The prison was dark.

While bald tyrant was tearing off pieces of clothes to bandage his wound, he narrated: "This is what happened. Do you still have any doubts? My friend."

Hegang Jun shook his head: "No."

He just asked Bald tyrant what happened in the prison and how the earth was.

The information given by Bald tyrant was consistent with what Kevin said.

After defeating Brother Bang, Huankong came to Tiangonghui Prison, attacked it, took away the strongest group of prisoners, and controlled the earth!

And Kevin took advantage of the chaos to escape and luckily went to Xiaochen Universe!

"My friend, I'm really sorry just now, I thought."

Bald tyrant smiled honestly and was about to continue explaining.

Swoosh! !

The Nuclear Steel King's figure became dazzling.

Bald Tyrant completely decayed and turned into a pile of dregs.

Only his bright bald head remained, which had not decayed.

"Huh..." Nuclear Steel King slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, looking at the debris on the ground, "It's okay, Bald Tyrant, my friend, I forgive you!!"

As soon as the voice fell!

He raised his footsteps and slowly walked around the prison: "Let me confirm first, are there any other criminals here."

If there are.

He doesn't mind helping the people of this universe and cleaning up the criminals of this universe!

Nuclear Steel King walked through the cells one by one, and the cells were empty.

When he walked past the last cell, he stopped.


Nuclear Steel King looked at this cell and shrank his neck: "There is obviously nothing here, why do I feel cold when I pass by??"

It seems that this last cell.

The temperature is different from the outside world!

"Because the Ice Ghost is here!"

A sharp voice suddenly sounded!!

An alien wearing a hood and looking like a skeleton demon suddenly appeared in the cell!

As he opened his mouth to speak, a large amount of cold air erupted!

The cold air fell directly on Nuclear Steel...

Directly froze Nuclear Steel into a flaming ice sculpture!!


The Ice Ghost panted hard, and after doing all this, he collapsed directly on the wall of the cell: "Fortunately, I relied on the Ice Ghost's stealth ability to sneak attack this weirdo, otherwise I really..."


The figure of Nuclear Steel became hot.

Because he can control the heat himself.

So as long as the temperature is raised...

The ice around him is melting rapidly, and a large amount of water vapor is boiling out!!


Nuclear Steel slowly walked out of the broken ice, looking at the Ice Ghost with a fierce look in his eyes: "Ice Ghost, right? No matter how strong you are, you can't resist the radiation of Nuclear Steel!"

"Wait, wait!"

Ice Ghost suddenly raised his hands, as if surrendering!

"Wait for a shit!"

Nuclear Steel raised his fist, and the sandbag-sized fist directly broke the railing, and then stretched out his hand to pull the Ice Ghost! !

He grabbed the Ice Ghost's clothes, raised another fist full of radiation, and was about to launch a fatal blow! !

"You named this alien Nuclear Steel, are you me from another universe!"

"My name is Brother Bang!!"

Ban looked directly at the fist that was attacking and said quickly!

Crash! !

Nuclear Steel's fist full of radiation stopped in front of Brother Bang! !

Brother Ban watched the punch with fear and trepidation, and was shocked: "What kind of operation is this? The fist was so close to me, but I was not irradiated... This guy's Nuclear Steel has a very strong control ability!!"

He is in another universe.

So fierce!

"Brother Ban?"

Nuclear Steel's tone was puzzled and incredible: "Now you can cancel the transformation for me, otherwise, I will kill you!"

Swish! !

The figure of the Ice Ghost burst into a dazzling light!

A "vagrant" with short brown hair, untidy beard, and ragged clothes appeared in the original place.

If it weren't for the small broken watch on his wrist, it could prove his identity.

No one dared to believe it.

This person is Brother Ban!

"It's really Brother Ban! Why are you here!"

Nuclear Steel looked at Brother Ban in surprise and asked.

Brother Bang smiled bitterly: "After the battle with Huan Kong, although I was defeated, I did not die. Because Huan Kong continued to conquer the earth and hunt me down, I could only hide here."

It's ironic.

Now on Earth, there are criminals everywhere who are hunting down Brother Bang.

Instead, only the bald tyrant was left wandering around in the prison!

This gave Brother Bang a chance to recuperate!

"Now, it's time to ask you... my friend, how did you get here?"

Brother Bang raised his eyebrows and asked Nuclear Steel.

Nuclear Steel spoke directly about Kevin in the future: "Kevin from your universe came to my universe with a time and space scroll... In the end, I killed him and came to you with the scroll, ready to help you."

He told everything.

Of course, he concealed the existence of the system, and Kevin himself had a time and space scroll instead!

Brother Bang didn't care about the details, but just sighed with shock: "I have to say that except for the same name, our personalities are completely different... At least when I was ten years old, I wasn't as good as you!!"

"Because we are not the same person."

As soon as the voice fell.

Nuclear Steel glowed.

Xiao Chen walked out of the light slowly with a smile on his face: "My name is Xiao Chen, Brother Ban, I'm here to help you!"

"Okay... let me adjust for a while, and we'll go deal with Huankong!"

Ban looked at Xiao Chen's face, suppressed his inner shock, and nodded with difficulty.

Then, he turned over his clothes.

Under the tattered clothes, there was a conspicuous stab wound on his abdomen.

The wound was simply stopped from bleeding and disinfected, but it did not recover and was always inflamed! !

"What is this?!"

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and asked.

Brother Ban didn't want to recall it, and said in a low voice: "This is a major advantage that Huankong can defeat me!"

That day.

Huankong turned into a perfectly virtual ghost, and took advantage of Brother Ban sitting on the sofa.

He jumped up directly and stabbed Brother Ban's heart with a dagger!

Brother Ban barely dodged it, but was stabbed in the abdomen!

Since then, he has been defeated all the way until his grandfather died, the earth was controlled by Huankong, and Xiaowen and the others disappeared...

"So that's how it is."

Xiao Chen was silent after hearing this: "Aren't you curious about who gave Huankong that ability?"

"When I was ten years old, I would be curious about this. Now I only consider how to defeat the enemy tactically."

Ban Ge said with pain.

On this point, the two of them coincided.

"No matter what, you have such a serious injury, you can't fight side by side with me." Xiao Chen analyzed calmly, "I don't know, do you have medical knowledge?"

"You mean..."

Ban Ge looked at Xiao Chen in surprise.

The next moment, the two blurted out: "Use the little warrior to learn medical knowledge and heal my (your) wounds!!"

"Then come on!"

Ban Ge looked at Xiao Chen with admiration and nodded slowly: "When the next cooldown is over, turn into a little warrior and I will teach you medical knowledge!!"

"Okay, I'm sorry for attacking you just now."

Xiao Chen apologized out of guilt.

In fact, he was not apologizing for attacking.

But for causing Ban Ge to be backstabbed.

"It doesn't matter~" Ban Ge smiled teasingly, "It's a good thing you said something about Nuclear Steel, otherwise I would really die in your hands, and then you really have to apologize."

Then, the two began to chat casually.

They understood each other's world.

But Xiao Chen was interested in Ban Ge's universe.

Ban Ge was interested in Xiao Chen personally.

Because he was very curious...

Xiao Chen was only ten years old, but he was outstanding in all aspects, just like a cold warrior!

Because of this, Brother Bang felt more at ease with him!

He dared to use his little trick to save himself!

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