"Please, help me, help me..."

Close, Gu Liancheng saw that there were many injuries on him. At the moment, blood was seeping out.

The wound on his body was very regular. It was obviously cut by the scalpel. However, he avoided all the key points. Even if the injury was examined, it was only a minor injury.

Linde was obviously frightened.

At this time, Linde had no dignity as a man, as if he had experienced something terrible, wandering on the edge of life and death.

Gu Liancheng raised his eyes, looked through all the obstacles and fell on Qiao Jiang.

Her bare feet and hands hanging on her side are holding the scalpel tightly. The blood on it has not dried up. She is walking towards Linde step by step.

The latter turned to look at her and struggled to climb forward.

Gu Liancheng's hanging heart slowly eased down.

It seems to be the rest of life.

He looked down at Linde with no temperature in his eyes. "What's the matter?"

Hearing the speech, Linde was suddenly stunned.

At that time, he wanted to kill her. Who made her unhappy with the goddess and wanted to find the murderer.

I thought she would lose her ability to resist when she saw those stumps.

Who knows, she suddenly dazed him.

When he woke up, he found himself tied up, and she was squatting on the ground stitching up the body.

She even sewed up the broken body perfectly without any sense of conflict.

When she finished stitching up the body, she came towards him.

Any of his threats were useless. He just watched her leave a knife on him.

Fortunately, he broke free from the rope and ran out.

If he didn't come for help, he would really be killed by her.

This woman is a devil.

"What's going on?" Gu Liancheng's eyes were not half warm.

Qiao Jiang raised his eyes and looked at him. He calmly explained, "he killed someone and wanted to kill me. I was stunned with ether."


A slight uneasiness flashed across Qiao Jiang's face. She coughed, "then, by the way, she taught him a lesson. Rest assured, although he looks a little miserable, these wounds are only skin injuries, not fatal."

Gu Liancheng closed his eyes and breathed a deep, heavy and forbearing breath.

After that, he threw his high-heeled shoes heavily in front of her and spit out a cold sentence, "come with me."

Qiao Jiang glanced at the high heels on the ground and sighed helplessly.

When she looked at Gu Liancheng's expression, she knew that he was going to trouble her again.


Qiao Jiang came to Gu Liancheng's office. She pushed the door directly and entered, "what's up?"

The man turned and spit out two words angrily, "knock on the door!"

"..." Qiao Jiang's face sank in a moment.

Holding back her anger, she went out, took the door with her, and then knocked on the door again.

After a long time, his voice came from inside, "come in."

The voice still showed an anger that could not be ignored, as if it had condensed a layer of frost.

Qiao Jiang pushed the door in.

He didn't say a word, so he looked at her quietly, the anger flowing silently from the bottom of his eyes.

Looking at his appearance that he might not come at any time, Qiao Jiang flashed a doubt at the bottom of his eyes, "uncle, what do you want to say?"

Gu Liancheng's hand hanging on his side tightened.

The bright light slanted down and cast a faint shadow on him.

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