As Qiao Jiang's words fell, the big room was very quiet.

Admiring eyes fell on her.

So, this is the forensic medicine.

The cause of death can be thoroughly analyzed.

Yu Wangshu looked at Qiao Jiang excitedly. She proved her innocence, right.

Luckily she's all right, otherwise, I'll be depressed again.

"Flattery, where did you get it? My son won't take those things."

"Mr. Qi, calm down."

Qiao Jiang's voice is like a record of wind and snow, which has the effect of calming people's hearts.

"Why don't you ask who Mr. Qi had contact with during the banquet and who gave him something to drink?"

"Check! Check it right away!"

Qi Wenlong's voice rang through the whole room, shaking people's eardrums.

After a while, the people around Qi Wenlong came in, "checked, Qi Shao didn't drink anything given by anyone, and didn't eat any food at the party. He just had a cup with Miss Sheng in the evening."

In an instant, all eyes fell on Sheng wanwan.

Facing the eyes of the people, she took the lead in turning red.

"I fell in love with Qi Shao at first sight, so we made a friend. We just touched the cup. I had no motive to give him medicine."

Then she began to cry. She looked even more sad than Qi Wenlong.

At this time, a woman came up weakly.

"Mr. Qi, I'm Qi Shao's new girlfriend. The medicine is mine. Maybe he ate it by mistake."

Qi Wenlong took a staggering step back. After all, he fell to the ground and was immediately sent to the hospital.

Qiao Jiang glanced at the woman. I'm afraid it wouldn't be such a coincidence.

But now she really can't ask any more. Qi Simiao has a special identity and has attracted extensive attention.

Now there is no proof, it is difficult to start.

Qi Wenlong can no longer bear the blow. The dead are gone, and he has to take care of the emotions of the living.

Gu Liancheng led Qiao Jiang out. When passing Sheng wanwan, she stopped slightly.

Looking sideways, her cold eyes looked straight at Sheng wanwan, "those who can escape prison can't escape hell."

Sheng wanwan suddenly took a breath, pretending to be calm.

She just wants Qiao Jiang to kill Qi Simiao. She doesn't want to get blood on her hands.

She thought that the dose would be all right, but she didn't expect


"That matter has something to do with prosperity?"

Gu Liancheng's voice trembled. Even though he tried to suppress it, Qiao Jiang heard it.

She poked at his strong waist. "I doubt it. There's no evidence."

Gu Liancheng sighed, "Lao Qi can't stand the stimulation."

"I know."

It's just that it's too late.

If this matter continues to be investigated, it will inevitably be a scandal for xueyang city.

Just as Qiao Jiang was about to sit in the car, Gu Liancheng suddenly hugged her, "Qiao Xiaojiang!"

Qiao Jiang was slightly stunned, and then gently surrounded him.

"I'll be fine."

Gu Liancheng held her and didn't let go for a long time.

He was really afraid, afraid of unexpected events and completely crushing them.


When Qiao Jiang and Gu Liancheng returned to Gu's house, Yang Qianlan had not slept.

Seeing them come in, she bowed her head and wiped her tears.

Looking at her, Gu Liancheng frowned, "Mom, what are you crying for?"

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