A clearing.

Ci Xian brought Sasuke over to show him the power of contract

"With the power of contract, unblock it!"

Ci Xian stood on the field, and tattoos instantly appeared on his body covering half of his body.

As the tattoos appeared, 50% of the power of contract in his body was unlocked!

This is certainly not Ci Xian's limit..

But now he is just showing Sasuke the effect of the power of the contract. He is not going to fight with anyone.

So there is no need to unlock the limit of his body.

In that case, this body will be further worn out. Reducing its service life.

Of course!

Otsutsuki Ishiki has now found a new container.

That is Uchiha Sasuke in front of him.

So even if the service life of Ji Xian's container is reduced, he actually doesn't care very much.

"Sasuke, this is the power of Qi!"

"The contract can strengthen the user's strength in all aspects, whether it is chakra, physique, various ninjutsu, blood inheritance, etc., it can be strengthened in all aspects!"

"Now I have only unlocked 50% of the power of the contract, and I have already gained 500% strength improvement. If you can use the power of the contract skillfully, it will be easy to avenge your people!"

Ci Xian showed the power of Qi to Sasuke, and Sasuke's eyes lit up when he heard Ci Xian's introduction!

The power to strengthen strength in all directions?

This...This is great!!

Sasuke had previously wondered whether the people in the shell organization were deliberately bragging about this so-called power of contract.

But now, after truly seeing this power.

Sasuke was sure.

These people are not exaggerating!

The power of this contract is really very strong!!

After Ci Xian showed it for a while, he put away the power of the contract inside his body.

"How about it? Do you want to join our shell organization? Ci

Xian asked with a smile.


How could Sasuke not agree?

Sasuke must be stupid to not let go of such an opportunity to increase his upper limit of strength.

As for saying...

Does this shell organization have any evil intentions?

To be honest;

Sasuke couldn't care less.

On the one hand, he has confidence in his own strength. As long as he obtains this power of bond, his strength will increase several times by then. What else does he have to worry about?

On the other hand,

Sasuke is also eager for revenge and can no longer care about so much.

Rather than being timid.

Sasuke is more willing to fight!

Give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle!

If you don’t try hard, how do you know you can do it?

"Yes, I am willing to join the Shell organization!"

Sasuke said.

After hearing this, Ci Xian in front of him also smiled.

Very good, he knew that Uchiha Sasuke, who was eager for revenge, would not refuse his invitation!

After all; for a person who is eager for revenge, what else is better than Is it more tempting to achieve a sudden increase in strength in a short period of time?

"Welcome to join, Sasuke! Ci

Xian said with a smile:"I will prepare it for you now. You can inherit the power of the contract tomorrow. However, this process will take some time, so don't worry.""

"how long? Sasuke asked.

If it takes too long, it would be a bit disappointing to him.

"Don't worry, it won't take long, ten days and a month at most. Ci

Xian said.

Of course!

Ten days and a half is just a mark of the power of the inheritance contract in Sasuke's body. If you want to truly exert the power of the inheritance contract, you will need a longer period of adaptation and practice!

After all, ;

Otsutsuki's improved power of bond, although the physical requirements have become extremely small, it has also become an ability that requires adaptation and even practice.

Unlike the original power of bond, as long as Once the body is strong enough, you can use it at will!

Even because of this, the power of Qi cannot be maintained for a long time.

Because the longer it is maintained, the greater the pressure on the body. If the body is not strong enough, it will directly crush the entire body.!

After joining the Shell organization;

Sasuke also said goodbye to Ci Xian and wandered around the manor of the Shell organization by himself.

He didn’t want to take the opportunity to get to know a few internal members of the Shell organization.

Just like he did in Xiao before As I did during the organization, I never took the initiative to get to know the members of the Akatsuki organization. Basically, I spent most of my time practicing. The main reason why I want to visit the manor of the Shell organization now is Sasuke is somewhat curious about this shell organization.

He has never heard of the existence of such an organization.

Moreover, the base of the shell organization is also located overseas far away from the ninja continent.

This makes people feel a bit conspiracy-like.

Although Sasuke doesn't care much about the dreams and ambitions of the Shell organization, now that he has joined this organization, it is better to figure out some things in advance!

Moreover, he is now far overseas, and if he wants to escape, it will probably take a lot of time. Just think about it.

Now take a look at the surrounding environment.

Even if this shell organization really has evil intentions against him, Sasuke will be mentally prepared in advance. As he walked around, Sasuke discovered that the members of this shell organization are really There are very few.

In the huge manor, the only ones you can see are the expressionless servants who look like robots. There are not many real living people at all!

"It seems that this shell organization does not have many internal members."

Sasuke thought.

At this moment!

Sasuke saw a person standing on a wall not far away.

The servants in the manor obviously would not stand in such an unconventional way on the wall.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens to this person , should be an internal member of the shell organization


Otsutsuki Toneri was looking at the distance, and at this time he also sensed a peeping gaze.

So he turned his head and looked over, and saw Sasuke standing over there at a glance.

After all,

Otsutsuki Toneri had some time to join the shell organization. Time.

But he had never seen Sasuke here.

Apparently....This should be a new addition! brush!

Otsutsuki Toneri's figure instantly fell in front of Sasuke.

The speed was so fast that Sasuke couldn't help but stare.

"Are you new?"

Otsutsuki Toneri asked indifferently.

Sasuke nodded.

Seeing that the person in front of him didn't seem to be easy to get along with, he was about to turn around and leave. But at this time, Otsutsuki Toneri stopped him.

"Some time ago, I heard that the leader has been looking for a guy named Uchiha Sasuke. Are you Uchiha Sasuke?"

Otsutsuki Toneri looked at Sasuke up and down in front of him, with a touch of hostility in his eyes.

"Yes, I am."

Sasuke said calmly.

"It doesn't look like much either."Otsutsuki Toneri sneered and said,"Maybe the leader has found the wrong person. You are not the person he wants to find at all."

"Are you jealous of me?"

Sasuke suddenly understood something.

He had learned before that even within the Shell Organization, no one could inherit the power of the Contract!

But the power of the Contract should be very clear to these people in the Shell Organization.

Therefore, each of these old members of the shell organization wanted to obtain the power of the contract, but because of their unsuitable physique, they were excluded by the leader Ci Xian.

Then, when they saw that they had just joined, they were determined to obtain it by the leader Ci Xian. A newcomer who inherits the power of contract will definitely feel very unhappy.

After all, a newcomer can easily get something that he cannot get.

But any normal person will be somewhat envious and jealous in his heart.

As for Dilu before Tatsu and that Guoxin layman?

Sasuke doesn't know about the latter.

But as for Diluda, he is a clone. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Maybe he doesn't have this emotion at all? Or is it



Too loyal, so there is no jealousy?

In any case, that Diluda did not show any jealous emotions.

This is actually quite abnormal in Sasuke's opinion, but considering that the other party is a clone People can understand it.

And the guy with short white hair in front of me should not be a clone.

So it is reasonable to be jealous of his own treatment!

"I? envy of you?"

Otsutsuki Toneri couldn't help but sneer and said:"Are you kidding me? Will the descendants of my majestic Otsutsuki clan be jealous of you?"


Is it the Otsutsuki that the leader mentioned before?

"Your last name is not Hinata?"

Sasuke asked in confusion.

When he saw Otsutsuki Toneri's white eyes just now, he thought that the other party was a member of the Hyuga clan.

Of course!

The other party should not be a member of the Konoha Hyuga clan, but something like his teacher. , members of the Hyuga clan who are living outside.

0 Request for flowers.

Unexpectedly, the other party said that his surname was Otsutsuki?

Did he change his surname?

Or was his surname really Otsutsuki?

Sasuke thought to himself

"Hinata? Are you kidding me?!"

Otsutsuki Sheren looked angry.expression.

What he hates most is people saying why his surname is not Hinata, or simply saying that he is from the Hyuga clan.

Since he came to the ninja world according to the instructions of the adults and came to look for traces of the shell organization, during this period of time, Otsutsuki Toneri also met many guys in the ninja world who thought he was the Hyuga clan.

Without exception; these guys were all killed by the angry Toneri Otsutsuki!

The Uchiha Sasuke in front of him obviously touched Otsutsuki Toneri's sensitive nerves.

"Being able to be chosen by the leader to inherit the power of the contract means that your strength must be pretty good, right?"Otsutsuki Toneri looked at Sasuke in front of him with a cold face and said,"How is it? Do you dare to compete with me?"

"Compare with you? Sasuke smiled coldly and said,"Just in time, I also want to see the strength of the old members of the organization. Don't let me down too much!""

"Hum~! Just don't cry later."

Otsutsuki Toneri said coldly.

After a while, the two came to a flat land on the island some distance away from the manor.

"Right here."

Otsutsuki Toneri stopped and said.

Sasuke is incompetent.

He is very confident in his own strength. He doesn't believe that he can't defeat an old member of the shell organization.

If he can't defeat even an old member of the shell organization, then what will happen to this shell organization? The gold content is too high!

You know; in the previous Akatsuki organization, with Sasuke's current strength, it can be said that he is not afraid of anyone except his teacher!

Even the leader Payne with the Samsara Eye, Sasuke is He didn’t think the other party would be his opponent!

After all, those Rinnegan Eyes were not his.

It would definitely not be satisfactory to use.

He would not be able to exert his true power.

And Sasuke, who possesses the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, can directly activate the full Susanoo Almost, it can be said that the god is killing the god and the Buddha is killing the Buddha! It's just a pair of reincarnation eyes that can't be fully used.

Will he be afraid?

Somewhere on the island.

Sasuke and Otsutsuki Toneri are facing each other, and their figures disappear almost at the same time. On the spot, the weeds on the ground were suddenly crushed to pieces, and countless grass clippings were scattered in all directions. Two afterimages were constantly colliding on the flat ground.

Sasuke and Otsutsuki Toneri first competed in Taijutsu and felt their strength. Quite, no one can do anything about anyone.


Otsutsuki Toneri shouted loudly, and green chakra burst out from his body, directly turning on the reincarnation chakra mode!

"Yinlun's life explodes!"

Otsutsuki Toneri shouted, and instantly a terrifying whirlwind hit Uchiha Sasuke in front of him.



The huge purple Susanoo rises from the ground.

The collision of the power of God and the power of God, the force of the explosion of the Silver Wheel directly blasted away the newly formed Susanoo, but it did not hurt Susanoo. Sasuke inside

"That's it?"

Sasuke sneered, and instantly increased the output of his pupil power. In an instant

, the already huge Susan's size skyrocketed again, and did not stop until he was five or six hundred meters in size.


The wings behind the purple Susan shook. , the huge body flew directly up


Sasuke shouted loudly.

Black flames burned instantly in Susanoo's hand.

A purple long bow appeared in his other hand.

The black Amaterasu flames turned into an arrow under the control of Kaguto Ming. The arrow was put on the long bow by Sasuke


Sasuke shouted, and the arrows turned into black Amaterasu flames shot out instantly.

And the Otsutsuki Toneri opposite was not afraid at all.

"Seek Dao Jade!"

In an instant; the nine seeking jade behind Otsutsuki Toneri flew directly in front of him, forming a green shield, blocking Sasuke's Amaterasu's Lost.


The black Amaterasu's Lost struck instantly. On the shield formed by the Taoist Jade.

A terrifying shock wave swept across; the surrounding ground was torn apart instantly!

PS: The third update is here!! Thank you!.

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