The game was lost!" Tian Xiaoban yelled again, and because of his anger, his body vaguely turned into the terrifying appearance of the future Vilgax! That look made the evil witch who wanted to take action dumbfounded! ! "It's over. I can't beat him, and I can't beg for mercy." "Am I really going to jail?" The evil witch was completely desperate and murmured. She watched Tian Xiaoban playing games. Suddenly, a wonderful idea came to her mind. "That."

The evil witch looked at Tian Xiaoban tentatively and deliberately asked, "This game looks interesting. What's it called?"

"Are you interested in games?"

Tian Xiaoban raised his eyebrows, put down the controller in surprise, and looked at the evil witch.

"Of course, I often play games when I'm bored, and my gaming skills are quite good."

The evil witch said quickly, while showing a friendly smile.

It was her smile again.

This time.

Tian Xiaoban looked at her, and there was a hint of embarrassment in his eyes, and his face instantly turned red!

In his eyes...

Girls who like to play games have their charm value maxed out.

Not to mention the evil witch.

She has become a succubus! !

"Sure enough, even demons have shortcomings! It's right to treat the symptoms!"

The evil witch was overjoyed and said gently, "Now please loosen the rope, and we'll play games together."

As she said that, she blinked, and her smart eyes were filled with innocence and sincerity.

"Ah... you should just watch the game from the side. My cousin told me to watch you."

Tian Xiaoban regained his senses instantly and said helplessly to the evil witch.

He just asked the evil witch to sit on the side and watch him play games.

There was no intention to untie him at all!

He was not the Tian Xiaoban at the beginning!

"Okay, okay!"

The evil witch suppressed her anger and sat on the side of Tian Xiaoban. Her eyes turned and a plan was born instantly.

When Tian Xiaoban picked up the handle and concentrated on playing the game.


The evil witch raised her long legs and kicked the handle in Tian Xiaoban's hand violently! !

"My new handle!!!"

Tian Xiaoban wailed and rushed to the flying handle in panic!

As he grabbed the handle, he fell heavily to the ground.

Bang! !

The evil witch suddenly activated her magic power, with the blessing of her whole body of magic power.

It only took a few seconds for her to tear the rope that bound her!

"You, you are not a game fan at all!! Game fans will not smash the controller!"

Tian Xiaoban climbed up with an angry face and stared at the evil witch.

The evil witch smiled coldly and had charming eyes: "Yes, so I taught you what it means that people in society are evil. Do you want to thank me?"


She picked up the wind magic pendant, and the wind carried her and other magic weapons on the table and rushed out of the door of the old broken car!

Tian Xiaoban immediately raised his feet and followed closely.

The two came to the empty underground parking lot one after the other.

"Do you dare to go out? Maybe my cousin is outside."

Tian Xiaoban looked at the evil witch and pointed to the entrance of the parking lot.

The evil witch did not answer, but stretched out her right hand and slowly put on the Bessel magic pendant.

Her magic weapons are all alive!


The evil witch stretched out her hand, and the terrifying wind force instantly crushed Tian Xiaoban like a tidal wave!

Tian Xiaoban was crushed to the ground, and his body was even deformed!

"Don't move, I'm going to take you as a hostage, but don't force me."

The evil witch looked at Tian Xiaoban threateningly and said.


Tian Xiaoban struggled hard until his body was shattered!

"The hostage killed himself!"

The evil witch looked at the gate nervously, clenching her hands: "Although I have the Bessel Magic Pendant, I can exert the full power of the Wind Magic Pendant and the Black Demon's Hand, but I am not sure I can beat that demon!"

"Then are you sure you can beat me!!"

A dull voice sounded from the parking lot!

The evil witch looked incredible, turned her head and looked at Tian Xiaoban not far away...

No, it should be said that it was Tian Xiaoban who turned into the giant Mojas! !

"You haven't transformed yet, and I'm already attacking?!"

The evil witch said with a confused look on her face!

Tian Xiaoban didn't respond, and just like the Tyrannosaurus Rex, he rushed towards the evil witch!

With every step, the parking lot would shake slightly!

"Another trick?"

The evil witch's face twitched fiercely, and her palm suddenly raised!

Whoosh! !

As the Bessel magic pendant on her wrist flashed, a terrifying gust of wind that could be called a natural disaster came out of her hand! !

Countless vehicles in the parking lot swayed with the gust of wind! !

And Tian Xiaoban walked against the wind!

Cracks began to appear all over his body, as if he had been cut into pieces!

But these cracks recovered in an instant! !

So that he could ignore the wind and move forward!

Seeing this, the evil witch gradually closed her hands that controlled the wind, shrinking the huge wind little by little!

Crack! !

After the shrinkage of the wind, it directly formed a terrifying sword, slashing at Tian Xiaoban!

Tian Xiaoban also swung his arms and blasted the terrifying wind with his fists!

The two forces collided with each other, setting off waves of shock waves in the parking lot, shaking the windows of every car!

The two of them fought countless times, and each time they ended in a draw!

Tian Xiaoban waved his fist while asking: "Weird, who do you think is stronger, me or the nerd?!"

"You are the weakest."

The evil witch was full of anger and answered decisively.

Boom! !

Tian Xiaoban looked unhappy and retracted his fist directly, letting the big sword tear his right arm!

He used his head to directly hit the evil witch with the torn right arm! !


The evil witch was stunned, watching the right arm coming in front of her like a cannonball, and her body hurriedly used magic to defend!

She was knocked over more than ten meters away with magic, and she barely stopped!

"Tsk, I wanted to fight with you slowly, but you said that and ended the fight directly!"

Tian Xiaoban looked unhappy and walked quickly towards the evil witch who fell to the ground! !

My cousin can beat the evil witch.

He can fight too!

"You forced me to do this!!"

The evil witch was furious, and purple magic gradually lit up on her body, aiming at Tian Xiaoban little by little! !

Although she didn't want to use this trick.

But she was forced to do so! !

"I'm not afraid of any trick you use!"

Tian Xiaoban didn't care about the evil witch's tricks at all, and walked straight ahead!

Bang! !

The next moment, a dazzling light came out of the evil witch's body, and fell on Tian Xiaoban without bias!

Then the two of them flashed this light together! !

Between the flashes of light, the figures of the two returned to their most normal state!

"What's going on? Why is it glowing?"

"Daitou, is there something wrong!"

At the gate of the parking lot, Xiao Chen and Tian Xiaowen rushed into the parking lot one after the other!

They saw it at a glance.

The glowing evil witch and Tian Xiaoban!

"The damn evil witch actually ran out."

Xiao Chen raised his wrist in anger and clicked on the screen of the broken watch: "Look at how I kill you!"


At this time, the light on the evil witch and Tian Xiaoban dimmed.

Both of them fell to the ground.

The evil witch fainted there weakly.

Tian Xiaoban forced himself to get up and smiled at Xiao Chen: "Cousin, it's okay, the evil witch was dealt with by me."

"This... Xiaoban, what happened?"

Xiao Chen had a confused expression, put down his wrist, and walked towards Tian Xiaoban with concern.

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