Being His Little Fox

Chapter 540: Husband

The handsome guys are all mine: [No...]

Milk dog wolf dog private room: [What's the situation? Didn’t you say you were pregnant the other day? Why haven't you got the certificate yet? Is this man okay? 】

[If it doesn’t work, let’s kidnap it and tie it to the Civil Affairs Bureau forcibly! 】

Song Yi: "..."

Not necessary.

The matter between the two of them is too complicated and it is a long story.

The handsome guys are all mine: [Anyway, you are still in the circle now, if you see her dare to spread rumors outside, tear her mouth to me, thank you. Smile jpg.]

She is pregnant now, so she can't go outside.

Collective: [Received. 】


Criminal Investigation Detachment.

"Boss, what's your order tonight?" Zhou Liang came out and saw Tang Si with a thermos in his hand. He couldn't help but ridicule: "What's the matter with you? Will I call you Tang from now on? uncle?"

Tang Si said lightly, and went straight to the meeting room: "You can call me Uncle Tang."

He has never cared about calling such things.

"But you have to make sure that no one will scold you in the future." Tang Si twitched at the corner of his lips: "Otherwise, the uncle will give you a **** tour overnight, and it will be unimpeded."

Zhou Liang: "..."

Suddenly I felt tight.

He silently shut up.

Conference room.

Tang Si held a relatively brief meeting.

"Leave this to Xia Chuan." Tang Si: "My body is not very convenient to go. If you go, you can report to us at any time on the road."

Ningxiachuan: "If we follow Fu Jingsheng, we have to have a plan, because this person's intelligence is too strong, and we will be discovered by him if we are not careful."

Tang Si had planned for this a long time ago: "It doesn't matter, just follow him, and leave the work of hiding your signal to me."

"Where did you know the news? How did you know that he would return to the T organization?"

Tang Si lowered his eyes, "Don't worry about it."

He spoke lightly: "T organization is developing a very terrible biochemical poison. The last time I dropped the biochemical pool, I almost died in it. I also have a general understanding of it. This organization is necessary. What we want to get rid of, this time we must win it."

He showed a rough ppt.

"Information from the Intelligence Bureau, Shen Chengyu is the boss of the T organization." Tang Si analyzed: "Yi Rongcheng Rongqi has boldly appeared in our public view many times. Now Rong Qi is wanted, so he shouldn't use it. This face appeared in public view."

"But Shen Chengyu has been hiding quite deep all the time." Tang Si propped his hands on the table: "Our police don't have a picture of him. We don't know what he looks like, but you can judge Rong Qi's height and body shape."

"Here we need to pay attention to this. This person is a very cunning person. The strength behind him should not be underestimated. Many policemen are folded in his hands. We can indeed judge by height and body shape, but we should not be limited to it. Therefore, because he may hide his size and height."

"Wear height-enhancing shoes to make yourself thin or fat. I believe that he himself can handle this aspect very well, otherwise he will not be out of sight of our police tracking many times."

"As well as this place of T organization, we have to make sure that this time with Fu Jingsheng is the headquarters. If it is not the headquarters, we have to get more information from that place." Tang Si: "Otherwise the headquarters will not get rid of this one. Organization, it will always be swagger."

"You must bring all your equipment on the way. If you have any questions, please contact us in time." Tang Si pursed his lips and looked at Ningxia Chuan: "If you are in danger of life, you can evacuate and come back."

He didn't want to see someone sacrifice.

Ningxiachuan: "I know."

Tang Si nodded: "Okay, the above is the general content of the meeting. All departments start to deploy and prepare to start actions."

10 minutes before this action.

Tang Si thought about it and found Ningxiachuan to talk.

Probably means that he still went to the T organization with Fu Jingsheng.

Ningxia Chuan twisted his eyebrows and refused: "No, this time I'll go for the task. According to your current physical condition, you can't even beat me now. If you go, you may have gone and never returned."

"You need to be responsible for your own body, and you need to be responsible for your own life."

"According to the current situation, why is it that I am going to have more insurance than you? Don't think that you are more vulnerable than me, so you have to go and you want to give me some trust?" Ning Xiachuan knows Tang Si very well.

"I know that you are eager to solve this organization. The industrial chain behind this organization is quite huge. We need to work together with our superiors."

"This time we are just getting the bottom line."

Ningxiachuan: "If you are lucky, it is our own strength to wipe out all the heads of this organization and return."

"I also know what this organization means to you and Song Yi."

"Her identity has a major relationship with this organization. I think only the boss knows it." Ning Xiachuan: "All these things will be decrypted slowly, and we can't solve them at once even if we are in a hurry. "

"I can also particularly understand your current mood, because the T organization wants to live Song Yi. As long as the T organization does not eradicate it, the danger of Song Yi will not be eliminated."

"However, we are finally going to solve this problem step by step."

Tang Si's eyebrows were very heavy. Hearing what he said, the pressure on his body was very depressed.

"What the **** is going on with you? You weren't like this before."

"Xia Chuan." Tang Si's voice was a little dumb: "I don't have time. I'm not sure how long I can live, and I'm not sure how long my physical condition can last."

"I may be able to live, or I may leave the world. But before I leave, I must watch this organization disappear."

Ningxia Chuan dumbly said: "What?!"

Tang Si gave a general account of his physical condition.

Then he said: "But what you said is quite right. If you go, it is indeed safer than me. After all, I am not as capable as before."

"Okay, you go." Tang Si suppressed his voice: "I will **** you behind."

"Be careful about safety."

This time, it may be a very long period.

After all, it is to explore the T organization.


The Criminal Investigation Detachment’s action this time was reported to the superiors, and the superiors also sent personnel to join the action.

And Tang Si concealed traces of Ningxiachuan behind him.

At about one o'clock in the evening, Song Yi called.

"what happened?"

Song Yi asked, "Are you really not coming back tonight?"

"Well, there is something busy here, so there is no way to get out for now."

Song Yi asked again: "Can you come back tomorrow?"

Tang Si felt something was wrong with her: "What's the matter?"

Song Yi said, "Did you not say you want to go home together for dinner last time? I didn't go there. I think if you are free tomorrow, we will go home for a meal together? My parents are still worried about your current health. , They also saw the news."

"And I didn't tell them about my pregnancy now. If I told them, they would definitely come and take care of me. I think the two-person world of the two of us has become less." Song Yi Analyzing the current situation: "Also, I think Rong Qi is a member of the T organization."

"Do you want to investigate in this direction?"

Tang Si's voice slowly: "Well, good."

"I will be back tomorrow, and the meal will be scheduled in the evening." Tang Si said, "But if there are special circumstances at night, maybe..."

"It's okay. I will arrange the position first." Song Yi said: "Then you can do it first. I will arrange these and I will be ready to sleep."

"Yeah." Tang Si said, "Go to bed early. Staying up like this is bad for your health. It's been over one o'clock, and you're still on the phone."


Tang Si sighed inwardly. She was like a little girl like this.

He lowered his eyebrows slightly, and squeezed the phone tightly in his hand. If he was really gone in the future, how could she let him relax.

I was going to hang up.

Song Yi suddenly shouted: "Husband?"

The voice was sweet, soft and enchanting, and it came through the earpiece, and the tingling sensation instantly spread all over him.

His eyes deepened.

The Adam's apple slid slightly: "Yeah."

This nasal sound is short, but inexplicably sultry.

Song Yi pursed her lips, and her heart throbbed and became tight, but her tone was still sweet: "You don't call me my wife, you are wronged."

Tang Si was amused by her, and a low laughter came through the earpiece: "What tricks do you want to play?"

She bulged her cheeks slightly and said, "How can we do any tricks? Should we adapt to the married life in advance? If you have children, you won't be called someone. People are really wronged."

Song Yi just wanted to share with that Lan Lingling up and down, although she knew that Tang Si belonged to her in her heart.

but…! Their pregnant women are so boring, so low-level fun.

However, Tang Si didn't know Song Yi's thoughts at all, thinking that this little woman wanted to act like a baby with herself.

The smile on his lips has never been gone.

"Okay, go to bed early, wife."

"Oh, good night husband, mua~"

Tang Si: "Mua, go to sleep. Come back tomorrow to accompany you."

After Song Yi hung up the phone, he cut out this recording, and happily rolled around on the bed holding the phone.

excitement! Excited!

She felt that an upright police officer was broken by her.

However, if a man is not bad, and a woman doesn't love, she loves what Tang wants.

On Weibo, Song Yi found the Weibo that was top searched.

The marketing account said that the daughter of the Lan family is going to go on a blind date with Tang Si, and Ms. Tang, Tang Ningrou, who is also Tang Si’s mother, forwarded and said: [This daughter-in-law, I look good. 】

Song Yi snorted in his heart.

Like and comment on this Weibo: [Who are you? Who is your son? It is illegal to spread rumors these days. 】

At the bottom, I immediately followed a lot of fan comments.

[I saw my Yi sister! 】

[My sister will never be absent! 】

[I feel that Sister Yi is going to do something. I just saw this news. I already expected it. Isn't Officer Tang our boyfriend of Sister Yi? I thought the two of them broke up, which made me a little bit afraid to speak up. 】

Immediately, Song Yi posted the recording on Weibo himself.

The audio content is as follows-

"Okay, go to bed early, wife."

"Oh, good night husband, mua~"

"Mua, go to sleep. Come back tomorrow to accompany you."

And her essay is: [Woo, my husband’s voice is so nice and sexy, I passed away in place! 】

After sending it out, Song Yi lay down happily and commented.

[I thought that the daughter of the Lan family was dignified and elegant. I didn't expect to be able to do this kind of thing. If they have a wife, they would go to hook up with them, and they said that they would have a blind date. 】

[I have also read some recent financial news. The Wen family is defeated, and Wen Hexiang is a fool. Officer Tang is still quite pitiful, but what does this Lan family daughter do? Is it hot? 】

[However, from the attitude of Officer Tang, that incident seems to have no effect on him at all, so let's be beautiful alone. 】

[Woo, this sound is really nice, I am going to die in the crematorium. 】

[Sister I want to go through my soul! Officer Tang is so flirtatious, why come back tomorrow to accompany you, ahhhh, this **** so flirtatious]


Immediately, the little sisters in the WeChat group all came out.

[Awesome sister, this slap is really fucking. 】

[Ibid. 】

【plus one. 】


Zhou Liang has just fixed the positioning of Ningxiachuan.

I checked this Weibo in my spare time, listened to the audio with headphones on, and then looked at Tang Si next to him with a very strange look.

Seriously, he is getting goose bumps all over his body now, he has never seen their boss be so gentle!

And that tone is really as **** and sultry as Song Yi said, he is almost a **** man.

That lazy tune, talking, lingering, with a breath, it's really too high.

The female fans below all commented. The material for dreaming tonight is available again.

Zhou Liang now suspects that Tang Si might have been possessed by some monsters. With such a gentle and sultry tone, could it be something he, a great demon, could say?

To be fair, he has never been a man in the criminal investigation detachment.

He has been spurred and beaten by him all the time, he is not worthy of the gentle Captain Tang!

However, their boss does so much from time to time, and it is not surprising that he can say those things.

After all, he was a man who can do things like punching in red underwear.


The humiliation of his red **** will never be forgotten in this life!

At this time, Tang Si noticed Zhou Liang's eyes: "What kind of eyes?"

"Do you really want to go gay?"

"No, no." Zhou Liang waved his hand: "I don't want to. But boss, do you have an unspeakable relationship with Gau? Why are you always keen to send me in?"

Tang Si Leng: "I think your eyes are quite wrong. I look at my **** madness all day long."


"Boss, although you treat me like this, I still have to tell you that you are on the Internet."

Zhou Liang trembled and handed the phone over.

After Tang Si listened to the recording, his face...


It turned out that it wasn't the flirting with him, but the recording and cheating others.

Ever since-

When Song Yi read the comments, he received a text message.

Brother: [Asleep? 】

Like to be a fairy in his heart, please collect it: ( Being a fairy in his heart, the literature update is the fastest.

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