"It's me." Badban slowly shook the huge tentacle on his left, and the huge tentacle handed the Ekquwa sword to his left hand. Then, he grasped the sword and smiled: "With the sword, my combat power will be greatly increased, and I can also take revenge on that damn bastard!!" "What happened? My cousin said that your watch appeared..." Tian Xiaowen spread his hands and tried to ask. "Stop talking nonsense, you are also on my revenge list!!" Badban roared, and the Ekquwa sword in his hand was instantly raised, aiming at Tian Xiaowen and Mark! At this moment! Tian Xiaowen's breathing stopped suddenly, and his heart was pounding. She had a sense of déjà vu facing the devil!!

Mark performed slightly better, standing there coldly, his body tense: "Bad Class looks like he has lost one hand and watch, but his aura seems to be even more amazing..."

"Let's kill you first!!"

Bad Class gently swung the Ekquwa Sword, and the sword energy condensed.

The terrifying sword energy wave aimed at Tian Xiaowen.

And his huge tentacle on the left raised and poked at Mark!!

He wanted to get the second kill instantly!!

And at this moment...

Not far away, Howling Wolf was still fighting with the devil beast.

But now, he can rely on his gradually strong physique to take the long arm attack of the devil beast!

Then he stepped closer to the devil beast.

Just waiting to tear the devil beast apart!!

But he couldn't spare a hand to help Tian Xiaowen and the others!

"Oh no... This time, I'm afraid I'll die in Bad Class's hands."

Mark showed a bitter smile, looking at the giant tentacles getting closer and closer, and couldn't think of any way.

"Wait, wait a minute!!"

"You should also want to kill Huan Kong, right? We're going to kill Huan Kong soon!"

At this moment!

Tian Xiaowen barely kept calm, his body trembling slightly, and spoke decisively! !

Whoosh! !

Bad Class slowly put down the magic sword.

The huge tentacle also stopped in front of Mark! !

"What did you say..." Bad Class tilted his head slightly and looked at Tian Xiaowen, his eyes with a piercing coldness, "You are going to kill Huan Kong? What do you mean, explain it."

"My cousin has mastered the way to find Huan Kong, and Huan Kong is also coming to deal with us. We will probably go to war soon! ! And we have fought several times!"

Tian Xiaowen said quickly, his mind turning quickly.

Bad Class said: "Evidence, how can I be sure, is this just something you made up to save your life?"

"The evidence is... I have mastered the time and space magic to find Huankong."

Tian Xiaowen took a deep breath.

She forced herself to be calm, raised her arms, and risked her life to gather the energy of heaven.

The energy of heaven gathered a wisp of time and space power.

Feeling this familiar power, Bad Class's expression became furious, and he said coldly: "No need to release it again, if you release it again, you can use it to hit me!!"

Swish! !

Tian Xiaowen immediately put down her arms and stood there exhausted.

"It seems that you really have mastered the way to deal with Huankong."

Bad Class stared at Tian Xiaowen coldly, and then looked at the Howling Wolf who was fighting with the Demonic Beast not far away: "Huankong, you are ranked first on my revenge list, and you are ranked behind. I pay more attention to order. So, it is more important to kill the first one first!!"

After saying that, he actually raised his feet and walked directly towards the Howling Wolf and the Demonic Beast! !

Looking at his back.

Mark looked at Tian Xiaowen in shock: "Xiaowen, how did you know that Bad Class wanted to kill Huankong? I mean, although we all know that Huankong and Bad Class probably have conflicts, we can't give such a definite answer like you!"

"Because Bad Class said that he wanted to seek revenge on the bastard!"

"If we are the so-called bastards, he should just do it directly without any nonsense... So I guess that the object of his revenge is Huankong, and it was Huankong who hurt him so badly!!"

Tian Xiaowen analyzed calmly, and did not forget to wipe the cold sweat on her body.

She relied on rapid analysis and revealed important information about the upcoming attack on Huankong.

Let her and grandpa escape from Bad Class!

"It seems that not only Xiao Chen and Xiaoban, Xiaowen can also turn the tide."

Mark looked at Tian Xiaowen with great relief, and then the two looked at Bad Class.

Bad Class, what are you doing going to Xiao Chen? ? Do it? !


Under the desperate gaze of the demon beast, the Howling Wolf came to the former

In front of him, a fatal claw exploded and swept across the chest of the former! !


The expression of the demon beast was distorted. After wailing, it fell to the ground covered in blood, and fell into a pool of blood!

"Although it was a bit difficult to kill, it was still done."

Howling Wolf looked at the demon beast coldly and said slowly.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the brutal task. You killed the demon beast with a proper attitude and got a reward!"

"Get reward: C-level skill card!"

At this moment, Xiao Tianlang already had an A+ skill card and a C-level card in his hand!

"You killed the enemy? Xiao Chen!"

A familiar and even alert voice sounded from behind Xiao Tianlang!

Xiao Tianlang suddenly turned around, his pupils slightly dilated.

He looked at the half-human and half-ghost Bad Ban in front of him.

Bad Ban still held the Ekquwa sword in his hand! !

"It seems... I've met a lot of old acquaintances recently. I beat one not long ago, and now I have to beat another one!"

The veins on Xiao Tianlang's brows popped out, and he opened his mouth with fangs.

Bad Ban raised the Ekquwa sword and said to Xiao Tianlang: "Calm down, we have a common enemy, Huankong!"

"Common enemy, Huankong... It seems that Huankong is the culprit who stole your watch and cut off your arm."

Although Xiao Tianlang had guessed this a long time ago, it is now clear!

Bad Ban, backstabbed by Huankong!

Bad Ban's huge tentacles suddenly fell to the ground, shaking the ground, and his eyes were fierce: "Don't talk nonsense, what I want to say is, let's kill Huankong together first!"

"With you? Sorry, I have enough allies."

Xiao Tianlang sneered.

When he returns to the Brother Bang universe, he will meet up with Xiao Ban and Brother Bang.

By then, they will destroy the multiverse army brought by Huankong!

No need for Bad Class!


Howling Wolf stretched out his claws and said fiercely: "Your current strength can't help you. It's better to be killed by me as a weirdo!"


His huge figure pounced on Bad Class!

At this moment.

There was anger and coldness in Bad Class's eyes.

But he suppressed his inner emotions, and his body became completely empty, allowing Howling Wolf to pass through his body!

Then, he walked outside step by step.

Regardless of Howling Wolf, Tian Xiaowen and others! !

"The war is imminent, I don't want to waste time with you."

"I must, must save all my fighting power and kill Huankong!!"

With a sword in his hand and a sword in his heart, Bad Class said fiercely!

As his figure gradually disappeared.

Xiao Tianlang was so angry that his face was deformed, and he clenched his hands tightly: "This bastard, he said it so righteously, if you hadn't snatched my sword, I would have believed it!!"

He took the sword while he was fighting with the demon beast.

He wanted to cooperate again!

Bad Class is a typical wanter of both!


Xiao Tianlang, Tian Xiaowen and others didn't want to waste their energy before the war.

So they let Bad Class leave and chose to take another road and leave the temple.

After they walked out of the temple, they all returned to the old broken car.

Then, Xiao Chen set a strategic plan and said: "I will go to Brother Ban's universe in a while! Xiaowen, you and grandpa don't go!"


Tian Xiaowen was about to ask.

Mark sighed and nodded: "Xiao Wen, this time is different from the last time. Last time we went to the Brother Bang universe, we faced only ordinary weirdos, this time we will face... a group of monsters from various universes!!"

He and Xiao Wen really couldn't keep up with this intensity of battle!

Only Xiao Chen, Brother Bang, and even the specially trained Tian Xiaoban could participate in this kind of battle!

Next, the old broken car became quiet.

As time passed by.

After Xiao Chen had his meal and washed up, at the moment when the sun set in this world.

He quietly cast the scroll, allowing himself to travel through and disappear on the spot!


Future world, training ground.

Bang! !

Xiao Chen suddenly teleported here and sat on the alloy ground.

He looked at the alloy training ground in front of him with shock.

I saw that the alloy walls and the alloy ground... were full of potholes, as if they were destroyed by extremely strong forces! !

And on these potholes.

Tian Xiaoban, with short hair, tough eyes, and steam all over his body, looked at Xiao Chen: "Cousin, I didn't expect you to be teleported here..."

"Just right."

Ban's voice came.

He stood beside the tattered and dead body of Vilgax, and spread his hands: "Xiaoban's special training is over. Now he has the combat power to kill Vilgax alone.

, the potential has been fully developed by me! ! "

"One Vilgax is not enough to kill!"

Tian Xiaoban tilted his head slowly, and said with amazing momentum!

"I look forward to your training results."

Xiao Chen nodded with satisfaction and stretched out his fist: "Then everyone, wait for Huankong's arrival! ! "

After the three of them prepared in the training room, they walked out of the training room together.

They came to the city and looked up at the blue sky.

"Although Huankong said in my universe that he would bring people to destroy us."

"But if he goes to your universe, is it possible?"

Ban brother looked at the blue sky and suddenly asked.

Xiao Chen looked ugly and said slowly: "That means... no matter which universe we are in, he will go to the opposite universe! ! "

In other words.

Once Huankong has the plan to attack the base camp.

Xiao Chen and others must either disperse to deal with it, or watch another base camp being destroyed!!

And in Xiao Chen's universe.

The sky suddenly collapsed and became pitch black.

The huge portal was hanging in the sky like a purple sun.

Three figures, along with Huankong's figure, appeared in the purple sun.

The four of them were like four gods!!


In the old broken car, Mark and Tian Xiaowen stared at the figure in the sky in amazement.

Huankong attacked their universe.

No, that's not right.

It was Huankong who chose to attack the universe that no one was in charge of!!


In the desert.

The walking bad guys stopped.

"I'm afraid they will go to other universes to fight."

"It's easy to come to this universe. I'll just kill them alone!! "

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