in the room.

Nokigao and her sister Nami have just put on the maid outfits that Mabuyi brought them.

"Sister, do we really want to live here in the future?"

Nami looks small. In fact, Nami is really very young at the moment, only 16 years old.

And her sister Nokigao is only 18 years old this year, but she has just reached adulthood.

"Don't be afraid, Nami, my sister will protect you!"

"Sister will not let that guy bully you!"

Nuo Qigao hugged her sister and comforted her.

But in fact, even she had no confidence in what she said.

After all, that man's strength was too terrifying.

If he really wanted to do anything to their sisters, they would not be able to resist at all..The current situation can be said to be very good.

At least they are just maids in this villa, not...

On the other side, in another room next door.

The 17-year-old Princess Weiwei also put on a maid outfit that she had never worn before. Looking at herself in the mirror, Weiwei couldn't help but sigh sadly.

"I can't go back."

At the same time, in other rooms, Hancock, Keya, Perona, and Nico Robin, who were brought back from various pirate worlds by Ryosuke Yagami, also changed their clothes and left the room. He walked out.

Looking at the seven girls in front of him, Mabuyi secretly cursed Ryosuke Yagami as a scumbag, then took them downstairs, showing them around this huge villa and telling them What to do in the future.

At this time,

Ryosuke Yagami has already gone to the Hokage's office.

After all, he has not been back for seven days.

There must be a lot of documents on his desk that need to be handled by him personally.

27 As a villager Naruto.

Even though Ryosuke Yagami is used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, what needs to be done still needs to be done.

It took more than an hour to review all the documents accumulated in the past seven days, and then he was scolded by Konan and the others. Yagami Ryosuke then took Konan and the others home for dinner.

The villa was very lively tonight.

After all, seven new people came at once. As the only male owner of the family, Yagami Ryousuke would inevitably be scolded by Konan and the others again..

But Konan and the others just talked about it.

After all, they had been mentally prepared for Yagami Ryousuke's flirtation.

However, Hinata and Ino did not join in with the same hatred, but even took the initiative to ask Yagami What are the names of Ryousuke and the new ladies?

Yagami Ryousuke also introduced them to each other.

Although Hancock and the others were maids, Yagami Ryousuke did not mean to look down on them.

Just like In the past, Konan was the same as Yukito.

This was just a trick used by Ryosuke Yagami.

After all, you can't just hit the hole in one right up, right?

That would make Ryosuke Yagami look like a loser.

In fact, quite Compared to that, Yagami Ryousuke still liked the previous process of getting along.

Even though the seven of them must hate him to death in their hearts now.

But Yagami Ryousuke believes that with his charm, they will definitely change their view of him.

Three days later, everyone in the group had basically digested the rewards they had received three days ago.

On this day,

Yagami Ryosuke was lying on the deck chair in the yard and sunbathing.

While drinking the juice handed to him by Nico Robin, Shuizhuqun

【Seventh Hokage] Uzumaki Naruto:"I finally spent all my points, and my strength has improved a lot! I don't know when the next plane war will start?"

【Seventh Hokage] Uchiha Sasuke:"Naruto, why did your strength improve so quickly?"

【First Hokage] Senju Hashirama:"Wow~! Naruto boy, what have you done? Are you now at the peak of the Sixth Path?"

【Seventh Hokage] Uzumaki Naruto:"Haha~! I don't know, I just used up points and other things normally, and I didn't do anything else. Besides, Sasuke, aren't you already invincible at the Sixth Path level!"

【Seventh Generation Hokage] Uchiha Sasuke:"Can it be the same? I am already at the peak of the Sixth Path, and I am not far away from being invincible at the Sixth Path, but you were still far away from the peak of the Sixth Path before!"

【The First Hokage] Uchiha Madara:"Hashirama, your strength has improved a lot! Do you want to go to the martial arts arena to compete?"

【First Hokage] Senju Hashirama:"Madara, you want to trick me into going to the martial arts arena again? Tobirama has told me that when I surpass you in the group's combat power list next time, we will Let’s compare again!"

【The First Hokage] Uchiha Madara:"Hmph~! Nosy trash Tobirama! Hasilama, you want to surpass me? In the next life!"

【Second-generation Hokage] Senju Tobirama:"Uchiha Madara, just watch, my big brother will definitely surpass you soon!"

【Yadaime Hokage] Uchiha Sarana:"It's a bit boring! The ninja world has been too peaceful recently. I actually miss the previous plane battles. Is there something wrong with me?" (Read the cool novels and go up to fly. Lu Novel Network!)

【Seventh Hokage] Nara Shikamaru:"No, it's not that there's anything wrong with you, it's just that your hands are itchy after your strength has improved."

【Seventh Hokage] Haruno Sakura:"Shikamaru, let's go to the martial arts arena to compete again?"

【Seventh Hokage] Nara Shikamaru:"It's really troublesome, then come on!"

【The Fifth Hokage] Tsunade:"You two are not tired of fighting all day long? By the way, you get together every day, right?""

【Seventh Hokage] Uzumaki Naruto:"What? Sakura and Shikamaru are together?!""

【Seventh Hokage] Haruno Sakura:"Angry/Idiot Naruto!!! What are you talking about?!""

【Seventh Hokage] Shikamaru Nara:"I say Tsunade-sama, please stop messing around!"

【The Fourth Hokage] Namikaze Minato:"Haha~! Sure enough, you young people are still energetic!"

【The Second Hokage] Senju Tobirama:"Minato, don't tell me, you look very old, you are only in your twenties."

【Sixth Generation Hokage] Hatake Kakashi:"Yes, Minato-sensei, why are you always talking so angry lately? Did something happen to you?"

【The Fourth Hokage] Minato Namikaze:"Actually, I'm going to be a father soon!"

【The Sixth Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"Oh~! Really? Congratulations, Minato!"

【The Fourth Hokage] Hatake Sakumo:"......"

【The Second Hokage] Senju Tobirama:"Congratulations!"

【The Fourth Hokage] Namikaze Minato:"You're welcome! We have to wait a few more months, but...Sakumo-senpai, why do you always act weird every time I mention my wife?"

【The Fourth Hokage] Hatake Sakumo:"Minato, you are too sensitive. I am just feeling a little emotional. After all, my wife has passed away many years ago. If this were not the case, I would actually like to give Kakashi another younger brother or sister."

【The Fourth Hokage] Namikaze Minato:"I see, I misunderstood!"


Yagami Ryosuke, who was drinking juice, saw the conversation between Hatake Sakumo and Namikaze Minato in the chat group, and almost burst into laughter because he didn't recognize him.

"Sakumo-senpai must have endured it very hard, right? Ryosuke Yagami smiled and thought to himself,"Should I tell him that in fact, the wife of Minato Namikaze in the group and the Kushina of his world are not the same person at all?" Although the names are the same, they look completely different!"

Ryosuke Yagami has also been to the parallel ninja world of Namikaze Minato before, and also met his wife, Kushina from another world.

He thought he should look the same as the Kushina he knew.

To be honest;

At that time, Yagami Ryousuke was still a little emotional. One day, he would turn into a Cao thief?

Although being a Cao thief or something seemed to be quite enjoyable.

It was a bit different and exciting.

But really when he saw that Kushina Only then did he realize that she looked completely different from the Kushina he knew.

Later, he even went to several other worlds where Kushina also existed. He also discovered that Kushina in different worlds did not look the same. Very similar.


Kushina in his own ninja world.

After Ryosuke Yagami found the 643 photo registered when Kushina became a ninja, he also discovered that the two did not look exactly the same. It can be said that they are somewhat similar.

But they are far less than twins.

At most, they are just two sisters born from the same parents.

"Forget it, let's let Sakumo-senpai continue eating."

"Maybe he might enjoy it?"

Ryousuke Yagami thought with a smile.

【The Sixth Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"By the way, Minato, since you are going to be a father, Obito from your world may soon be eyeing your wife!"

【The Fourth Hokage] Namikaze Minato:"It doesn't matter, I'm ready. As long as Obito comes, I promise to make him regret it!""

【Sixth Generation Hokage] Hatake Kakashi:"That...Teacher Minato, Obito is actually a victim, why don't you tell him the truth first and see what he will choose?"

【The Fourth Hokage] Namikaze Minato:"Don't worry Kakashi, I will give Obito a chance to change his ways. After all, he has not made a big mistake yet, but if he insists on not repenting, then I can't be blamed."!"

【Second-generation Hokage] Senju Tobirama:"That's right! Minato, it's good if you think so. I was worried before that you wouldn't be able to do it."

【First Hokage] Uchiha Madara:"Hmph~! If you can't even do this, then you're just like a waste!"

【The Second Hokage] Senju Tobirama:"Uchiha Madara, do you still have the nerve to speak? Have you forgotten who bewitched Obito Uchiha?"

【The First Hokage] Uchiha Madara:"Trash Tobirama, you want to secretly change your concept again? The person who bewitched the universe wave Obito is not me, just some fakes!"

【Yadaime Hokage] Uchiha Sarana:"Speaking of which, why do you feel that the second position of Ban Ancestor is about to be lost? We now have three six-level invincibles in our group?!"

【Seventh Hokage] Uchiha Sasuke:"Orochimaru, how come your strength has improved so quickly?"

PS: The fourth update is here!!!.

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