"Mom, do you remember the jar we buried under our hometown tree when we were young? You told me that the contents would be dug up when I got married. Even my father didn't know about it."

Hearing the speech, Jiang Huiyan suddenly sat up from the bed. She looked at her incredulously, "how do you know?"

"Because I'm Xiaoxue." she said lightly, but she knocked heavily on Jiang Huiyan's heart.

It was their mother's and daughter's secret, which no one had told.

She looked at her in surprise, with incredible colors flowing in her eyes, and more shocked.

"Aunt, you can ask. Qiao Jiang of the police secretary was just a fool, but since the day after snowball was burned to death, she has made great progress in anatomy, and even Gu Liancheng was convinced."

Jiang Huiyan's face was at a loss. Maybe it was too shocked, or maybe the surprise came too suddenly. She was afraid it was just an empty joy.

Her stiff body lay down on the bed: "you go out first, I want to be quiet."

What else did Qiao Jiang want to say, but Bai Jincheng stopped him.

"Let aunt calm down first." he dragged Qiao Jiang out of the ward.

Jiang Huiyan lay in bed, remembering Qiao Jiang's words and Bai Jincheng's expression.

His relationship with Xiaoxue is always good. Based on his relationship with Xiaoxue, he won't coax her with outsiders.

For a moment, she was in a state of confusion.

Qiao Jiang walked out of the ward and walked towards the front without love.

Bai Jincheng didn't say a word, but followed her quietly.

At the moment, what she needs most is silence.

At this time, a loud noise sounded. Then, a nurse in a white coat was pushed to the ground and just fell in front of Qiao Jiang.

A man rushed over with red eyes and kicked her heavily, "you dare to kill my child. You're just a little nurse..."

The man's curse continued. Qiao Jiang saw the woman sitting in the corner crying through the crowded crowd, with a newborn baby in her arms.

Under her was a large winding trail of blood.

She frowned slightly and strode up.

"She needs to stop bleeding immediately, or her life will be in danger."

What else does the man want to say? Qiao Jiang spits out with a cold face, "why, it's not enough for the child to die, and his wife to die."

Hearing the speech, the man immediately silenced.

The woman was pushed into the operating room and the man began to agitate again.

"I'll sue you, you quacks!"


Before the doctor finished speaking, the man grabbed his collar and threatened fiercely, "you'd better talk less to me. It's not your child who died!"

Qiao Jiang looked at the child for a while and suddenly stood up.

She looked at the man and gently explained: "the cause of fetal death is fetal hypoxia and intrauterine fetal distress due to the extrusion of umbilical cord, long labor process and early separation of placenta, placental cellulose necrosis, placental hemorrhage and placental blood circulation disorder during delivery."

Jiang Huiyan doesn't know when to come to the crowd.

She looked at Qiao Jiang, looked at her confident and indifferent appearance, and slowly overlapped with her proud daughter.

Qiao Jiang's explanation continued, "sometimes the fetus begins to breathe through the birth canal, inhales amniotic fluid, blood and fetal stool and suffocates."

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