Being The Chieftain Of A Moe Tribe

Chapter 32 - Capturing Venomous Creatures And Extracting Venom

Fu Rui picked out ten members of the hunting team, including Xia, as his candidates for this trip.

He didn't stay idle after that. Instead, he began making forks for the others.

This wasn't particularly time-consuming, and it wouldn't take long to make ten forks.

After lunch, he went over to where Yuan was to take the improved nets, which he equipped all of his team members with. Then, they set off for the riverbank in search of venomous creatures.

[Giant Kangaroo]: It feeds on leaves and grass. It's not fast, but it is huge.

[Antelope]: A vegetarian mammal with a gentle temperament.

[Grasshopper]: A type of insect that is harmful to crops.

Biological information appeared one after another in Fu Rui's mind. At a glance, none of them were venomous.

However, he wasn't anxious. After all, venomous creatures usually lived in places that were warm and humid. He would definitely be able to find a lot of them near the riverbank.

Fu Rui first walked around the forest and surveyed the surroundings of the tribe.

"If we set a trap, these wild animals can easily trigger the trap. By then, we won't be able to deal with the porcupine tribe."

After a long time, he came to this conclusion.

Change was necessary!

The plan to attack the porcupine tribe had to be changed!

They had to excavate large numbers of concealed trenches outside the village. Then, they had to set various kinds of traps inside the trenches.

Only then could they avoid the problem of wild animals accidentally triggering the trap, causing the traps to fail.

Fu Rui told Xia about his idea and left the details to her.

Xia was an expert in farming, so she was definitely more efficient in digging than the other beast-eared females.

Fu Rui knew how to use people well. As the journey progressed, he gave detailed instructions on all sorts of things to take note of and what they had to do.

By the time they reached the river, more than an hour had passed.

"Everyone, disperse and search for venomous creatures. Use your forks and nets to capture it. Be careful."

Fu Rui instructed, "Two people will form a team and search nearby. Don't go too far."

"Yes, Lord Village Chief!"

The beast-eared girls obeyed his orders and left.

Fu Rui also personally went to search for venomous creatures. After some searching, he finally saw his target.

It was a king cobra!

This was one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. It was extremely toxic and could cause death with just 12 milligrams of poison!

Fu Rui's palms began to sweat. When faced with such terrifying creatures, even if he had consumed two bottles of the Constitution-Enhancing Potion before, he wouldn't dare to suffer a bite from it.

Fortunately, he had already prepared the snake traps.

As long as he used the fork to control the king cobra's head, he could easily take it down.

After a short ten-second stalemate with the king cobra, Fu Rui attacked.

The fork accurately and steadily struck the king cobra's head, piercing through the soil below and locking it firmly.

Then, Fu Rui tied its mouth with a rope and placed it into the net.

He had obtained the first venomous snake!

Not long after, Fu Rui encountered a pit viper and a many-banded krait. He used the same method to put them into his net.

When the time came, he just had to extract their venom and mix it well before soaking the arrowhead in the mixture.

Fu Rui planned to put the mixed venom directly into the arrow basket, allowing the venom to pass through the arrowheads of each arrow. This way, he wouldn't have to worry about losing the toxicity of the venom.

He had been busy catching snakes the entire afternoon.

Fortunately, there was no news from the other beast-eared girls that they had been bitten by a venomous snake.

In the evening, the eleven of them returned, fully loaded with goods.

Fu Rui took their nets and removed the venom from the creatures himself.

This process was a little troublesome. If he did not have protective gloves or tweezers, creatures like centipedes, scorpions, and toads would be very difficult to handle.

Fu Rui had no choice as his conditions were simply limited. He carefully extracted their venom and poured it into a ceramic jar.

He did not waste the snakes whose venom had been extracted either.

Snake skin was a very good material to make finger guards, which served as the release aid on compound bows. It would reduce the strain on their fingers and effectively increase the tension of the string.

When facing the porcupine tribe with thick skin, this small improvement could be the key to victory.

The taste of snake meat was also quite good. After roasting it and sprinkling some processed salt on it, it was much better than pork.

In the evening, Li, who was practicing archery with a chicken in the bamboo forest, also returned.

However, their spoils of war were somewhat shabby.

They had only killed three roosters and caught one hen. Other than that, there were also some fresh bamboo shoots.

The seven of them had been busy for the entire afternoon, but only managed to bring back such a small amount of resources. Fu Rui didn't know if it was because the chickens were too hard to catch, or because their accuracy with their bows was too poor.

However, it didn't matter.

Hens were precious resources for the future!

Fu Rui was confident that he could tame these hens and nurture them into modern chickens, increasing their fertility rate. Then, one chicken would become a flock of chickens. In the future, the beast-eared females in the tribe would be able to eat an egg every day!

"Rui, there's only so much left…" Li was a little embarrassed as she handed over the spoils of war. "This chicken is too hard to catch. Every time we miss it by a little, it would fly up the tree, not giving us a chance to catch it."

"It's fine."

Fu Rui smiled and said, "Tomorrow, I'll get Tu Tu and the rest to make a few straw men in the village. You guys can practice more when you get your bows."

"Yes, yes!"

Seeing that Fu Rui didn't blame them, the beast-eared females nodded obediently.

"Let's go, I'll cook for you!"

Fu Rui rubbed his palms and couldn't wait to drink the chicken soup.

In the evening, he personally cooked for them. He plucked some condiments from the field and made a large pot of bamboo shoot chicken soup with stir-fried pork, which they ate with great satisfaction.

What was worth mentioning was that the crops in the fields grew especially fast. It was unknown if the quality of the land here was too good, or if the plants in this world grew too quickly, but quite a few crops had already matured in a short period of time.

For staple food like potatoes and wheat, they could probably be harvested in a few days.

Fu Rui was in a good mood. He wondered if he should brew some wine with wheat and rice.

After all, eating meat without wine was a little tasteless.

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