Being The Chieftain Of A Moe Tribe

Chapter 2 - Finding A Water Source

Although Yuan was cute, she also brought up a very simple problem.

They were lost.

This was an extremely dangerous problem in the forest.

After all, they might experience hypothermia, hunger, and thirst, or encounter beasts and venomous insects.

Any of these things could threaten their lives.

The most important thing for them now was to find their tribe and settle down.

However, even a native who lived here like Yuan didn't know her directions. Thus, they could only depend on Fu Rui.

Fortunately, he had obtained the basic jungle survival knowledge from the modern people. Thus, he still had some methods up his sleeve.

If he wanted to find the tribe, he had to know his directions first.

One could distinguish between north and south through looking at the density of the leaves.

If the leaves were sparse, then they pointed towards the north. Meanwhile, if the leaves were dense, then they pointed towards the south.

However, Yuan did not know these cardinal directions. Thus, this method was useless.

However, there was another use for observing the density of the plants. This method could be used to find water sources.

Wherever there was a water source, there would be life. If they followed the waterway, the chances of finding their tribe would be much higher.

"Yuan, follow me closely."

"Do you know how to return to the tribe?"

"I'll try."

It was Fu Rui's first time using his survival knowledge in practice, so he didn't dare to guarantee anything. He could only walk in front and find a stick to continuously slash at the plants on both sides. He opened up a path while avoiding being scratched by sharp branches.

In the absence of antibiotics, any wound could lead to an infection with unpredictable consequences.

Furthermore, strange cries occasionally came from the forest. It was unknown what kind of creature they came from, but it was certain that these creatures were definitely not members of the tribe that came out to search for Yuan.

After all, he could not understand those voices.

Thus, Fu Rui could only try his best to get as far away from the sounds as possible as he advanced slowly.

After an unknown period of time, Yuan's stomach rumbled behind him.

"Are you hungry?"

Fu Rui stopped and sat on the ground while breathing steadily.

Unknowingly, they had already walked for a long time. However, they still could not find a water source or a place with a wide view. If this continued, the difficulty of finding the location of the tribe would further increase.

"I'm not hungry." Yuan sat beside him and shook her head quickly. "I was full when I left the tribe, meow."

She didn't want Fu Rui to waste his energy on finding food. She would just find a few berries along the way to eat later.

Fu Rui stroked her hair and said nothing.

Yuan reminded him that not only did they have to find their way back, they also had to focus on collecting food.

If they could not return to the tribe today, they would have to stay in the forest for a night.

"Is it cold at night?" He needed more information to make sufficient preparations.

Yuan nodded immediately. "It's very cold. Sometimes, it gets colder when it rains."

In that case, it was necessary to collect materials to start a fire.

After resting for a while, Fu Rui continued forward with Yuan.

When passing through a thorny zone, he carefully gathered a few thorny vines that were the sturdiest.

When they passed by an empty land, he grabbed a lot of hay and tied it up before carrying the hay on his back.

Along with that, he also collected some tinder.

Not long after they entered the forest again, the distant sky began to rumble with thunder.


Yuan was shocked and hugged Fu Rui's arm tightly.

Fu Rui was holding materials with both hands, making it inconvenient to do anything else. Thus, he could only comfort her repeatedly, "It's okay, it's okay. It's just thunder, don't be afraid."

The weather in the forest was unpredictable. It was still sunny just now, but in the blink of an eye, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled.

It seemed like it was going to rain soon. They had to speed up and find a water source as soon as possible.

"Thunder? What is that?" Yuan was confused at first. Then, she put her head in Fu Rui's arms. "The Heavenly God is angry. He will punish us, and it's very likely that he will kill us…"

The Heavenly God?


Fu Rui could not help but laugh. In the eyes of the primitives, thunderbolts were indeed a phenomenon that could not be understood. However, he did not explain much and only comforted her. "Don't worry, I'm protecting you. Even the gods can't do anything to you."

"Really?" Yuan looked pitiful.

Seeing how adorable she was, Fu Rui couldn't help but promise her. "Of course. As long as I'm still alive, I'll definitely protect you."

"Rui, you're the best, meow~"

Yuan began to rub against his arm like a kitten clinging to its master, expressing the joy in its heart.

"Let's keep moving. We must find a water source before dark."


Fu Rui had estimated the current time when he collected the hay. It should be around 11am.

There was still some time before nightfall, but these seven to eight hours were already extremely urgent for him.

If it really rained, building a shelter would take more than half of this time.

Fortunately, they didn't walk far this time when Fu Rui heard the sound of flowing water.

The soil on the ground also began to turn muddy.

It was obvious that the water source was not far from them.

After passing through a forest path that wasn't easy to walk on, they stepped onto a gravel beach. Then, the scene before their eyes suddenly changed, revealing a rather wide river.

They had finally found a water source!

Fu Rui was elated. The survival knowledge provided by the system was indeed useful!

"Yuan, do you have any memory of the environment here?"

Yuan didn't even look at him. She simply laid down by the river and started to drink in big mouthfuls. This made Fu Rui's scalp go numb.

Although the river was fresh and clear, it did not mean that it was clean enough to be drunk directly.

After all, it definitely contained a large amount of microorganisms and impurities. If they entered the body, they would trigger a series of symptoms.

It was only because Fu Rui was used to drinking such water that her body's resistance was strong enough. If Fu Rui were to do so, he would probably lose his life the next day if he didn't boil the water and drink it.

Yuan drank her fill in one go and smacked her lips, her face full of satisfaction. "Yes! This is the taste. Our tribe usually takes water from this river!"

"Try to remember if you can recall the way back. Meanwhile, I'll get some food."

As he spoke, Fu Rui returned to the forest and found a few broken pieces of wood. He used a rock to sharpen one end of the wood before then inserting it into the soil by the river.

Then, he dug around and easily found a few earthworms that he strung on the thorny vines which he had previously collected.

"Whether we have any fish to eat tonight will depend on you guys!"

Fu Rui could only pray and tie the vines to the wood.. Then, he threw a piece of wood with a piece of bait into the water.

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