White Fang Knife Technique!

The Kakashi of this world is much stronger than the Kakashi of the same age in Ryosuke Yagami's world.

With the guidance of his father who is Hokage.

The 12-year-old Kakashi is stronger than the average formal jounin.

The White Fang Sword Technique is already well used.

When it was used at this moment, a rock ninja was immediately killed with one blow.

But the Iwa ninja killed by Kakashi was just a special jounin.

Of the other four Iwa ninjas still alive, three are officially jonin, and the remaining one is just a chuunin, and is the weakest.

At this time, he was entangled with Obito and Nohara Lin.

It looks like it should be resolved soon.

But - there's no time!

Kakashi glanced at a figure that appeared on the right and quickly dodged away.

"No, we can't continue the fight. If we continue the fight, the three of us will die here!"

Kakashi analyzed in his mind, while quickly using his sword to temporarily force the three Iwagakure back, then he ducked over and killed the Iwagakure chuunin with a sword.

"Obito, Rin, let’s go!"

Kakashi shouted.

He took out two smoke bombs and smashed them on the ground instantly.


A large amount of smoke filled the air, blocking the opponent's sight and giving them a chance to escape.

At the same time, Kakashi was also in the original A shadow clone was left on the ground.

No matter what, the three Iwagakure jounin on the other side were dragged for a while.

"Obito, hurry up and ask Minato-sensei for help!"

Kakashi ran and shouted to Obito beside him.

"Ah~! oh!!"

Obito just remembered at this time, and quickly took out a special kunai and poured chakra into it.

"Um? Has it started yet?"

When Yagami Ryousuke arrived here, he happened to see the scene where Kakashi and the three of them were being hunted. There were three jounin from Iwagakure, but only Kakashi and the others owned them. As for the strength of jounin, Obito only has the strength of chunin, let alone Nohara Rin. She is a medical ninja. If they really want to fight, she can't even beat a chuunin.

She is only as strong as a genin.

So 030 ;

Facing the three Iwa Ninjas with the strength of Jonin, Kakashi made a decisive decision and chose to escape.

At the same time, he sent a signal for help to their teacher Minato Namikaze!

"Let me see, where is Bai Jue?"

Ryosuke Yagami glanced around, and soon found a very obscure chakra fluctuation under the ground.

"found it!"

Ryosuke Yagami smiled slightly.

When he used Kagura's inner eye to perceive the entire ninja world, he did not find the location of Uchiha Madara. Apparently the cave where he was was also set up with a barrier to shield the perception technique.

But Yagami Ryosuke knew that the place where Uchiha Madara lived in seclusion was near the Kannabi Bridge.

Therefore, if his perception could be shielded nearby, then that must be Uchiha Madara's hiding place!

At this moment, Yagami Ryosuke did not He did not rescue Kakashi and the others.

Instead, he followed behind and watched them being chased by the Iwa ninja.

He even took a photo and sent it to the Hokage chat group.

【The Sixth Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"Sakumo-senpai, your son is being hunted."

【First Hokage] Uchiha Madara:"Oh~! Is this what the Sixth Generation said before, when the Uchiha Madara of that world cultivated this Uchiha Obito as his heir?"

【Sixth Generation Hokage] Yagami Ryosuke:"Yes, I have found the hiding place of Uchiha Madara in this world. I will show you what the age spots look like later."

【First Hokage] Senju Hashirama:"Old Madara? Okay, okay! I want to see it!!"

【The Second Hokage] Senju Tobirama:"......I said, brother, can you calm down a little? You act like Uchiha Madara is your biological brother!"

【First Hokage] Senju Hashirama:"Isn't it? We Senju and Uchiha are both ancestors! So there's nothing wrong with them being brothers!"

【Yondaime Hokage] Hatake Sakumo:"What's going on? What happened to Kakashi and the others?!"

【The Fourth Hokage] Namikaze Minato:"Sakumo-senpai, don't worry, with the Sixth Generation here, everything will be fine.""

【The Sixth Hokage] Yagami Ryosuke:"Don't worry, I'm watching and won't let anything happen to your son. However, your son has grown up so smoothly. It's time for him to accept a beating from society.""

【Fourth Hokage] Hatake Sakumo:"That's good! Thanks for the Sixth Generation's help!"

【The Sixth Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"You're welcome, Sakumo-senpai, I have a question for you. The Uchiha Madara in your world should be a man, right?"

【The First Hokage] Uchiha Madara:"?????"

【First Hokage] Senju Hashirama:"Madara turned into a woman?!!!"

【Second-generation Hokage] Senju Tobirama:"Brother!! Control it! Control it!!!"

【Sandaime Hokage] Sarutobi Hiruzen:"This......"

【Fourth Hokage] Hatake Sakumo:"No, Uchiha Madara is indeed a man!"

【The Sixth Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"Oh~! That's it. I was disappointed because I had a little expectation before. It's boring!"

【The First Hokage] Uchiha Madara:"What the hell?......"

In a parallel ninja world, in the Hokage's office.

A table broken into two parts was being cleaned by ANBU.

And several Anbu who were cleaning up the mess carefully peeked at Hokage-sama who was standing at the window. Just his back gave people a very scary feeling.

I don’t know who made Hokage-sama so angry?

The angry Hokage-sama is so scary!

Hokage-sama is worthy of being a shura in the ninja world, his aura is so strong! I feel like I can't breathe!

Uchiha Madara, who was standing at the window, was taking a deep breath at this time.

Try your best not to be angry

"Damn little devil! If I can't beat you......"

Uchiha Madara thought viciously. pity!

It's because he can't beat him, and because Yagami Ryousuke can still run around and hang out in the world of group members.

So much so that Uchiha Madara didn't dare to curse in the group.

What does it mean that Uchiha Madara is boring if he is not a woman?

Co-author: Do you really hope that I am a woman in the other world?

You really want to see my joke, right?! hateful!!!

The more Madara Uchiha thought about it, the angrier he became. He clenched his fists with both hands and made a crunching sound.

In the forest.

Ryosuke Yagami chatted with the Hokage from other worlds in the group for a few words and then went offline and disappeared.

After all, he still has something to do here at the moment. Although it is okay to do two things while watching the excitement of the water group, the group of Hokages in the group seem to be quite busy, and the water group is not very active. There is nothing to talk about. Ryousuke Yagami just focused on the present.

At this time, as the three Iwa Ninjas were chasing after them, Kakashi and the others who had escaped for a distance were also caught up.

There was no other way; the three of them could only fight to the death with these three Iwa ninjas.

The result was that Kakashi desperately killed an Iwa nin, but he was also seriously injured.

Fortunately, his eyes were not blinded this time, otherwise he would have had to replace his eyes with a Sharingan.

But Kakashi's side is so miserable, let alone Obito and Nohara Rin, who are even weaker.

Both of them were already lying on the ground, losing their fighting ability. (agfd) If nothing else happens, the three of them will be dead!

Of course;

Ryosuke Yagami knew that Uchiha Madara would not let Obito die here.

Not only Obito, but Kakashi and Nohara Rin can't die either.

After all, these two people were the tools he planned to use to stimulate Obito's awakening of the Kaleidoscope. How could he let them die here?

"It's definitely time to take action."

Ryosuke Yagami looked to the other side.

Zetsu, who had been hiding underground, also took action at this time.

However, Zetsu did not directly help Kakashi and the others.

After all, that would expose himself!

So; he He planned to use another method to create an accident to help Kakashi and the others kill the remaining two rock ninjas, while at the same time making Obito seriously injured and fake death!


Ryosuke Yagami said with a slight smile.

The next second - boom!

The cliff not far away suddenly shook, and huge rocks rolled down the mountain.

I was just about to finish off the three Kakashis. The two rock ninjas were also frightened.

Seeing the formation that looked like a mountain collapsing and the earth cracking, the two immediately used earth escape to defend themselves.

What a pity!

Jue had already planned everything, how could they escape?

So; after a landslide and the ground cracked, the two unlucky Iwa ninjas were directly hit by the boulder. Not only were their blood boiling, but they spurted out several mouthfuls of blood.

Kakashi, who seized this opportunity, gritted his teeth and used it again. After a thousand years, the two rock ninjas were directly penetrated!

Double kill with one blow!!

Before Kakashi and Nohara Rin could be happy, a rock weighing more than ten tons rolled down towards Obito. come down

"Obito!!!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kakashi shouted with a piercing voice.

Nohara Lin also screamed in fright.

At this moment!


A figure suddenly appeared on the huge rock. In front of him, he punched out with a casual punch, and the huge rock weighing more than ten tons instantly turned into fine powder flying all over the sky.

"Yo~! You are really in a sorry state."

Ryosuke Yagami said with a smile on his lips, looking at the three of them.

Kakashi, Nohara Rin,"......"

The two looked in shock as Yagami Ryousuke suddenly appeared and saved Obito.

And Obito, who had just returned from the hell gate, still maintained the frightened expression just now, and had not recovered at all.

Until Kakashi and Nohara Rin ran over.

After shouting his name, Obito came back to his senses.

"I......I'm alive?"

He touched his body and felt the stinging pain from the many wounds on his body, and suddenly laughed stupidly.

"Hahaha~! I'm alive! I'm alive!!"

Looking at Obito who was giggling over there, Kakashi, who was still emotional just now, couldn't help but roll his eyes at this time.

Sure enough, this guy is still such an idiot!

Kakashi turned his head wordlessly and followed his gaze He looked at the stranger in front of him curiously

"Thank you for saving Obito, but are you a ninja in the village?"

Kakashi first expressed his thanks, and then asked tentatively.

"Don't be nervous, I'm your father's guest, and I just happened to see you three little guys nearby, so I just wanted to help."

Ryosuke Yagami said with a slight smile.

Father's guest?

Kakashi was stunned for a moment.

Suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched again.

Little guy?

You don't look much older than us, right?

Although Ryosuke Yagami He is tall, but with his immature face, he looks like a teenager no matter how he looks.

"Okay, your teacher is coming soon, I have something else to do, so I have to leave first!"

After Yagami Ryosuke finished speaking, he disappeared instantly.

He had just collected the blood of three people, including Obito and Kakashi, on the way, and put them all into the system's biopheromone warehouse.

Now ;

He still has to look for that age spot.

He doesn’t have time to chat with these three little brats here.

Besides ,......

What's there to talk about with a 12-year-old kid?

Seeing Ryosuke Yagami disappear in front of their eyes, Kakashi and the other three also showed surprised expressions.

"That is...Minato-sensei's Flying Thunder God Technique?"

Obito looked at Kakashi in surprise.

Kakashi shook his head.

He wasn't sure if it was the Flying Thunder God's Jutsu, but if it wasn't......

That's the scariest thing, right?

After all, how terrifying would it be if a person could be so fast that people could mistake him for a time and space ninjutsu?

Kakashi couldn't help but feel sore at the thought of how the other party had just punched a rock weighing more than ten tons into powder.

This guy...The physical skills are too scary!

A few minutes later; a yellow figure appeared here.

It was Namikaze Minato who came using the Flying Thunder God.

This time he hurried and hurried slowly, but still couldn't catch up!

However, when Namikaze Minato arrived, he also saw that Kakashi and the others were only slightly injured and were not reduced in number, and he was secretly relieved.

Fortunately nothing serious happened!

Namikaze Minato thought.

And on the other side; in a dark cave.

Ryousuke Yagami also looked at the old-looking Madara Uchiha in front of him with a smile.

"Yo~! Hello Madara."

Old Uchiha Madara,"???"

PS: The fourth update is here!!!.

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