"Come on, let this world feel the pain too!"

Ryosuke Yagami looked down at the city below with cold eyes.

"what is that?!"


The exclamation came from Cyborg.

Then - a scorching white light swallowed the entire Marie Joa in an instant!

Then there was an earth-shaking explosion.

The fire swallowed the entire Marie Joa. , countless gorgeous buildings were annihilated in an instant.

Including Cyborg Kong and others.

Under the explosive power of the big spiral wheel, they could not withstand even a second, and they were torn into pieces in an instant!

Boom, boom -

A huge mushroom cloud slowly rose.

Ryosuke Yagami flew high in the sky, watching everything indifferently.

After ten minutes, everything calmed down; where Mary Joa was originally, only a huge one remained. Deep pit.

And near the middle of the deep pit, there is an area that is well preserved.

It is the area where the crystal point is located!


Ryosuke Yagami looked at the undamaged crystal point and murmured to himself.

After waiting for a moment,

Ryosuke Yagami didn't see anyone coming through the teleportation function.

He knew that the Pirate King of this world might have given up guarding. The crystal is clicked.

After all, he couldn't even defeat Marie Joa. It can be imagined that his strength should be quite average.

He is probably one of the pirate kings with the lowest combat power in the opposite One Piece chat group.

He would choose this way. It's normal.

After all, people will really die in the third plane battle!

Rather than risking one's life for a reward, it's better to just give up.

If the people who come can defeat the Draconians and Five on Mariejoia As for Lao Xing and the others, it's no use coming here.

If you can't beat them?

Then there's no need to come over!

"Did you give up? It was quite decisive."

Ryosuke Yagami smiled and shook his head.

Then a wooden clone was created on the spot, letting the wooden clone occupy the crystal point.

And he himself flew in another direction.

He planned to take a good look around this The world of pirates.

After all, he has never been to this world. He is quite curious.

Just when Ryosuke Yagami easily occupied a pirate world.

In other worlds, wars have already broken out..

It’s different from the devastating situation here with Ryosuke Yagami.

Plane battles in other worlds are not as one-sided as his.

"Kill! Steal their treasure!"

"Haha~! Is this a different world? Treasures from another world, here I come!"

"Get out of here! Don't stop me from going to another world to seize treasures!"

In the pirate world, these pirate kings almost all choose to guard the crystal point themselves, and then send a large number of pirates to flood into the plane channel to invade the opposite Naruto world. On the one hand, they are to test the reality of these strengths on the opposite side.

On the other hand, they On the one hand, they are also a little worried that their side will be invaded.

Once they take action personally, then there will be no strong people here.

You know, in these pirate worlds, except for the pirate kings like them, the other strongest people, It's just an ordinary super shadow level.

It can't stop the invasion of the Hokages on the opposite side.

A slightly stronger one can easily crush it!

What's more, in fact, these pirate kings know very well.

Their plane war this time is basically impossible. Can't win!

There is that monster on the opposite side.

How can they win?

Therefore, their main task this time is to save their own lives.

Because only when they are near the crystal point, they can use the teleportation function of the crystal point to instantly enter a certain place on the opposite side. It's a Naruto world.

If that monster really comes, it will be easier for them to escape, right?

As for, why don't they just come to the Crystal Point and just find a place to hide?

As the Pirate King, they also It's shameful.

It would be too cowardly to be so direct!

On the other hand, they also want to plunder some resources from the opposite Naruto world as much as possible.

For example, they use the abilities called ninjutsu.

They just I want it very much.

I can use various elemental attacks without eating Devil Fruit.

They don’t have this kind of ability in the pirate world!

So, before the monster comes to your side, plunder as much as possible. Ninjutsu and other resources are back.

This is their other goal this time!

The first goal is to save their own lives.

The second goal is to plunder the resources of the opposite Naruto world as much as possible without hindering the first goal!

As for seizing the crystal points?

They have no hope!

So, if you can get some benefits, just get more.

After all, after this plane war is over, they will still have to face the punishment of the chat group.

I don’t know what that will be like. Punishment?

In the next seven days, Ryosuke Yagami went to all 17 pirate worlds and collected a lot of hair from strong men.

After preparation, he slowly transformed it into entries.

Of course! (Read the cool novels and go to Fei Lu Novel Network!)

What can be transformed by him are all valuable biological pheromones.

At least they can be directly transformed into golden talent entries.

As for ordinary purple talent entries?

I guess they are not good, Ye Shenliang I was too lazy to transform.

I just broke it down in batches.

In addition, in seven days, Yagami Ryosuke also occupied 17 pirate worlds on the opposite side.

Although the time seemed not enough, in fact, the judgment of the chat group was quite loose..

There is no need for Yagami Ryosuke himself to stand near the crystal points all the time, even if it is just a wooden clone, it is okay.

Therefore, it is not a problem at all for him to occupy 17 crystal points alone.

As for other people?

They also It's not that they didn't get any benefits.

In addition to the rewards for winning the final plane battle, the other Hokage also took advantage of these seven days to plunder a handful of resources in the pirate world.

Especially the thing called Devil Fruit, they were the most interested.

There are also two-color domineering training methods and so on.

Everything was looted by them!

Correspondingly, those pirate kings who escaped to the world of Naruto also looted a wave of ninja world.

However, they had set their sights on several other ninja villages and did not dare to go to Konoha.

He was afraid of being caught by Yagami Ryosuke.

Especially when they discovered that any clone Yagami Ryosuke could create was terrifyingly powerful, they didn't dare to be careless.

Seven days; except for the fact that they looted several other ninja villages in the previous days.

For the next few days, he hid overseas in the ninja world, waiting for the plane war to end.

It was not until seven days later that the plane war finally ended.

They were then teleported back to their respective worlds one after another.

In the Naruto chat group.

Everyone is counting their gains from this plane war.

This one grabbed a few Devil Fruits.

This one caught a few Neptune species.

Everyone is showing off their harvest.

Those at the bottom, like Haruno Sakura, could only look on with envy.

Then look at the gains on your side.

He suddenly showed a bitter expression.

Don't talk about devil fruits.

Even the sea kings only caught a few so-called offshore kings, and more of them were gold, silver, jewelry and other mundane items.

There are also the two-color domineering training method that everyone has, and the training method of the six naval styles.

This is something that every group member has a copy of.

The key is; there is a cultivation method.

But whether you can learn it or not depends on the situation.

After all, whether it is the Sixth Form of the Navy or Armed Color Haki, it requires a strong body to learn it.

On the other hand, seeing and hearing Haki has no physical requirements.

In the next period of time, everyone in the group should be able to learn how to be domineering. certainly!

The speed of learning must be fast or slow.

It depends on their personal qualifications!

And this time;

The rewards for victory in the plane war were also distributed.

Each person received a reward of 500,000 points.

And an opportunity to improve one of your abilities!

The former is fine; the latter......

That would be awesome!

Although it is said that the stronger the ability, the smaller the degree of enhancement it can get.

But no matter how small it is, it is still an improvement!

Especially bloodline abilities that are inherently difficult to improve.

I believe no one would use this rare opportunity for a certain ninjutsu or the like, right?

If you really want to do that, that is really stupid!

In addition; as the person with the best performance in this plane battle, Ryosuke Yagami also won an additional ultimate prize!

The ultimate grand prize includes a bonus of 5 million points.

And an unlimited ability improvement opportunity!

There is an upper limit to the ability improvement opportunities that everyone has in the past, that is, the stronger the ability, the smaller the improvement.

And there is no upper limit to the promotion opportunities that Ryosuke Yagami received from this ultimate prize.

No matter how strong or weak your ability is, you can directly upgrade it to a level!

For example, from the Six Paths level to the God level.

Or upgrade from god level to high god level!

Originally, Ryosuke Yagami planned to use this opportunity to improve his two divine bodies.

Both the Immortal God Body and the Mad War God Body are available.

However, he found to his dismay that the chat group could not detect the existence of these two divine bodies at all.

Because this is the divine body that comes with the talent entry, and the chat group...If the talent entry given by the system cannot be detected, there is naturally no way to improve it.

In this case, the only thing that can be improved this time is a certain ability that Yagami Ryosuke has.

So he thought carefully about several of his higher-end abilities.

PS: The second update is here!! big!.

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