The idiot said that the idiot was not going to do anything.

"Okay... since this alien slime has no effect on my nanocontroller, let's just ignore it!"

Tian Xiaoban waved his hand nonchalantly and smiled carelessly: "Anyway, I have all kinds of equipment left by weirdos!"

One more.

He doesn't care!

"Save people first!"

The Four-Handed Overlord immediately stretched out his four hands and worked together with Mark and the others to move the townspeople wrapped in slime to the garbage dump.

"Swish, swish, swish!"


Four-Handed Tyrant and Tian Xiaoban each held several water guns and shot water at the slime balls one by one, leaving holes that kept melting in each slime ball!

"Now, when the slime slowly melts, they will come out naturally."

Tian Xiaowen looked at the scene in front of her with a smile on her face: "We saved the whole town!"

"Ahem... Now, pretend that we just came here!!"

Mark coughed lightly, immediately put on a concerned look, and walked to Aunt Vera.

He rocked Aunt Vera's slime ball like a cradle, accelerating the melting.

"Vera, Vera? What's going on?"

Looking at Mark's vivid acting skills.

Tian Xiaowen lowered his voice and said to Four-Handed Tyrant and Tian Xiaoban: "Cousin, Daitou, have you found that Grandpa is more powerful than we thought?"

"Yes, he is really super powerful today."

Tian Xiaoban heard this and recalled what Mark did today, and couldn't help but look surprised.

They thought.

Grandpa was just an old-fashioned, somewhat loving, ordinary old man.


He also had a heroic side!

The Four-Handed Overlord looked at him with admiration, praising him endlessly: "Our grandpa is an amazing plumber!"

Different justice.

They also sympathized with each other.

"Mark, what happened? Why do I seem to have slept for a day and a night?"

Aunt Vera's weak voice sounded, and she crawled out of the mucus ball.

As she woke up, the residents of the town gradually woke up and crawled out of the mucus ball.

Because the alien monster only came to this town for a few days, people were only forced to sleep for a few days. Except for temporary amnesia and a little weak physical strength, there was no big problem.

One hour later.

Tian Xiaoban, Xiao Chen and others sat in Aunt Vera's house, listening to Aunt Vera's movements when cooking.

At the door.

Elderly people from house to house, wearing new clothes and holding all kinds of desserts, came to give them to Xiao Chen, Tian Xiaoban and the others.

The elderly people's warm smiles were also embarrassed.

"You can eat as much as you want, don't be polite."

"This town is full of elderly people, no young people are willing to come, we are very happy that you can come."

"Tian Mark, only you and your children care about us old guys~"

Their words.

Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen were deeply moved, and they ate desserts in big mouthfuls.

And Xiao Chen looked at them.

He showed a proud smile, with blood in his eyes: "Who said no one cares about you... I, the brutal hero, care about you!"

With my body.

Turn into that raging fire.

Burn all the weirdos and darkness to ashes! !

Let those who are wrapped in darkness and coldness feel light and warmth.

This is exactly what he wants to do!


Xiao Chen also began to chew the desserts sent by the elders!!

A fulfilling and beautiful day passed just like that.

Until the next day.

Everyone got on the old broken car, drove out of this declining town, and continued to drive on the deserted desert road.

Tian Xiaoban looked at the desserts on the table with a reluctant expression on his face: "Grandpa, cousin... Let's come here again next year."

"Next year, there will be no damn aliens to disturb us!"

Xiao Chen said while eating the dessert refreshed.

"Speaking of aliens..."

"The alien mucus has been nesting on my nanocontroller, sucking me. What is the use of this thing?"

Tian Xiaoban asked with confusion on his face, his palm fell on the nanocontroller on his chest.

Xiao Chen stared at the nanocontroller with thoughtful eyes: "What I think is... it is possible that this alien mucus can help you transform!!"

"Grandpa thinks so too! Xiaoban, I will pull over immediately, you get off and try to transform!"


With a look of tacit understanding, his tone was excited.

Since Tian Xiaoban has chosen to be a hero.

Of course he hopes that Tian Xiaoban will become stronger and stronger!

After all...

Their opponent is Vilgax!


The old broken car quickly stopped on the side of the desert.

The car door opened.

Tian Xiaoban, wearing the gene mutation device, walked into the scorching desert, where even the wind seemed to carry sand and heat.


The car door closed.

"Xiaoban, come on."

"Daitou, transform!"

Xiao Chen, Tian Xiaowen and others leaned against the car window, encouraging Tian Xiaoban intimately.

Above their heads.

It was an air conditioner blowing cold air!

"Fuck you!!"

Tian Xiaoban looked hopeless, with a black line on his forehead: "It's not the weirdos, it's not Aunt Vera's dinner that beat my cousin, grandpa, and the nerd... it's the air conditioner!!"

You guys are so lame!

"Hurry up and transform, and then go up to the air conditioner! It's so hot in the desert!"

The next second.

Tian Xiaoban looked like he was "really hot", stretched out his hand, and took a picture of the nano controller on his chest!

Whoosh! !

The gene variable device glowed and fell on him...

And the alien mucus on his body instantly covered his skin, and was the first to welcome this DNA light! !

The mucus changed wildly.

It also pulled Tian Xiaoban's DNA.

Crazy changes! !

Under the light.

It was the figure of Vilgax, gradually appearing! !

"As expected!!"

Xiao Chen slapped his thigh with excitement, and his breathing became heavier: "Just as I expected... the mucus ball of the alien monster can help Xiaoban better adapt to the genes brought by the chip!"

"Yes! The genes of the alien monster are already highly adaptable. After being changed, they immediately merged into Daitou!"

Tian Xiaowen looked at the scene in amazement.

In other words.

With the mucus ball of the alien monster.

There is an extra layer of super buffer between Tian Xiaoban's DNA and Viggar's DNA! !

This buffer can promote the fusion between the two...

Thereby enhancing Tian Xiaoban's combat power! !

"At this rate, the equipment exploded by defeating the monsters alone is probably enough for Xiaoban to become stronger."

Mark touched his chin and said in astonishment.


At this moment.

The light dispersed.

Tian Xiaoban slowly turned his head and looked at himself in the car window.


"How did I become a weirdo with flowery hair!!! So ugly!"

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