Ye Ling raised her eyes and looked at her, but she didn't refute.

"When cutting the brain, pay attention to keep the pia mater. Don't be rough, let alone pull saw cutting back and forth. It should be cut at one time."

Ye Ling nodded.

She will strive to grow up. One day she will be more powerful than her, so that no one dare to underestimate her.

Therefore, she will put down her self-esteem and learn from this woman.

Even if I don't want to admit it, this woman is really strong.

Qiao Jiang's eyes fell on the corpse on the anatomical table, and the purplish red lip flap gently opened. "After brain incision, put each brain block flat in order in the square or on the table, test and take materials in order."

"Then check whether the anatomical structure of each section is normal, whether there is injury, bleeding, cyst and softening focus, whether the ventricle is enlarged and blocked, and whether the brain tissues on the left and right sides are symmetrical. If there is bleeding, pay attention to the location, quantity, route and scope of bleeding."

"That's it." spit out a sentence, and she walked out of the anatomy room again.

Ye Ling turned her head and took a look at her back.

Did this woman take the wrong medicine today?

Qiao Jiang planned the evening and soon arrived at the dinner point.

She came to the canteen, took a meal, sat down and began to eat.

Not far away, Du Rong lowered her head and ate her food quickly, while Lu Qingbei was opposite her.

He ate slowly, but his eyes were fixed on Du Rong without even blinking.

Looking at that scene, Qiao Jiang was speechless for a moment.

Lu Qingbei is really not a normal person.

"What did you do this morning?"

A voice suddenly sounded. She looked up and saw Gu Liancheng opposite.

She flashed a surprise at the bottom of her eyes. "Will you still eat here?"

Gu Liancheng didn't answer her question. He just glanced at her. It was the same question, "what did you do this morning?"

Qiao Jiang: "“

She knew that just because she didn't do anything in the morning, he was going to deduct her salary.

This bitch looks like Lu Qingbei. She's not a normal person.

He's fine. What does he always pay attention to her?

Isn't she just a little lazy?

At the moment, Qiao Jiangsi didn't know that what they said was not the same thing at all.

She stared at him with a tiger's face. "I told Ye Ling about the twelve knife coronal incision of brain tissue."

"...." the man frowned when he didn't hear the answer he wanted.

"And then?"

Qiao Jiang tore a chicken leg. "Then I told her that there are three methods of cerebellar incision. The first method is to keep the original contact with the brain stem. The knife edge is perpendicular to the brain stem and make multiple transverse sections of the cerebellum. This method can show the fourth brain lesion and the texture of the cerebellum."

Gu Liancheng: "

He sighed deeply and explained weakly, "that's not what I said."

This woman, can't you talk to him?

Qiao Jiang looked at him suspiciously and then blinked.

"Well, I also read the foreign diagnostic criteria for brain death."

Gu Liancheng: "

Looking at the man's still ugly face, she hummed softly.

She found out that this man is now a bone in the egg. He just wants to deduct her salary.

She bit the chicken leg feebly, "uncle, do you think I'm very unhappy?"

Otherwise, why have you been staring at her every move lately.

What's the difference between his behavior and Lu Qingbei's staring at Du Rong for dinner?

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