Qiao Jiang came home and lay in bed after washing. Just as he was about to take out his mobile phone to watch the anatomy video, the mobile phone rang.

It's a strange number.

Who could it be so late?

With a slight frown, she pressed the answer button, "who?"

"Miss Qiao." there came a deep and serious voice.

Her pupils narrowed slightly and she sat up straight. "What's the matter?"

"Miss Qiao, let me make a long story short. This is the mobile phone I use to contact you. He Xizhe has insight into my identity. My interview went very smoothly. Moreover, my performance is not excellent, but he directly helped me with this position."

Hearing the speech, Qiao Jiang tightened his hand holding the mobile phone.

Obviously, he Xizhe investigated Wei Yong's identity in the shortest time and left him with him.

In this way, she not only can't get anything useful, but also may put Wei Yong in danger at any time.

Therefore, what we need to do now is to let he Xizhe trust Wei Yong step by step.

Her eyes gradually showed a touch of determination, as if she had made some kind of determination.

"You find a suitable opportunity to inadvertently disclose to he Xizhe that I am investigating him and suspect that Wei Xue's death is related to him."

As for Wei Xue, she has been silent for some time, and he didn't lay hands on her, which means she gradually put it down.

And at this time, she wants him to pick it up again.

Wei Yong nodded gently, "and then?"

"Then, in the early morning of the night after tomorrow, I will go to Lanxin island alone to see Mrs. Bai."

Wei Yong understood her meaning in an instant.

"Miss Qiao, will something happen to you?"

"Yes." she simply spit out a word. If there is no accident, how can he Xizhe trust Wei Yong.

"But I won't let myself die."

She spit out a sentence and hang up the phone.

Wei Yong looked at the end of the call with a deep sigh.

In life, there are countless scars in the bottom of everyone's heart that can't be with humanity.

Although he didn't know what kind of hatred Miss Qiao had with he Xizhe, he had to come to this point.

But since he received her favor, he would do his best to help her.

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Jiang lay in bed staring at the ceiling.

He Xizhe is a very cautious person. His heart is like a wall made of cold ice. It is cold at all, and any kind approach will be frozen.


The next day, Ho's.

When he Xizhe first came to the office, he saw Wei Yong on the phone. His repressed voice came into the eardrum, "Miss Qiao..."

Hearing these three words, he immediately hid behind the door.

Inside, Wei Yong's low voice came into the eardrum.

"Miss Qiao, I appreciate that you lent me two million yuan to tide over the difficulties, but I really can't do what you want me to do."

He Xizhe frowned lightly.

The two million she borrowed from him was given to the man.

"Miss Qiao." Wei Yong's tone is slightly heavy, and he is already a bit unhappy. "I'm at least a professor of teaching and educating people. Although I'm not now, I can't go out and look for my boss's office."

As his words fell, there was another shallow silence.

It seems that he is trying to persuade.

"Sorry, Mr. He gave me a chance to eat and study for my son. I won't bite the hand that feeds me. Also, I'm not a policeman, let alone a detective. I don't know Wei Xue You said. I'll pay you back the money I owe you."

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