"Ha ha!" he smiled shyly. "I wanted to save the girl at that time, but before he came to the girl, he suddenly fell down, and the girl was saved by others."

"Then?" Qiao Jiang looked at him with a smile.

He silently glanced at Gu Liancheng and saw him leaning quietly on the sofa. It was really the same as what they had agreed in the hospital: pretending to be weak.

He looked at Qiao Jiang, "then a car suddenly came and ran over my brother."

With Yu Wangshu's words falling, a really strange silence came from the huge villa.

Gu Liancheng almost stood up angrily and gave him a kick.

Even if he couldn't round the lie, he also damaged his image in Qiao Xiaojiang's heart.

What do you mean? He wanted to save the girl, but before he came to the girl, he suddenly fell down. The girl was rescued by others, and he was still lying on the ground and run over by the car.

Qiao Jiang's eyes narrowed slightly, "crush injury?"

Yu Wangshu quickly nodded, "yes, the doctor seems to say so."

"Alas!" she sighed heavily and sat aside.

She looked at Gu Liancheng on the sofa and spoke helplessly.

"Rolling injury is the injury caused by the rolling of motor vehicle tires. It is a more serious kind of traffic injury."

"Alas." Yu Wangshu sighed, "yes, this kind of injury is really serious. I owe my brother to send him to the hospital in time, otherwise he will be in trouble."

Hearing the speech, Gu Liancheng's face turned black again.

At the moment, he could hardly say how bitter he was.

Qiao Jiang nodded and agreed. "It's really serious. According to the statistics of 2000 traffic injuries, 20% of the total deaths were caused by rolling, including 47% by head rolling, 27% by abdomen rolling, 18% by chest rolling, 7% by limbs rolling and 1% by neck rolling."

Her eyes, which had already seen everything, swept over Gu Liancheng, "so the chance of survival from crush injury is really very small."

Then she suddenly approached Gu Liancheng.

Her warm breath lingered between his nose wings. Her eyes were as bright as a picture, so she looked at him, "did the car brake when it rolled over you?"

"..." Gu Liancheng silently removed his eyes from her, and forced his heart to feel guilty.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to remedy, Yu Wangshu patted his thigh, "I must have braked, otherwise my brother would have died."

Gu Liancheng: "

Qiao Jiang gently removed the remaining gauze from him.

"When a motor vehicle is driving, the driver suddenly finds that the pedestrian is in front, he is bound to take emergency braking."

Hearing the speech, Yu Wangshu's hanging heart relaxed a little.

It seems that we can pass this time.

Qiao Jiang gave him a silent look and continued to explain that "when the motor vehicle taxis after emergency braking, at the end of the human body lying down drag mark, the injured skin often forms epidermal peeling and subcutaneous bleeding marks consistent with the convex pattern of the tire“

Smell speech, the expression on Yu Wangshu's face slowly froze.

He just wanted to know why Qiao Jiang had nothing to learn so many things.

Sure enough, that's why he doesn't like falling in love with smart women.

In order to deceive her, he and his brother fought so hard and were always questioned.

"The other side of the corresponding human body, due to the action of pushing pressure, moves forward locally and rubs with the ground, forming flake and strip skin abrasions, also known as symmetrical abrasions."

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