Gu Liancheng ignored him and got up and left the office.

For a moment, Yu Wangshu was the only one left in the huge Chief Superintendent's office.

He looked blankly at the direction Gu Liancheng left.

He's analyzing with him. What's his attitude?


"He Zong."

Wei Yong went into he Xizhe's office and closed the door. He came to him with an anxious look, "I accidentally learned something today."

He Xizhe's typing hand paused slightly, "what?"

"Miss Qiao made an appointment with Miss Ji today. She said that Miss Ji said you murdered forensic Wei Xue and killed Qiao man who knew the truth."

Hearing the speech, he Xizhe flashed a cold light at the bottom of his eyes.

He slowly raised his eyes, and his face was as warm as ever.

He looked at Wei Yong faintly, and the corners of his lips flashed a smile, "is there such a thing?"

Wei Yong nodded. "Of course I know it's Miss Ji's angry words, but it seems that Miss Qiao is serious. He asked me to set up Miss Ji's words."

He Xizhe's expression was light, and there was no change.

As if impeccable.

He smiled low, "Qiao Jiang is the one who helped you. Just tell me what happened?"

"Ha ha." Wei Yong smiled awkwardly. "After all, I work next to Mr. He, and I will always pay back miss Qiao's money. I'm just afraid that Miss Qiao will disturb your work. After all, she works for the police department."

"My body is not afraid of shadow evil. It's okay. Warmth is also capricious."

Spit out a sentence, he bowed his head and became busy in front of the computer, as if Wei Yong's words had no impact on him at all.

Of course he is not stupid enough to trust a Wei Yong.

All he can believe is himself.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Ji wennuan.

After the long beep, there came Ji wennuan's voice, "Hey, Xi zhe..."

"I'm almost off work. Will you cook tonight? I'll come."

Hearing the speech, Ji wennuan flashed a surprise at the bottom of his eyes, and his malaise disappeared in an instant.

"Well, I'll go shopping now."


Hang up the phone. Ji wennuan hasn't recovered for a long time.

Since she came back this time, Xi zhe has always been cold to her. He doesn't even want to live with her. This is the first time he took the initiative to have dinner with her.

Without much thought, she hurried to the supermarket.

Tonight, she must perform well.


When he Xizhe arrived, Ji wennuan had already cooked a large table of dishes.

She is not a famous lady, nor does she have a prominent identity like Qiao Jiang. She grew up in an orphanage, and many things will naturally happen.

"Xi Zhe." she took his coat. "I've cooked rice. It's all your favorite."

A large table of dishes, each of which was carefully cooked by her.

"HMM." he hummed a syllable. After washing his hands, he came to the table and sat down.

Ji wennuan poured him a glass of red wine, "Xizhe, this is your favorite wine."

He held the glass in his slender hand and shook it gently.

The red liquid shook in the cup, the light reflected his warm face, and his long eyelashes fell down, covering the look at the bottom of his eyes.

"Tell me..."

In the quiet and peaceful atmosphere, his voice sounded low, "what did you say to Qiao Jiang today?"

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