Out of the hospital, Qiao Jiang deeply vomited a mouthful of turbid gas. Time passed so fast.

Her death day has come again.

I don't know why, she still wants to see it.

She didn't know how her parents stood in front of the grave at that time.

She came to the cemetery and looked at the clean surroundings, her eyes moist.

For the rest of her life, she wants to treat her mother well and won't let her shed another drop of tears.

She raised her head and took a deep breath, and a bitter smile was gently drawn from the corners of her lips.

After that, her mother was the only one left.

Her eyes fell on the lilies in front of the tombstone, and the corners of her lips gently hooked. She knew that it was sent by Aunt Duan, Bai Jincheng's mother.

It's really a pity that her soul is alive, but her body is dead.

Over the past two years, she has gradually got used to Qiao Jiang's body.

It won't be as scared as it was at first.

He Xizhe used to come here.

Even acting is better than no one cares.

Those who loved and hated before are dead.

Now, everything has settled.

Everything that belongs to Wei Xue no longer exists.

Time is really a good thing. It can take away everything, including one's glory.

In the past, she sighed deeply.

She leaned down and picked up the flowers in front of the tombstone. However, before her fingertips touched the flowers, a sound suddenly sounded behind her.

"Why are you here?"

The sudden voice frightened Qiao Jiang's heart. She patted her chest in shock and looked unhappy.

When she saw the man in front of her, a slight shock flashed across her eyes.

She really didn't expect to meet Gu Liancheng here.

The setting sun slanted down and bathed him in the halo of the setting sun. His outline was clearly outlined, which gave Qiao Jiang a feeling of ten thousand years.

He held a bunch of flowers in his hand, but they were not used to worship the dead, but... Bright and vibrant sunflowers.

It seems that Qiao Jiang's pupils shrink slightly.

In the first year of her death, she saw it here. She remembered that there was a bunch of sunflowers in front of the tombstone, but they had withered away.

At that time, she did not know who sent it, nor did she investigate it.

But now, she seems to know who the person who sent her sunflowers is.

They stared at each other from a short distance.

Qiao Jiang looked him up and down. His clothes were not in the morning.

At the moment, it was time to get off work, but he was very formally dressed in black, looking serious and solemn.

When Qiao Jiang looked at him, he was also silently examining her.

His eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, his face was serious and full of bottomless darkness. He persistently asked the questions that had just not been answered.

"Why are you here?"

Qiao Jiang took back his eyes, pointed to the tombstone with extreme indifference, and simply spit out two words, "worship."

"As far as I know, you have nothing to do with her." he looked at her calmly, and his words seemed to have no temperature.

At the moment, it miraculously gave Qiao Jiang an aggressive feeling.

She frowned. "Do you know me well?"

Gu Liancheng gently sipped his lips without saying a word.

His eyes fell slowly on the tombstone.

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