"Ryousuke, what does this mean?"

Shikamaru asked with a frown as he found Kunai.

He had a bad feeling.

"You guys go back to the village first. I have some personal matters to deal with and will go back soon."

Ryosuke Yagami smiled and said

"Ryousuke, is this troublesome? Ino asked worriedly.

Ryosuke Yagami touched her head and said softly:"Don't worry, they are just a bunch of ants who don't know their own capabilities. I will go back after I finish dealing with them. I'll be back soon.""

Hearing this, Ino was full of confidence in Yagami Ryosuke~ Ino also nodded.

"Well, then come back quickly."

Ino said.

Ryousuke Yagami nodded, and then looked at Shikamaru aside.

"Shikamaru, when you return to the village, you will hand over the tasks and then go to the Hokage's office. I forgot to tell you before that you have been approved for promotion to Chuunin. I will treat everyone to a meal later in the evening. After you go back, contact everyone else to celebrate."

"Chuunin, this is really troublesome. Shikamaru said helplessly with a pair of dead fish eyes.

As a genin, you basically only need to obey the orders of the leading jonin and then perform various team tasks.

But it becomes more troublesome after being promoted to chunin.

For example, there are When the Jonin leading the team has trouble, he will let the Chuunin in the team be responsible for leading the team to perform tasks. For a lazy person like Shikamaru, he certainly doesn't want to increase the workload for himself.

There is no way; this is decided by the upper management of Konoha, even if It's useless for him to refuse.

Besides, if he really wants to refuse, his father will probably give him a good meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots.

"Okay, I'll contact them when I get back."

Shikamaru nodded. Of course he knew who the other people Yagami Ryosuke was talking about.

They were just those classmates who graduated from the same class. Of course, not all of them, but Naruto Shino and the others, as well as Xiao Li from the previous class. They.

These are people they are familiar with in their genin circle.

They also had some exchanges during the chunin exams before.

"Okay, go ahead."

After Yagami Ryousuke finished speaking, he directly activated the Flying Thunder God mark in the kunai in the hands of the three of them.

With a burst of space distortion, the three figures disappeared in an instant.

"Now I can have fun with those guys."

After sending Ino and the others away, Yagami Ryousuke also raised his head and looked at the forest in the distance.

In fact, he had already discovered this group of ninjas before entering the Iron Country.

After all, thousands of ninjas gathered. It was difficult not to attract his attention to such an abnormal situation in a small area.

Then he found that the place where these guys gathered was near the target location of their escort mission, and he guessed that someone in the village should have leaked the information. He learned the information about their mission.

Then he notified the ninjas from other villages.

As for the purpose?

Yagami Ryosuke knew it with his butt, and it must be for him!

"There are really some people who are not afraid of death, or rather...Don't they believe I'm that strong?"

Ryousuke Yagami thought to himself.

If these ninjas from other villages believed in the strength he showed that night when he fought with Menma Uchiha, played by his wooden clone, then they would definitely not dare to intercept him.

After all, they didn't do it in the first place. People dare to intercept and kill Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, right?

As for Kakuzu?


That's because the people in Taki Ninja Village have a broken brain.

But in the end, weren't they"healed" by Kakuzu?

And the group of people right now include Sunagakure, Iwagakure, and Kumogakure. It is impossible to think that all the Kages of the three ninja villages have lost their minds at the same time.

Then there is only one possibility left.

That is them I simply don’t believe the description of Ryosuke Yagami’s strength in the intelligence.

It’s precisely because I don’t believe it that I arranged this interception in an attempt to kill Ryosuke Yagami, a Konoha ninja who has awakened the Wood Release.

"It's really naive, but people always have to pay some price for their naivety."

Ryosuke Yagami's eyes flashed with a joking look.

He obviously didn't pay attention to the interception and killing of these three ninja villages.

After all, his destructive power is currently at the mid-sixth level, let alone the thousands of elite ninja troops..

Even if it is a ninja coalition of the size of the Fourth Ninja War, he can kill you seven in and seven out by himself, and still be unscathed!

It's so awesome!

"Get ready, the target is coming towards us!"

"Everyone in the barrier class is ready, and the barrier will be set up as soon as the target enters the designated location!"

In the mountain forest, the ambush ninja coalition was ready for battle.

As Yagami Ryosuke slowly stepped into their predetermined ambush location.

In an instant!

Hundreds of ninjas from the barrier class took action together and laid out a four-dimensional ambush. It is square, covering a large barrier with a side length of almost one kilometer!

"The target is trapped!"

When the monitor of the barrier class saw Yagami Ryosuke trapped in the barrier, he also shouted excitedly

"Very good, this time Ryousuke Yagami can't escape even if he has wings!"

In the Ninja Alliance team, Huang Tu laughed, and his honest-looking face revealed a murderous secret.

"Next, according to the plan, he will first consume his chakra and let the puppet troops and clone troops go up to harass him."

Grandma Chiyo was leaning on a cane and looked like she might collapse at any time. However, despite her age, her strength is enough to rank among the top three among this group of ninja coalition.

The reason why I say this is because Kumogakure directly sent two jinchūriki.

Otherwise, the strength of Chiyo's mother-in-law is definitely ranked first among the ninja coalition present!

For the puppet master, being older actually has an impact. It's not that big.

After all, their battle is mainly about controlling puppets.

And there is no such thing as old age for puppets.

Inside the barrier.

Ryosuke Yagami stopped after the barrier rose.

He put his hands in his pockets and raised his head Watching this barrier

"It's interesting. It seems to be a barrier that blocks time and space ninjutsu. This is specifically to restrict my Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Are you afraid that I will escape?"

Ryousuke Yagami raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

At this moment!

The barriers behind him and on the left and right sides suddenly swayed like layers of ripples on the water, and then puppets and numerous earth The clones, water clones, etc. all ran in.

They were densely packed, several times more than the number of coalition ninjas ambushing outside!

"This is...Want to fight a war of attrition?"

Ryousuke Yagami blinked, seeing through the opponent's plan, he couldn't help but have the urge to laugh.

Fighting a war of attrition with him?

Even if all the ninjas in the world join together, they can't defeat him!

This group of people......

He is really ignorant!

However, although these ninja coalition forces are very ignorant, the tactics they arranged are really effective in dealing with ordinary super shadows.

After all, ordinary Chaokage does not have as much chakra as Ryosuke Yagami, nor his terrifying recovery ability.

A normal super shadow has chakra that is twenty to thirty times the shadow level.

The recovery speed is also similar to that of ordinary ninjas.

In high-intensity battles, it is basically difficult to replenish the chakra consumed.

Therefore, if we fight a war of attrition, we will only become weaker and weaker.

In the end, you may be consumed to death!

The Sandaime Raikage back then had actually touched the threshold of the Super Shadow level.

But wasn’t he also consumed by life and death? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This time, the coalition forces of these three ninja villages obviously also had this idea, and planned to consume Ryosuke Yagami to death. pity!

Ryousuke Yagami is not the Sandaime Raikage.

Want to consume him to death?

It's a hundred years too early for them!

"here we go!"

Outside the barrier;

Granny Chiyo and others were standing in an open space, with a large number of ninja coalition troops behind them.

All of them were paying attention to the fighting situation inside the barrier.

As a large number of puppets and clone troops rushed up, Yagami Ryosuke, who was trapped in the encirclement, also clapped his hands and shouted:"Fire Escape. The great fire is extinguished!"

High Fire Extinguishment is a B-level fire escape ninjutsu. The caster releases a large area of ​​high-temperature flames to burn the enemies within a fan-shaped range in front of them, causing fire damage to them.

However, the normal range of High Fire Extinguishing is also the range covered by the caster. At a distance of twenty or thirty meters in front of him, whether it was the temperature of the flame or the impact force, it was no different from ordinary flames.

However, when this ninjutsu was released in the hands of Ryosuke Yagami, it was so powerful that it caused the ninja alliance outside the barrier to Everyone was shocked.

As the overwhelming sea of ​​​​fire surged in, the entire space inside the barrier was suddenly flooded with flames.


"Is this a huge fire?"

"Do you really think I haven't seen the great fire extinguished? This is not a fire extinguishing at all!!"

"this...Can the puppet troops and clone troops block it?"

Grandma Chiyo and others outside the barrier obviously didn't expect this to happen.

Ryosuke Yagami just used a ninjutsu, or was it a B-level ninjutsu, and actually directly destroyed their carefully prepared puppet troops and clone troops?

Originally ? They also hoped that this wave would consume part of Ryosuke Yagami's chakra.

But now......

It is consumed, but how much chakra does a ninjutsu have?

"Maybe this is not Hao Huo Que, but a forbidden fire escape technique that is very similar to Hao Huo Que, but is much more powerful and expensive?"

Huangtu guessed,"Isn't Konoha's second-generation Hokage very good at developing various forbidden techniques? This might be a forbidden technique developed by Senju Tobirama Sogen."

"Maybe Ryosuke Yagami has consumed a lot of chakra by now!"

Hearing this,

Granny Chiyo and others thought about it and thought it was possible.

After all, how could a serious fire extermination have such power?

This is obviously not a serious fire extermination.

That's right!

It must be that a certain forbidden fire escape technique didn't escape!

"Now what?"

Behind Granny Chiyo, Ma Ji, who came with the Sunagakure troops, also asked at this time

"Yo~! Ryosuke Yagami, you are amazing, let me, Kirabi, go in and destroy you, brother Si!"


Several pairs of eyes looked at Kirabi who was rapping again over there, and then they shook their heads and continued to discuss how to proceed with the plan.

As for letting Kirabi in? forget it!

Now that Ryosuke Yagami's strength is still at its peak, they don't dare to bet that Kirabi can beat Ryosuke Yagami.

If he fails to defeat him, wouldn't it mean that he will lose his peak combat power?

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Kirabi suddenly became unhappy.

Just when he was about to sing a few more lines, the two Yumu people next to him pulled him.

"Kirabi, have you forgotten what Raikage-sama told you before he went out? You just need to watch and listen to the arrangements."

The two Yumu people said to Kirabi.

Kirabi curled his lips. Naturally, Kirabi, who had never been very obedient to his elder brother's instructions, didn't take it to heart.

But now he was being stared at by the two Yumu people. So, he could only give up his plan to continue singing a few lines for the time being. Anyway, there will be a chance later. When Uncle Kirabi appears in person, he must show his skills to these guys who don't understand music! Also!

On one side; after the flames within the barrier dissipated, traces of charred blackness were revealed all over the ground.

As for those puppets and clones?

Of course they were burned to ashes!

The puppets were either made of wood or metal, but even metal couldn't withstand the night Kami Ryousuke's fire attack.

He was immediately burned into molten iron!

Not to mention the clones, they were all destroyed in one direct encounter.

They didn't even have time to use ninjutsu to resist.

"Hello~! Are there any other moves? Don't keep me waiting too long."

Ryosuke Yagami stood in the middle of the barrier and shouted loudly to the people outside.

Granny Chiyo and others who had just finished the discussion also looked at Yagami with dark faces while being trapped in the barrier, but still so arrogant. Ryosuke.

But they do have the arrogance.

The fire escape just now was enough to amaze them!

"Continuing with the original plan, the illusion team and the water escape team will join together!"

Grandma Chiyo ordered.

Following her order, two teams of twenty or thirty people also marched towards the barrier.

The moment they entered the barrier, the ninja coalition forces who had learned well immediately formed seals Release Ninjutsu

"Water escape. Great waterfall technique!"

"Water escape. Exploding water and rushing waves!"

Various water escapes release massive amounts of water and rush toward Ryosuke Yagami.

"Water escape?"

Ryosuke Yagami sneered.

"Isn't it? That's it? Don’t you think I only know how to use fire escape ninjutsu?"

Ryosuke Yagami said, but he saw that the ninjas who had released the water escape actually ran away!

Yes; they directly exited the barrier.


No, there are still some who escaped?

And they still hit and run?

Too Are you a rogue?!

PS: Here comes the third update!! Pills!.

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