only to warn John Bull State by occupying the Strait of Gibraltar!

In fact,……It is also a serious warning to Western countries.

After all,…….John Bull Country was not the only country that froze Yan Country’s overseas assets.

Upon learning that Yan Country had brazenly dispatched troops,

Gaolu Chicken, Hans Country, Bullfight Country, Portugal and other countries were all shocked.

No one expected that

Yan Country would act so quickly!

Normally, when dealing with conflicts between countries, the first step must be to contact foreign affairs first to see if the problem can be solved through peace talks and mediation.

As a result,

Yan Country directly attacked the Strait of Gibraltar. Those who didn’t know would think that Yan Country had already prepared and was just waiting for this excuse to occupy the Strait of Gibraltar!

Therefore, the Western countries were not prepared for the battle.

When they encountered this incident, they were also panicked. They immediately summoned the country’s troops and announced that the country had entered a state of war, fearing that Yan Country would regard themselves as the next target of attack!

Afterwards, like John Bull Country, they immediately sent a letter for help to Eagle Sauce Country, seeking Eagle Sauce Country’s shelter……..After listening to the intelligence summary, Vice President

Daniel analyzed:

“Mr. President, the West is our most important ally and the basis for us to dominate the Blue Planet. We must support John Bull Country and maintain the alliance between the two countries. We cannot let Yan Country continue to act recklessly..”

“Send out troops! Let our sixth-generation aircraft teach Yan Country a lesson! It’s time to decide the outcome!”

Vice President Daniel’s meaning is very simple, that is, the Eagle Sauce Country must personally go to war with Yan Country!

Decide the outcome!

If we sit back and watch Yan Country occupy the Strait of Gibraltar, the West will turn to Yan Country, and the Eagle Sauce will completely lose its hegemony!

President Leiden nodded slightly, approving the opinion of Vice President Daniel:

“I originally thought that Yan Country would not act so quickly, so we would have more time to prepare!”

“Now it seems that time is running out! We must take action!”

After saying this,

President Leiden looked at the Director of the National Health Agency, Terrence:

“Director Terrence, if we deploy the sixth-generation aircraft, do you think we can defeat Yan Country?”

Director Terrence of the National Defense Agency was very confident and replied:

“Mr. President, Yan Country’s Lingxiao fighter is only a quasi-sixth-generation aircraft, which cannot be compared with our sixth-generation aircraft at all!”

“`.Our stealth performance is very good. Once deployed, we can kill people without being seen. Although the navy of Yan country is very powerful,……Their radar cannot detect our sixth-generation aircraft, so they become our targets!”

“I am 100% confident that I can defeat the Yan Kingdom Navy, just give the order!”

“Good! Very good!”

President Leiden looked at Terrence, who was extremely confident, and felt very relieved:

“I declare! Immediately dispatch our aircraft carrier battle group, launch our sixth-generation aircraft, and prepare for a decisive battle with Yan Country!”[]

“Terrence, how long do you expect it will take to reach John Bull Country and retake the Strait of Gibraltar!”

Director of the National Health Administration Terrence calculated the distance and the speed of the aircraft carrier in his mind and replied:

“((Zhao Liaohao) Mr. President, our aircraft carrier will reach John Bull Country in about six hours!”

President Leiden frowned when he heard this:

“Six hours?”

“Based on my understanding of Yan Country, if we do not unfreeze Yan Country’s overseas assets in three hours, Qin Tian will definitely attack the homeland of the Western world, or the homeland of John Bull Country!”

“Six hours is too long, can it be faster?”

“I am afraid that in eight hours, John Bull will not be able to withstand the pressure from Yan Country and will surrender first or have its homeland occupied…….”

“At that time, there will be big trouble!”

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