Because she met someone she wanted to cherish with all her strength, even if that person had some turtle hair, some discomfort and some pride.

Xueyang city was soon shrouded in the night. Qiao Jiang nestled on the sofa and watched the TV play with Jiang Huiyan.

In heaven and on earth, he is drunk every night.

She has never loved anyone in her life except Gu Liancheng.

At the beginning of her love affair, her parents told her that she would marry Gu family in the future. Gu Liancheng has always been the person in her heart.

For this, she tried to make herself excellent and worthy of him.

But she really didn't expect that he would put his mind on a widow.

I never thought that even Yang Qianlan would agree. This is clearly a disgrace, isn't it?

She took a hard sip of the wine in front of her, and cried as she drank.

Just then, one hand took her glass.

She looked up and saw the man opposite smiling at her. His voice was gentle, "Miss Sheng, drinking hurts your body."

She grabbed her glass and said, "get away from talking to me. What are you!"

Yang Chaonan was not annoyed. He just smiled faintly.

"It seems that Miss Sheng is frustrated. She just doesn't know what I can help you?"

"Ha ha!"

Sheng wanwan laughed sarcastically, "you have the ability to help me destroy Qiao Jiang."

"Ha ha." Yang Chaonan chuckled with an unfathomable smile. "Three days later, on the birthday of Secretary for justice Qi Wenlong, the first person he invited will be Gu Liancheng."

Sheng looked up and drank a glass of wine, "do you think I don't know these things?"

In the face of Sheng wanwan's bad attitude, he was not angry. "Qi Wenlong was an old son and doted on Qi Simiao, so he created his lawless character, and he preferred good-looking women."

Then he leaned forward a little, "Qiao Jiang, as the first lady in Xueyang City, has a good reputation and looks good. I think he will be interested."

"Ha ha!" Sheng wanwan suddenly laughed.

She took up her glass and threw it on Yang Chaonan's face: "what bad idea? Now who doesn't know that Qiao Jiang is already Gu Liancheng's man? Who ate bear heart leopards dare to touch her!"

Yang Chaonan didn't see much expression on his face. He silently wiped off the wine stains on his face and raised a smile on his lips.

"Qi Simiao can't stand the urge. If he takes advantage of the wine again, he won't necessarily do anything."

After a pause, he added darkly, "if she accidentally killed Qi Simiao, the only son of the Secretary for justice's favorite, I'm afraid even the Chief Superintendent can't protect her."

Sheng wanwan was suddenly stunned. This time, she seriously faced up to the man in front of her.

You're right!

Qiao Jiang is arrogant and has a big temper. She can't stand any insult at all. In the face of being bullied, who knows she won't do anything aggressive to Qi Simiao.

In this way, not to mention that the family will not accept a daughter-in-law with human life, even Qi Wenlong will never give up.

Sheng wanwan's hand holding the glass tightened gently.

Why didn't she think of that?

Looking at Sheng wanwan's expression at the moment, Yang Chaonan silently got up and left.

This is a gift for the Gu family.

I'm sure they'll be surprised.

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