The two of them were so excited that they were so excited.

"Cousin! Xiao Wen!"

Flash Star was surprised.

Hearing this, Swamp Fire and Xiao Wen also subconsciously looked at Flash Star.

On the other side, the mummy, who realized that something was wrong, took the opportunity to throw out a white bandage to wrap around the granary.


The mummy exerted force suddenly, and the granary fell down, blocking the three people of Swamp Fire.

Seeing this, Swamp Fire threw seeds in front of the granary, and then thick vines immediately grew on the ground.

Swamp Fire controlled the vines to lift the granary up.

But at this time, the mummy had disappeared.

At this time, a red light flashed, and Flash Star turned back into Xiaoban.

Xiaoban said subconsciously, "It ran away."

Then Xiaoban turned his head to look at Swampfire, "It seems to be looking for something that emits purple light."

A faint blue light flashed, and Swampfire turned back to Klein.

Klein looked thoughtfully at the place where the mummy had just stood.

At this time, a faint light appeared on the horizon.

"No way?! We haven't slept yet!"

Xiaowen looked at the rising sun in disbelief.

"Hurry up! Maybe I can still sleep for two hours!"

Xiaoban shouted and ran towards the farm.

"Cousin is leaving!"

After that, Xiaowen followed closely.

Klein did not run, but walked slowly, because he remembered that Tian Mark said last night, "You will be very glad that you went to bed early."

So he bet that there would be no sleep!


When Klein arrived at the farm, he saw Xiaoban and Xiaowen being taken by Todd to milk the cows.

Sure enough, there was no sleep.

Since it was expected, it means that there is a countermeasure. That's right, Klein plans not to cause trouble today and be lazy.

"Grandpa! I'm going to do other work!"

Klein shouted and was about to turn around and leave.

Tian Mark frowned slightly, "No! You have to come and milk the cows too! You were lazy yesterday, right?"

Damn, this is a development I didn't expect.

Klein was a little confused. He didn't expect the plan to go wrong here.

Helplessly, Klein could only go over to help milk the cows.

At this time, Todd also saw Klein coming over, "You can choose a cow to milk, but that one can't, it seems sick, and it has been listless since yesterday."

Klein looked at the cow that Todd pointed to, um~ very familiar.

"You guys milk well! We'll go and get busy first."

Tian Mark gave a word and walked out of the cowshed with Todd.

Seeing Tian Mark walk out, Klein turned to look at Xiaoban and Xiaowen, "It's impossible to squeeze out all the people, unless..."

Xiaoban and Xiaowen looked at each other and nodded.

Seeing that the two agreed, Klein looked at Xiaoban, "Xiaoban, come here."

"What's wrong?"

Xiaoban walked over with some confusion.

Then Klein grabbed Xiaoban's left hand and operated on the omnitrix.

"Great! New alien hero!"

Seeing Klein's actions, Xiaoban immediately understood what the other party was doing.

"Try it."

After finishing, Klein took two steps back and looked at Xiaoban with his hands on his chest.

"No problem!"

Xiaoban excitedly slapped the omnitrix.

A green light flashed, and an alien hero with the height of a human child, whose whole body was made of black, white and gray, and had green beads on his shoulders appeared.

"What can this guy do?"

Dido looked at his hands.


Klein left a word and turned away.


Dido tried it curiously, and saw that Dido instantly split into two.

The two Didos looked at each other in surprise, "Cool!"

Then the two Didos continued to split, becoming four, eight, and sixteen.


The sixteen Didos shouted excitedly, and then ran to milk the cows in groups of two.

As for Klein, he unlocked Dido for Xiaoban just so that he could be lazy.

Klein found a haystack and lay down.

Xiaowen first glanced at the busy Didos, then turned to Klein and lay down next to Klein with a slightly red face.

After a while.

"We're done milking!" X16

The Didos shouted excitedly.


The Didos who didn't see Klein and Xiaowen turned around and looked around.

Then the Didos saw Klein and Xiaowen sleeping on the haystack.

"This is not fair!" X16

The Didos were angry


Klein was also woken up.

Klein frowned, then opened his eyes, and sat up with his hands on the haystack.

"So noisy..."

Klein rubbed his eyes, then stood up and grabbed the nearest Dido and hit him on the head.

"It hurts!" X16

"Why does my cousin hit you, but I feel pain?!"

The remaining Dido looked puzzled.

But Klein was too lazy to pay attention to them, and went back to the haystack to lie down and continue sleeping.

Seeing this, the Didos did not dare to make a sound.

It happened that the transformation time of the Omnitrix was up at this time, and a red light flashed, and the Didos turned back into Xiaoban.


Xiaoban, who was also very sleepy, yawned and found a haystack to lie down and sleep.

After a while.

"What's the situation?"

Joan pushed open the door and walked into the cowshed.

As soon as he came in, he saw Klein and the other two lying on the haystack. "Well, it seems that they didn't go to bed early last night."

Then he saw a pile of full barrels of milk on the ground. "But they are also very hardworking."

Then, Joan woke up Klein and the other two again. "Don't sleep yet. Go find Todd. He will tell you what to do today."

After that, Joan turned and walked out of the cowshed.

At this time, Klein and the other two rubbed their eyes and stood up.

Klein, who realized what Joan was saying just now, was instantly unhappy. You don't want me to sleep, right? !

Thinking of this, Klein raised his left hand directly and prepared to use Another Omnitrix.

"Cousin, wait!"

"Cousin, calm down!"

Seeing this scene, Xiaoban and Xiaowen hurried forward to stop him.

"Cousin, leave the farm work to us."

Xiaoban patted his chest.

Xiaowen nodded in agreement.

Then Klein said nothing more.

It was not until Xiaoban and Xiaowen walked out of the cowshed that Klein smiled with success.

On the other side, Todd told Xiaoban and Xiaowen what they were going to do today and left.

Then it was time for the alien heroes to work.

Wild Demon Vine fed the pigs, Flash Star collected eggs (I don’t know why there were a few eggs), Super Beast plowed the land, and Diamond War God repaired the fence...

Time passed quickly, and the sun was about to set.

At dusk.

After finishing the farm work, Xiaoban and Xiaowen followed Todd back to the farm.

Xiaoban felt his back ache, "Do you have so much work to do every day?"

Todd shook his head, "It's not so easy during the spring plowing and autumn harvest seasons."

Then Todd added, "But to be honest, at least we won't be idle. It's usually boring here. After all, it's not every day that a mummy appears after the purple lightning. But then again, it seems that there was no purple lightning when the mummy appeared yesterday."

Hearing this, Xiaoban and Xiaowen looked at each other in confusion, "Purple lightning?"

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