The evil witch was bound in the aperture, her expression was horrified, and she struggled to get up, "This.... What the hell is this? "

Space confinement."

The necromancer snorted coldly, waved his white bone wand, and released several green rattans, which were wrapped around the evil witch for reinforcement.

"Ah! Let me go, you dead ghost! The Curse Witch shouted.

The necromancer smiled, walked to the evil witch, stretched out his miserable white bone claws, and slowly touched the other party.

The evil witch was so frightened that her face turned pale, and her legs struggled to move, "Ah! I was wrong, I don't dare to hit you anymore, you can do well, let me go! "

Oh my God, it's terrible!

She didn't want to be ruined by a skeleton....

The necromancer was speechless, he just wanted to take the other party's magic pocket, but he didn't want to do something inferior to the beast.

But just as he was about to touch the magic pocket, a scarlet beam suddenly struck from the side.

The necromancer withdrew his palm and turned his head to look.

"It's you." The necromancer said lightly, staring at the terrifying corpse floating in the air.

"Hugh wants to hurt my niece." The horrible corpse raised its staff, controlled a metal fake bull, and slammed into this side.

The necromancer launched the earth thorn, instantly piercing the metal fake bull hole, piercing it in midair, motionless.

"Eh, your opponent is us, don't be distracted!"

Lucky Girl shouted, condensing the water demon magic, and surrounded the horrible corpse with the super beast.

The other side.

The necromancer who resisted the metal iron bull saw the horrible corpse being dragged, and then turned his head to look at the evil witch.

At this time, the time limit of space confinement magic has arrived.

The Curse Witch retreated into the corner and looked warily at the necromancer.

She did not dare to attack easily, because the strength of the necromancer made her feel very jealous.

"Hand over the magic pocket, I can consider letting you go." The necromancer held out his hand.

Not consulting with the other side, but ordering!

"Impossible!" The evil witch shook her head and subconsciously covered her waist pockets.

This magic pocket, but her lifeblood, without it, she has almost no means of attack.

"If you don't give it, then I'll take it myself..." said the necromancer, and walked over.

"Wait! I give, I can't give it....."The evil witch wanted to cry without tears, and reached out to touch her waist.

But she's slow.

The Curse Witch's brain was racing, thinking about how to calculate the other party.

The moment you hand your pocket to a necromancer, launch a fatal blow?

No, no, that's too risky.... In case the dead ghost sees it, it's over.

But do you really want to give it to each other?

Or.... Abandon the dark and turn to that Jiang Chen?

Just as the demon witch was thinking, the necromancer had already walked up to her.

"I'll say it one last time, hand it over." In the necromancer's green eyes, the Sensen ghost fire jumped.

"I..." the Curse Witch was about to speak.

Suddenly, the terrifying corpses on the stage erupted with amazing mana.

"Enough, I don't have time to play with you!"

The horrifying corpse urged the forbidden law, and a violent black hurricane burst out from the staff, surging madly like a magic dragon.

Before everyone could react, they were swept into the black hurricane, and then threw them out the door, through the fountain in the courtyard, and came to the labyrinth.

Labyrinthine Paradise, intricate, surrounded by green grass and trees, without any road signs.

Necromancers, superpowers, Xiao Wei, and Tian Mak fell into a clearing with rough green walls on either side.

The terrifying corpse floated in the air, and together with the evil witch, gently landed on the ground.

"The time for the unity of heaven and man is almost here, and I will hand over the Bezier Demon Pendant." The horrifying corpse was aggressive, and a dark red robe hunted.

The necromancer's eyes were bright, and he spoke, "I have the ability to come and get it." "

You want to be beautiful with horrifying corpses, Bezier Magic Pendant does not belong to you." Xiao Wei clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Roar!" The super beast let out a low roar in agreement.

The horrible corpse snorted coldly, "Evil Curse Witch, let's go up together and take the Demon Falling Stone!"

"Okay uncle." The Curse Witch raised her hand and condensed a purple ball of light.

Seeing this, the necromancer raised his wand, "Xiaoban Xiaomin, you deal with the evil witch, and I will deal with the horrible corpse." "

He wants to see who has more powerful mana!"

"Good!" The lucky girl was also unambiguous, jumping back and forth, and took the initiative to attack the evil witch.

The super beast roared angrily, entangled with many stone behemoths, and the sky shattered.

As for Tian Mark, the necromancer summoned the wind element, wrapped his grandfather, and flew to a safe place.

At this moment, the necromancer and the terrifying corpse, their eyes facing each other, are opposite each other.

The terrifying corpse floated in the air, looking down at the necromancer below, with a teasing look at the corner of his mouth, "Interesting, I finally met a magic master."

"You're not bad, you're not from this open space, are you?" The necromancer's gaze was like a torch.

The horrified corpse's pupils shrank, "You.... How would you know? "


The necromancer gently raised his hand and summoned a six-pointed star array out of thin air.

"The giant of earth, the flame of fire!"

In the six-pointed star array, a huge rock with a diameter of about ten meters slowly flew out of it, and a huge black shadow instantly shrouded the terrifying corpse.

At the same time, fiery red flames, burning like fierce fire dragons, flew out of the magic array and hovered over the boulder.

In an instant, a blazing fire lingered on the boulder, emitting a terrifying temperature, burning the air violently distorted, like a meteorite falling from the sky.

This is a combination of the fire element and the earth element!

"Go!" The necromancer waved his wand.

The fiery red and hot boulder, rolling with a billowing heat wave, full of oppression, shrouded above the head of the horrifying corpse, slowly pressed down.

The terrifying corpse was like a great enemy, and immediately urged the mana of the whole body, raised the gray bird's beak wand, and shot out a violent golden electric light from it...


On the other side, the Curse Witch is fighting against Xiao Wei.

"Oh boring, I also want to go up to Haibian Witch." Xiao Ban looked aggrieved and stood by the side.

His transformation time has arrived, and the watch is cooling.

However, the super beast also solved all the stone beasts and shared a lot of pressure for Xiao Wei.


Dozens of surging water arrows, full of edge, blocked the retreat of the evil witch, and shot out in unison.

The evil witch reacted quickly, holding a purple light whip in her hand, dancing wildly, like a bright purple light snake, crushing all the water arrows.

But in the next second, a thick water dragon soul, with icy water vapor, smashed on the lower abdomen of the evil witch...

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