After returning to the old broken car, Xiao Ban has been sullen, pouting, and seems to have something on his mind.

"Xiao Ban, are you still thinking about Kevin?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Yes, that guy actually impersonated me, went around to wreak havoc, and made my reputation as an alien hero stink!"

Xiao Ban was angry, clenched his fists, and couldn't wait to get Kevin out again, and then fight for three hundred rounds.

Tian Mark took out a bowl of raw pickled skin shrimp from the refrigerator, buried his head and nibbled on it, and said in his mouth: "Hmm.... It's really good, it's a rare delicacy!

"Grandpa!" Xiao Ban was immediately unhappy, he was still worried about Kevin's affairs, but Grandpa was enjoying the "nutrition package" with a smile.

"Well, I mean, Kevin's kid really needs to see a psychiatrist." After Tian Mark finished speaking, he took another bite of skin shrimp.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen's gaze froze, walked to his grandfather, and looked at the raw pickled skin shrimp in the bowl.

All kinds of hot sauce seasonings, mixed in a huge porcelain bowl, in addition to raw pickled skin shrimp, there are also cold skin, cucumber and other sundries, eating Tian Mark full of oil, can not stop at all.

Why does this thing look so familiar?

"Grandpa, did you learn this dish from books?" Jiang Chen knocked on the side and asked tentatively.

Tian Ma took a sip of enoki mushrooms, "Hmm.... Of course not, how can I learn from such a precious dish book, I learned it from the monks of the Great Xia Dynasty in Guangdong Province.

He paused and continued, "This dish is called 'raw pickling,' but that monk also learned it from someone else before it came to me, and I heard that the birthplace was in the Chaoshan area of Gwangdong Province.

"So it is." Jiang Chen nodded.

No wonder, this dish looks so familiar, it turns out to be from the side of Daxia.

"Grandpa, is that the monk who taught you mulberry tea?" Xiao Wei's eyes were very curious.

As soon as he heard Sang Ju tea, the small class not far away couldn't help but shiver, he had a severe cold last time, it was his grandfather who gave him mulberry ju tea cold medicine, it was simply difficult to drink!

That time, the Flame Man turned into the Ice Flame Man, and then fought with the Bug Freak.

"Hehe, it's him, that person is amazing, he taught grandpa a lot of things." Mark Tian said with a smile, "Not only cooking and medicine, he can also do kung fu, which is an unforgettable past." "

Talk about it!" Xiao Wei's eyes lit up, and he immediately came over, and couldn't wait to hear the story.

Jiang Chen was also a little curious, he also wanted to know what skills this monk of the Great Xia Dynasty had, which could make his grandfather, a legendary plumber, praise.

As soon as he heard the story, Xiao Ban instantly put all his troubles behind, lifted a small bench, and sat in front of his grandfather excitedly, "Grandpa tell us about it!" I'm sure this story will be great!

"Okay, okay, grandpa, I'll tell you about it." Mark Tian smiled kindly, his eyes full of pampering.

The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth are slightly picked, Tian Mark is such a person, amiable to the people around him, full of tolerance and doting, but if he faces a vicious alien thug, it is another matter, directly carrying high-tech weapons is to dry, even the first generation of Mojas was blinded.

If those aliens want to break their heads, they would not have thought that this legendary plumber, who everyone talks about, would show such a tender side.

But it is precisely because of this that Tian Mark will be respected by countless plumbers, and if a person is only iron-blooded and ruthless, it is far from enough....

"Okay kids, grandpa started talking." Tian Mark coughed lightly, raised his head, and his eyes showed memories.

The three of them sat side by side, listening quietly.

"It was a winter more than thirty years ago..."

On that day, Tian Mark received a task from the Plumber Headquarters to go to Shennongjia in Daxia to investigate the infestation of wild people.

Originally, this should have been investigated by the local plumbers in Daxia, but as soon as those people entered Shennongjia, they lost contact with the headquarters, and the high-level plumbers suspected that it was the ghost of aliens, and immediately ordered Tian Ma, who was outstanding at that time, to go to support, investigate the wild people in Shennongjia, and rescue the lost plumbers.

At that time, Tian Mark was still very young, it was the age of youth and vigor, and in the face of the order of the headquarters, he agreed to it in one mouthful, without considering the danger in the slightest.

"Wow, it's a wild man!" Xiao Ban excitedly shouted, this is indeed an interesting story.

"Don't be stupid, grandpa, you continue to talk." Xiao Wei patted the small class.

Mark Tian smiled and continued to tell the past of that year.

It was an icy morning.

In winter, Shennongjia, covered in snow, and the biting cold wind howled in the woods, like the whisper of the devil, lingering in people's ears.

Young Tian Mark and Phil, who crossed tens of thousands of kilometers by helicopter, arrived directly from the west to Shennongjia.

The appearance of the two was very domineering, jumping directly from the sky, fully armed, wearing blue combat uniforms, and landing in the woods of Shennongjia.

At that time, the monk from the Great Xia Dynasty Guangdong Province, named Chen Huizi, was a forest ranger in Shennongjia.

His figure is a little tall, about one meter six, very thin, and even gives people a feeling of sickness.

Similar to the appearance of ordinary old people, Chen Wanzi has gray hair, his face is full of orange peel-like wrinkles, he is hunched over, he walks a little staggered, and coughs twice from time to time.

At that time, Tian Mark was walking behind, afraid that Chen Xiaozi would be careless, so he fell in the ravine and screamed, he quickly stepped forward and wanted to help this old man, but he was lightly swept away.

Tian Mark was very surprised, although he didn't use much strength, it was not easy to push him away, let alone an elderly man.

After pondering for a moment, Tian Mark finally held back and did not ask, after all, they had a mission, and the environment at that time was very bad, they had to be cautious, in addition to being careful of the nearby beasts, but also beware of being attacked by "wild men".

Chen Fuzi first took Mark Tian and Phil to his station, made them a cup of tea each, and then began to report about the "wild man".

As excellent plumbers, learning languages from other countries is a compulsory course, and Mark Tian and Phil's Chinese are a little lame, but they can barely communicate barrier-free.

It turned out that Chen Xiaozi was the first to discover the existence of the "wild man", but he did not act rashly, but directly reported to the headquarters and asked them to send plumbers to investigate.

"Old man, I have a question." Phil said suddenly, he noticed a shotgun in the corner of the room.

"Say it." Chen Huizi looked at Gu Jing Wubo, picked up the teapot, and made another cup of tea for the two.

Phil stepped forward two steps, picked up the shotgun, and looked at it carefully.

"A weapon of this caliber is enough against ordinary animals, there is no problem in killing at least one lion, and according to intelligence, you carry this shotgun when you find a wild man."

Phil said coldly, his eyes staring at Chen Huangzi tightly, as if he wanted to see something.

"Good, but so what?" Chen Xiaozi said.

"You, why didn't you shoot?"

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