There was a strange touch on her body, and a strong smell of wine and powder on a woman's body came from her nose, which made her instinctive rejection.

"A woman in a coma is really not interesting. How can I conquer it?"

Strange sounds came into the eardrum. Before she could react, a basin of cold water suddenly poured down.

Thanks to this basin of cold water, she woke up from her nightmare.

She opened her hazy eyes and looked at the strange scene and the strange person in front of her. She frowned slightly.

"You slept really hard!"

Qiao Jiang looked at the man talking in front of him and paused for a few seconds. "Who are you?"

When her voice fell, Qi Simiao looked at her in surprise, "are you Qiao Jiang?"

"I'm not, are you?"

She was aggressive every word.

Looking at her like this, Qi Simiao doubted that he had made a mistake. "Doesn't it say that Qiao Jiang is the first lady in xueyang city and never speaks loudly?"

"What's the matter with celebrities? Celebrities are not human. I heard you can't breathe!"

Looking at his naked eyes, Qiao Jiang frowned tightly.

"You tied me up?"

"Stop talking nonsense. Do you want to do it?"

Qiao Jiang flashed a daze at the bottom of his eyes, "what are you doing?"

He spit out two words very directly, then took off his coat, and one hand was deftly untiing his tie.

It's strange. When was he so impatient?

Seems to be aware of something, in my mind, the picture of clinking glasses with Sheng night flashed by.

"Damn it! Dare to Yin me!"

Qiao Jiang looked at him quietly. "Do you know what my hand does most often?"

"I don't know!" his tone was a little angry because he was overcast in the evening.

Qiao Jiang was not annoyed. Her bright red lip gently hooked, "my hand often holds the scalpel, and the scalpel is used for dissection. The blade cuts the skin and muscles, the tip is used to trim blood vessels and nerves, and the handle is used for blunt separation."

Listening to her words, Qi Simiao snorted, "I know, you are a forensic medicine."

Qiao Jiang adjusted his posture, supported his jaw with one hand and looked at him with a smile.

"The scalpel can be used in several ways. Naturally, the effect is different. For example, finger pressure is the most commonly used method of holding the scalpel. It gives full play to the power of wrist and fingers and is mostly used for abdominal skin incision and cutting off the tissue clamped by forceps."

Looking at her bright and picturesque eyes and the gloomy smile on her lips, he swallowed his saliva.

"What do you say to me? I'm not interested!"

Looking at his appearance, Qiao Jiang's smile widened a bit.

"I just want to tell you that I have the ability to kill each other at any time, and the small blade is in my hand, which can exert great force on hard tissues, such as tendons, necrotic tissues, chronic proliferative tissues, etc."

"Hum!" Qi Simiao snorted coldly, "don't think I can only bluff people if I don't know. Sheng wanwan is not also a forensic doctor. Who knows to threaten people like you!"

Qiao Jiang's eyes flashed with a smile.

Sure enough, it's in full swing!

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