ben10: I can evolve infinitely!

Chapter 398: Powerful and Unlike

It's nothing like a sneer. A trace of disdain flashed across that ferocious flame face, "Do you think you can win with more people? You're too naive!"

"Little class, this time I will beat you to the ground! Let you taste the feeling of being imprisoned in the zero realm of nothingness!"

"Come here!" The Four-Handed Overlord waved.

In the future, Jiang Chen was wearing [Evil Ghost Haunted], raised the red halberd in his hand, cold light shone, and walked towards something completely different.

"It's very different to leave it to me. Grandpa, you and Xiaoban are completely different from each other."

Mark Tian nodded, "I'm very happy."

It didn't feel like he was being underestimated, and he suddenly became furious, "Who are you, how dare you underestimate me!"

In the future, Jiang Chen kicked off his legs, crushing the ground beneath his feet, turning into a flash of gorgeous silver light, stabbing out a scarlet halberd, like a dragon emerging from the sea.

Shi Bubu stretched out his hand like a cattail leaf fan and grabbed the halberd tightly, but a small cut was made, and a trace of blood spilled out.

"What the hell can actually hurt me!" Shibubu was shocked.

Ever since he was young, as long as he changed into this form, no one could hurt him.

Even the last time he faced the Four-Handed Overlord, he didn't break his skin.

And the guy in armor in front of him could actually break through his defense?

"No, that's not's your weapon that's weird!" Shibu reacted and stared at the bloody halberd in his hand.

"Ha, you haven't seen it before, have you?" Future Jiang Chen downplayed it, punched it away, and then said slowly: "Listen carefully, this is called [Teigu]."

"A weapon powerful enough to kill aliens!"

Not daring to look down on Jiang Chen anymore, he immediately condensed the flames and threw several raging fireballs. At the same time, his right arm turned into a crystal hammer and viciously attacked the opponent.


The sharp halberd circled rapidly in Jiang Chen's hand, like a bloody millstone, wiping out all the fireballs.

"You lose!"

Shi Bubu suddenly rushed over Jiang Chen, raised the terrifying crystal hammer, and slammed it down.


[Haunted by evil spirits], the invisibility ability is activated!

Half a second later, Jiang Chen's figure disappeared.


other side.

It's not like he is alone, and he still seems to be able to fight against the four-handed overlord Wada Mark.


A huge flaming whip struck the tiles, sand and rocks flying, and sparks flying everywhere.

The Four-Handed Overlord's eyes narrowed, and he rushed forward to hug the flame tentacles, spin them wildly, and then let go.


It's definitely not like hitting a steel wall hard, but an attack of this magnitude cannot hurt it.

"Laser cannon!"

Mark Tian raised his robotic arm and burst out a purple beam of light, carrying scalding temperature and washing over his completely unlikeable body.

"Haha, it doesn't hurt or itch."

It was definitely not like he had crazy eyes. He waved his hand and shot out several crystal cones, which instantly pierced Tian Mark's laser cannon.


Brilliant purple light bloomed from the muzzle, and the laser cannon exploded directly. The terrifying concussion force sent Mark Tian flying away.

"Grandpa!" The Four-Handed Overlord shouted.

Mark Tian fell in the corner of the cell and weakly opened his eyelids, "I'm fine..."

After saying that, Mark Tian fainted.

"Hahaha, Mark Tian is really old and of no use at all!" It was definitely not like he was laughing wantonly and in a domineering tone.

"I'll make you regret it."

The Four-Handed Overlord clenched his fists, and his body ignited with a strong green light.



A high-speed rolling yellow ball, wrapped in a violent hurricane, blasted towards Wanxiang with the force of thunder.

It's absolutely not like he reached out his bloody devil's palm, squeezed Hong Tianlei tightly, and then threw it violently, like throwing a "rubber ball", sending it flying away.

The thunderbolt hit the wall, bounced back, and struck Wanxiang again.

It was absolutely unlike a punch that smashed Hongtian Lei into the ground, sinking deeply into the broken tiles.


The spitting beast appeared, opened its huge mouth, and spit out a powerful stream of mucus, forcefully forcing Wanxiang back.

It was absolutely unlike a roar that dispersed the surging mucus, and countless green juices flew all over the sky.

It's absolutely not like his body blurred for a while, and he sprinted towards the spitting beast.

A huge flaming fist hit the Tutu Beast's head, making a loud noise like thunder.

The Tutu Beast shook its head, then collapsed to the ground and fainted.


Scarlet light flashed, and Brother Bang returned to his original form.

"Tian Xiaoban, you are no match for me after all!" Wan Xi laughed loudly.


Not far away, Duff's screams were heard.

It's very different from being forced to retreat by [haunted by evil spirits].

All his attacks were unable to harm Future Jiang Chen at all, because the [Evil Ghost Haunted] defense was too strong.

"This waste!"

It was definitely not like he was burning with anger, he stretched out his huge "tail" of flames and instantly slapped Jiang Chen to the ground who was caught off guard.

The silver armor on the surface was covered with scorch marks and was slightly dented.

"Useless thing, I don't have a useless son like you!" Wan Xi said viciously.

It's not like he lowered his head, feeling very guilty inside.

"Now, let's come to an end!"

It's absolutely not like walking up to Brother Bang, raising a mountain-like red iron fist, and about to smash it down.

"Dad, stop it. You have proven that you are better than him. Let's go!"

Duff changed back to his original form and stood in front of Bang.

He only wanted to save his father when he attacked the headquarters this time, and did not want to kill anyone.

Besides, if Kenny lost his father, how sad he would be...

"I'm better than him!" Wan Xiang picked up the frail Daf and threw him aside fiercely, "I did this just for fun!"

Daf fell to the ground, his eyes red and gradually blurred.

He didn't expect that his father would actually attack him.

And the reason was just for fun.

It seemed that Wan Xiang was about to kill Ben.

Ben suddenly opened his eyes, turned into a four-handed tyrant, and punched Wan Xiang in the chin with a mighty force.

This punch directly knocked Wan Xiang to the ground.

The four-handed tyrant jumped up and followed.



Accompanied by a loud noise that shook the earth, Wan Xiang was blasted through several layers of reinforced concrete by a brutal force and brought to the ground.

The surrounding aliens were frightened and screamed wildly, running for their lives.

Wan Bu Xiang stood up and stared coldly at the Four-Handed Overlord opposite him, "This kind of attack can't kill me."

The Four-Handed Overlord moved his mind and turned into the Diamond God of War.

Seeing this, Wan Bu Xiang's face of the flame ghost raised a cunning smile.


He opened his mouth and burst out a terrifying sound wave.

Circles of purple shock waves, like purple waves, swarmed and hit the Diamond God of War.

The Diamond God of War was suddenly struck by lightning and felt that his whole body was about to fall apart. M.

Although the Pedro Shaping people have the ability to control crystals and are very hard, they are afraid of sonic attacks.

Because that will affect their "molecular gap".

The wind was howling and debris was flying.

Under Wan Bu Xiang's tyrannical attack, the Diamond God of War gradually lost consciousness, his eyes were blurred, and he knelt on the cold ground.

"Now let's see who can help you!"

Wan Xiang said, waving his "demon snake"-like flame tentacles and rushing towards the Diamond God of War at high speed.

"And me!"

A blue little warrior crawled out from the ground and blocked the Diamond King Kong...

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