"He died of acute poisoning, not drug abuse!" Qiao Jiang's voice suddenly sounded in the anatomy room.

She looked at Gu Liancheng in surprise, her eyes moist.

She knew that Dad would not take drugs. He was a great father. He would never let himself down.

Lu Qingbei frowned lightly, "how can you see?"

He felt that all the performance of Qiao Jiang had no professionalism at all.

As a medical examiner, you must not bring your emotions to work.

Listening to Lu Qingbei's words, Gu Liancheng frowned slightly.

"You say."

Qiao Jiang nodded and his red lips opened gently. "In patients with acute poisoning, brain nerve cells have varying degrees of degeneration, necrotic focal perivascular hemorrhage and acute brain edema."

With that, she glanced at the man on the anatomical table, and a faint light flashed across the bottom of her eyes, "that's how he is."

"For long-term drug users, multifocal neuronal necrosis, focal softening, peripheral glial cell proliferation, glial nodules will be formed, local subarachnoid lymphocytes will increase, and meninges will thicken."

Huang Dongxu nodded in agreement. It's true.

Fortunately, Qiao Jiang is persistent. Otherwise, he has been definitely cut off as a drug addict.

Few forensic doctors will do the last step to dig out the truth they insist on bit by bit.

"Under the electron microscope, the mitochondria of nerve cells in the hippocampus of the patients who died of acute poisoning were extremely swollen, empty cannon changed, the ridge was broken, a chromosome in Hanoi was clustered, the myelin sheath of nerve fibers in the basal ganglia disintegrated, and the lamina structure was disordered“

Fearing that someone might doubt her, she glanced at Huang Dongxu, "are you right, section chief?"

"That's right." Huang Dongxu nodded and took Qiao Jiang's words: "white matter encephalopathy, focal cerebral infarction, septic brain swelling, brain atrophy, myelitis and multiple neuritis can also be seen in those who have died of long-term drug abuse."

She raised her head and took a deep breath to hold back the tears that were about to burst into tears.

"Distinguished from the immune system, long-term drug users often have reactive hyperplasia of lymph tissue, enlargement of lymph nodes in anus, hilum, mesentery and thymus and spleen. Under light microscope, lymph nodes proliferate in the early stage and atrophy of lymph nodes can be seen in the late stage“

Gu Liancheng looked at her from a short distance.

I don't know if I'm used to seeing her invulnerable. At the moment, she is fragile, and he feels inexplicably distressed.

I really want to hold her and give that fragile shoulder some strength.

"There are many doubts about this matter." Lu Qingbei spits out a mouthful of turbidity. "It may be a little difficult next."

Without waiting for an answer for a long time, Lu Qingbei turned and looked at Gu Liancheng.

But he saw his eyes tightly falling on Qiao Jiang. It seemed that there was no other in his eyes.

"..." he looked along his eyes, glanced at Qiao Jiang, and his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Gu Liancheng, the woman you like is Qiao Jiang?

He gave him a deep look.

Is the taste so unique?

Qiao Jiang's eyes fell on the anatomical table, and a cold light burst out from the bottom of his eyes.

"The truth presented by the body has been put in front of him. The killer forcibly injected him with drugs in order to create the illusion of drug death. This is clearly murder!"

Gu Liancheng nodded, "find out the witness who witnessed Wei Zhenpeng taking drugs."

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