Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 291: The poor are most afraid of owing money (sixth more)

   Chapter 291 The poor are most afraid of owing money (sixth more)

   When he heard that Tianyuan Group still owed tens of billions of debts to the bank, frankly speaking, Liu Qing was a little flustered.

  The poor are most afraid of owing money.

   When his father was in a car accident and was bedridden, he spent a lot of money on treatment, part of which was borrowed.

The tens of thousands of dollars in arrears brought a lot of pressure to Liu Qing. After his father passed away, the creditors forced the debts again and again, which also made Liu Qing make up his mind - no matter how poor you are in the future, don't borrow from others. money.

   Of course he knows that in today's society, those well-known millionaires are also big tycoons. Speaking of which, they are worth hundreds of billions of dollars, but their debts may be trillions of dollars.

   You can only make more money by borrowing money.

   Modern business logic is like this.

   Those who dare not borrow money to do business will not have much risk, but generally speaking, they will not have much success.

   Support the daring and starve the timid, this is the truth.

   However, when I think about owing the bank tens of billions, I still feel quite flustered.

   couldn't help but muttered, "Why do you owe so much?"

Seeing his expression, Su Qi knew what he was worried about, and said: "Our group's debt ratio is still relatively low. During this time, I was worried about the epidemic and had stopped several large investments, otherwise the debt would increase by one or two hundred. 100 million."

When    said this, there was still some happiness.

  Some projects seem to be very profitable, but their ability to resist risks is not that strong.

   In the event of a policy, an epidemic, or an extreme natural disaster, there is a possibility of a devastating blow, and the investment will be wasted.

   Those projects that have been stopped are those who cannot afford that kind of risk. If they continue, they may lose everything.

Don't look at the big plate of Tianyuan Group, but if the investment of 10 or 20 billion yuan is lost, there is a great possibility that their capital chain will be disconnected, resulting in a series of adverse consequences - especially during the epidemic period. under the larger environment.

   In this respect, Liu Qing's timely warning can be said to have saved the group.

   This is also the main reason why Su Qi's goodwill towards Liu Qing has soared during this period.

  Tianyuan Group's current debt ratio is indeed relatively low, and its assets greatly exceed its liabilities.

   This is actually not a glorious thing for a group company. Many large companies have an alarmingly high debt ratio. They are borrowing money from the bank to make money for themselves, and some are even insolvent.

   The low debt ratio can only indicate that the investment of this group company is relatively conservative, or that it has not found a good investment project.

   However, Su Yi's investment has tended to be conservative in recent years, and has transformed from the Internet industry to industry. Except for those small and medium-sized enterprises, the major investment is in new energy.

   has tens of billions of liabilities, but that is not a problem for a group company with more than 100 billion assets.

   Even if the loan is due, the group does not have so much money to repay the loan, their group has a good reputation and can easily repay the old debt from the bank loan.

  ——It's not that tens of billions of loans are due in the same year, there is nothing to fear.

  Liu Qing heard Su Qi's explanation and understood that the current debt ratio of Tianyuan Group was not high, so she felt more at ease.

   He didn't know how long the epidemic would last. He only knew that it would not end in at least one or two years. He asked Su Qi:

   "If the epidemic continues like this for one or two years, will there be problems with our group's capital chain?"

   "Won't it last a year or two?" Su Qi said.

   She thinks that based on the determination shown by the country, it can be done in at most half a year. Normally, it should be done in one or two months.

   "Still prepare for that." Liu Qing said.

   "If it's like this for the next year or two, and the whole country is blocked like this, then our group will definitely go bankrupt. There's nothing to say about that." Su Qi said.

   "Of course it can't be so strict all the time," Liu Qing said, "I mean the epidemic will not be extinguished, and it may break out in a certain location from time to time. Will this have a devastating impact on our group?"

   "I don't know what the specific situation you are talking about looks like," Su Qi said, "but I think our group can withstand the toss better than other companies of the same size."

   asked Liu Qing again: "Do you really think the epidemic will last forever?"

   "It's inevitable," Liu Qing said, "I'm even worried that this virus will exist forever and will never be eliminated."

   "Will such strength be eliminated?" Su Qi couldn't believe it.

   "Our strength is strong, but others are not necessarily strong," Liu Qing said gloomily, "unless we are isolated from the outside world, a pig teammate can drag us into the water."

   This thing is the most depressing thing for the Chinese people.

   has already seen the dawn of extinction, and achieved zero confirmed cases for a long time.

   Then, from time to time, there are cases imported from abroad, which break out from time to time, and break out from time to time.

   The most terrifying thing is that from time to time more powerful viruses will be cultivated.

   Shengsheng was dragged down by those pig teammates who called to lie down and coexist.

   "I heard a saying that this virus is aimed at us yellow races and will not spread in the Western world..." Su Qi said.

The saying    does exist.

   There are even foreigners speaking out at international conferences, saying they don’t have to worry about it.

  Liu Qing sneered: "So many people on the other side of the ocean who died of influenza during this period expressed dissatisfaction."

   He had put forward that point of view before, and Su Qi also believed it a little bit, but not completely. In her heart, there were still some people who thought that Liu Qing had the attributes of a half-yuan party, and she was throwing the problem on the other side.

   However, this period of time proved that Liu Qing's previous judgment was correct, and she became more and more convinced of Liu Qing's judgment on this matter.

   frowned: "You mean it will be more serious abroad?"

  Liu Qing said: "It's for sure. They seem to be fine now because they haven't checked it. If they don't check this thing, they won't be there. When they pay attention, I can be sure that it will be much more serious than ours."

   "How serious do you think it will be?" Su Qi asked.

   "More than a hundred times." Liu Qing gave his own judgment.

  ——In fact, this is not his judgment, it is what actually happened.

   Judging from the number of confirmed diagnoses, it is a hundred times more, that is just a small talk.

  Su Qi was stunned for a while, and said, "If this is the case, then life will be difficult."

Liu Qingdao: "Then have you ever thought about finding business opportunities here? We can quickly rush here, and it is absolutely impossible abroad. We may invest in some related medical equipment, and we may be able to obtain a good profit growth. point."

   Su Qi's eyes lit up.

   (end of this chapter)

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