"I don't understand the specific situation at that time, but I know that your weakness hurt the whole family and Wei Muyang. Until now, you still don't mean to repent. Do you want Wei Muyang to embark on the same road as you?"

Qiao Jiang's cold voice was like an amazing loud noise, which made his heart ache.

Qiao Jiang looked around at the layout of the house and sneered softly.

"Wei Muyang is a very gifted child. He is motivated to become an excellent forensic medicine, but if you go on like this, you will drag him down and ruin his life."

"Is this really what you want? Professor Wei."

The three words "Professor Wei" vomited by Qiao Jiangyun gently made him tremble suddenly.

He looked at her in amazement, his eyes flushed.

For many years, he had never heard anyone call him that.

In those years, he saved a female student with good intentions. Later, the female student became pregnant, but he became a person inferior to animals.

It's not that he didn't want to find evidence to prove his innocence.

It's just that the schoolgirl jumped off a building.

Before jumping off the building, in full view of the public, she cursed him with her life and blood.

Since then, he has become a street mouse and dare not even stand tall.

Suffered all the cold eyes.

"If you help me, I will find out the truth for you."

Wei Yong looked at her in amazement, with some doubt in his eyes.

"Can you help me?"

Under his eyes, Qiao Jiang nodded slowly.

"I'll help you."

"By the way, I'm Qiao Jiang."

Her eyes are burning with the light familiar to Wei Yong, which is a spirit of never giving up.

Qiao Jiang, now the sister-in-law of the Chief Superintendent of Xueyang City, is a capable and well-known forensic doctor who frequently appears in the news.

Wei Yong suddenly became silent. He stared at the ground, as if he were trapped in his own world.

It was a long time before he looked at her again.

"What do you want me to do for you?"

"I want you to find a way to enter he's group and become the most trusted person of he Xizhe. I don't care how you do it, I want his criminal evidence. Of course, there's really no evidence, and it's OK to make it."

Qiao Jiang stood up. Her cold eyes looked directly at him with a dignified expression.

"If you accidentally expose yourself, he will kill you. You must not let him notice me. I will take care of Wei Muyang."

Her words were cold and heartless, even with a kind of cruelty.

But this is a chance for Wei Yong to be reborn.

If he succeeds, he can raise his head, tell his son and daughter, and tell his wife that he is still the high spirited Professor Wei.

But if it doesn't succeed

Muyang was also relieved.

He won't have such an incompetent father again.

Instead, a person who can give him a good life and professional guidance.

He took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

"I promise you."

Qiao Jiang seemed to have expected that he would agree.

Because she investigated the man and knew that he was not really depressed, but could not find the courage and opportunity to get up.

"I gave Wei Muyang two million yuan. He will investigate your identity. At that time, he will doubt you, but also because it will keep you around. What you need to do is to make him believe you thoroughly during his observation of you."

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