"But is Uchiha Sarana's strength almost at the super shadow level?"

"This timeline is a bit backwards!"

"and...Zuo Lianna becomes Hokage?"

"It feels weird! Yagami

Ryosuke muttered, while adding a sentence from time to time in the group, watching everyone discussing the situation of the three newcomers.

At this moment, a message suddenly attracted Yagami Ryosuke's attention.

【Fifth Generation Hokage] Tsunade:"As for any outstanding genius, I do know one. He is also from the village. He is a commoner. He is only 16 years old and is already a shadow-level player. Moreover, he is very popular in the village. good!"

【The Fourth Hokage] Hatake Sakumo:"Is there such a person? What is his name?""

【The Fifth Hokage] Tsunade:"There is no one named Kusamura Kamemoto over there?"

【Sixth Generation Hokage] Hatake Kakashi:"I’ve never heard of it."

【The Fourth Hokage] Namikaze Minato:"If you are 16 years old, you are born in Konoha 34. If you are really that good, there is no reason why I have never heard of it."

【Third Hokage] Shimura Danzo:"Maybe he is an outstanding ninja unique to the Fifth Generation! Or maybe this Kusamura Kamemoto has not prospered in other parallel worlds"

【Sixth Hokage] Hatake Kakashi:"It is indeed possible."

【The Fifth Hokage] Tsunade:"Is this still the case? I thought it would be different if we were the only Hokages!"

【The Fourth Hokage] Hatake Sakumo:"You are wrong. The differences between different parallel worlds are very big. For example, the Uzumaki Naruto and Uzumaki Naruko mentioned before, Kakashi's world is Uzumaki Naruko, Now"One Nine Three" has another Seventh Generation, but in other worlds, Uzumaki Naruto has always been Uzumaki Naruto, and has not become a woman!"

【Seventh Hokage] Uchiha Sasuke:"Naruko is a woman! She has always been!!"

【The Fourth Hokage] Namikaze Minato:"That's true in your world, but it's different in other worlds. For example, like mine, Naruto hasn't even been born yet!"

【Fifth Generation Hokage] Tsunade:"I understand, that's it! But based on Kusamura Kamemoto's level of excellence, I think you can look for this person over there, and if he doesn't become a ninja, you can train him!"

【Sixth Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"Is this Kusamura Kamemoto so good?"

【The Fifth Hokage] Tsunade:"Well, although I have just returned to the village not long ago, I can't hear more than a dozen people mentioning this Kusamura Kamemoto. He is one of those great talents. The others are all 12 years old in the ninja school." He graduated and became a ninja. Kusamura Kamemoto dropped out of the ninja school at 14. At that time, he had not shown any ninja talent."

【Fifth Generation Hokage] Tsunade:"It wasn't until he turned 16 this year that he gradually showed his amazing ninja talent. In less than a year, he went from a ninja who was not even a genin to the one who now has a shadow. An elite ninja with super strength!"

【Nidaime Hokage] Senju Tobirama:"??? This is problematic no matter how you look at it, right?"

【Fifth Generation Hokage] Tsunade:"No, this only shows that Kusamura Kamemoto is good enough!"

【First Hokage] Senju Hashirama:"Xiao Tsuna, are you okay with your mind? Even your uncle, I can see that there is something wrong here, how come you didn't realize it at all?"

【Fifth Generation Hokage] Tsunade:"Why do you even say that, Grandpa? But there is really nothing wrong with Kusamura Kamemoto! I think he is really outstanding! He is worth training!""

【Seventh Generation Hokage] Uchiha Sasuke:"There is a problem! Not only that Kusamura Kamemoto, but this Tsunade also has a problem, she seems to have been modified by genjutsu!"

【Sixth Generation Hokage] Hatake Kakashi:"Other gods?"

【The Fifth Hokage] Tsunade:"What are you talking about? I have a problem?""

【Sixth Generation Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"I’ll find out when I go over and take a look."

【Nidaime Hokage] Senju Tobirama:"Sixth generation, please go check on Tsuna first. It's possible that she was actually possessed by some illusion.""

【The Fifth Hokage] Tsunade:"Second Grandpa! I am already beyond the shadow level. If I am hit by a genjutsu, will I not feel it?""

【First Hokage] Senju Hashirama:"Tsuna, I'll let Ryosuke take a look later and we'll find out. You were quite normal before, but when you mention that Kusamura Kamemoto, something's not right with you!"

"Is Kusamura Kamemoto?"

"Could it be a time traveler?"

Ryosuke Yagami rubbed his chin and thought.

Then he used the privileges of the chat group and spent 1,000 points to teleport to the parallel world where the Fifth Hokage Tsunade was.

Parallel world, wood.

Ryosuke Yagami's figure appeared. In the Hokage's office

"The Sixth Generation?"

Tsunade already knew that Ryosuke Yagami was coming, so she asked the ANBU around her to disperse in advance.

At this time, seeing the figure suddenly appearing with a ray of light in front of her, she also asked

"it's me."

Ryosuke Yagami nodded, and followed his gaze to scan Tsunade in front of him.

After a moment;

"How about it?"

Tsunade asked.

Ryousuke Yagami shook his head.

"You didn't fall for the illusion." he said

"Huh~! I’ll just say it! I have super-shadow level strength, and I have also awakened Immortal Human Body and Wood Release. How could I fall under the illusion spell?"

Tsunade said with a sigh of relief.

"Is that Kusamura Shang Yuanren in the village?"

Ryosuke Yagami asked.

Tsunade nodded.

"Call him over and let me take a look."

Ryousuke Yagami said.

Hearing this, Tsunade had no objections and directly called an ANBU and ordered the other party to call the jounin Kusamura Kamemoto to the Hokage's office.

On the other side;

【Nidaime Hokage] Senju Tobirama:"Ryosuke Yagami, is Tsuna-chan under a genjutsu?"

【The Sixth Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"It's not an illusion. Now I'll ask Tsunade-san to call that Kusamura Kamemoto over, and I'll take a look at this person again.""

【First Hokage] Senju Hashirama:"Isn't it a genjutsu? Is Tsuna's brain really broken?"

【Fifth Generation Hokage] Tsunade:"Grandpa!!!"

In the Hokage's office, Tsunade angrily looked at the grandpa who slandered her in the chat group.

Just when she was angrily about to slap the table and complain, she suddenly remembered that Ryosuke Yagami was there next to her, so she smiled awkwardly at him.

"It's okay, just pretend I don't exist."

Ryousuke Yagami said.


You're such a big guy standing over there, how could I pretend you don't exist? Hey~!

After a while;

Ryosuke Yagami sensed a fairly good chakra fluctuation and approached the Hokage's office.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Tsunade said.


The door opened, and a young man about 1.8 meters tall, wearing a white shirt and a green Jounin vest, walked in from the door.

"Hokage-sama, are you looking for me?"

After Kusamura Kamemoto came in, he looked at Tsunade sitting behind the desk and asked. He glanced curiously at Ryousuke Yagami beside him. He was thinking who is this person? Why haven't he seen it before? Could it be that he hasn't seen it before?

Are you here to release a mission?

Just when Kusamura Kamemoto was wondering, Yagami Ryosuke really narrowed his eyes.

"This person...has a problem!"

As soon as Yagami Ryousuke saw this Kusamura Kamemoto, he noticed something was wrong.

What's wrong, you ask?

There is a corner of a big game console hanging out of the pocket of his pants. Isn't that something wrong?

If I read that right. If so, what the heck is a switch?

Does Naruto World have such a thing?

Then it definitely doesn’t!!

"Could this handheld device be his golden finger?"

Ryousuke Yagami thought to himself

"Jonin, this is my friend. He has something to ask you."

Tsunade saw Kusamura Kamemoto coming in and said to him.

Tsunade's friend?

Yagami Ryousuke was confused by Kusamura Kamemoto.

But the next second - buzz~!

Kusamura Kamemoto felt his head was confused, Then lost consciousness

"May I have your name?"

Ryousuke Yagami asked

"Kusamura Kamemoto."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The other party replied blankly.

When Tsunade, who was sitting on the chair, saw this scene, how could she not know that Kusamura Kamemoto was under the illusion of Ryosuke Yagami?

"The Sixth Generation!"

Tsunade stood up a little excitedly

"Be patient!

Yagami Ryosuke waved his hand at her, and then continued to ask:"Where did this game console in your pocket come from?""

"A friend gave it to me."

Kasamura Kamemoto's dull reply

"What friend?"

Ryousuke Yagami asked

"My friends in the group are all time-travelers like me. My friend traveled to a world with a modern urban background, so he gave me this for my entertainment........."

Gen. Kusamurakami answered honestly.

Tsunade, who was a little excited just now, also blinked and looked at him in surprise.

"He is indeed a time traveler!"

And they have a group!"

Ryosuke Yagami thought to himself.

However, he just thought that this handheld console was this guy's golden finger!

For example, he could get rewards for completing mini-games.

Unexpectedly, this thing was really just an ordinary thing. It's just a game console. It's purely used for entertainment because people feel that the entertainment in Naruto World is a bit lacking.......

You are really not afraid of revealing your identity as a time traveler!

However, under normal circumstances, it is really not exposed just because of a game console.

After all, there are many electronic products in the ninja world, although there is no such game console.

But no one in the ninja world would suspect Kusamura Kamemoto to be a time traveler just because of this, unless another time traveler saw it and would think so.

Just like when Ryousuke Yagami first saw this game console, he immediately thought that Kusamura Kamemoto was a time traveler, and thought this thing was his golden finger.

Although the latter guessed wrong.

But the former is right!


Ryosuke Yagami didn’t expect it either.

The time traveler is not just the one in front of me, Kusamura Kamemoto. From what he means, it seems that these time travelers have a common group?

What is this group for?

Do you want to share your time travel experiences with each other?

Ryosuke Yagami thought to himself

"How many time travelers like you are there in your group?"

Ryosuke Yagami continued to ask

"A few hundred, maybe."

Kasamura Uemoto said.

So many?!

Yagami Ryosuke's eyes widened in surprise.


This is too much!!

"However, most of them are dead, and only a few of us are still alive."

Kasamura Uemoto said again.

Most of them are dead?

Yagami Ryosuke was still shocked, thinking that this group is amazing!

Hundreds of time travelers?

Even if not every time traveler is a fool, Okay, but out of hundreds of people, there are always a few that do very well, right?

That would be quite scary!

However, he didn’t expect that Kusamura Kamemoto suddenly changed the subject and actually said that most time-travelers All dead.

How many are alive?

So few?

Yagami Ryosuke frowned and continued to ask Kusamura Kamemoto a few questions about his group.

But Yagami Ryosuke noticed that Kusamura Kamemoto mentioned this In the group, many things are vague.

At present, he is controlled by Ryosuke Yagami with the reincarnation eye at 0.1. Logically speaking, it is impossible to speak vaguely, so there is only one possibility, which is about the content of this group. , there are some things that he can't say!

This is also normal. For example, in their Hokage chat group, there are some things that cannot be said to people who are not in the group.

But some basic things can be said.

The current Kusamura Kamemoto may be the same Such a situation.


Ryosuke Yagami asked the question that he had been thinking about from the beginning.

"What is your golden finger for traveling through time?"

Ryousuke Yagami asked

"It is a favorability copying system."

Kasamura Shanggen said.

Obviously; this can be said

"What is the favorability copy system? What functions does it have?

Ryousuke Yagami asked.

Hearing this,

Uemoto Kusamura also replied:"The favorability copying system allows me to copy other people's abilities by improving their favorability, such as chakra, ninjutsu, and blood inheritance.""

That's it!"

"Moreover, the increased favorability will never decrease, and as long as the favorability is not negative, as long as you see me, you will get a basic favorability, making people trust me more."

This golden finger is pretty good!

Ryousuke Yagami thought to himself.

First, it improves his favorability, and then he copies the other person's various extraordinary abilities.

This is pretty awesome!

"How did you get this golden finger?"

Ryousuke Yagami asked

"The golden finger is given when you join the group."

Kusamura Sanggen replied.

PS: Here comes the first update!!!.

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