The first time, the second time.

In front of the counter of a luxury four-star hotel in New York.

"This hotel really has everything! Open-air restaurant, indoor swimming pool and spa!" Xiao Wen said she was very satisfied with the hotel.

Xiaoban looked around boredly, and suddenly, Xiaoban's eyes lit up, "The launch of the latest violent sumo game console! I can try the latest violent sumo game!"

Xiaoban didn't think about it and rushed directly to the door of the conference hall, but was stopped by the gatekeeper at the door.

"Invitation letter!" The gatekeeper didn't show a friendly expression because Xiaoban was a child.

"I am a violent sumo game expert who was invited to try the latest violent game." Xiaoban began to make up stories.

"Invitation letter!" The gatekeeper didn't buy it.

"Okay!" Helplessly, Xiaoban walked back to the counter.

"Xiaoban, I know what you want to do, don't try to sneak in, Tian Mark warned Xiaoban.

"Of course I won't!" Xiaoban said with a solemn oath.

After the others went to the elevator,

"No way!"



Tian Mark and Klein were kicked out, and their luggage was thrown out.

Because Xiaoban was discovered after the transformation.


"It's all your fault! Dai Tou! We were all kicked out! I haven't taken a good bath since my summer vacation! That's a spa! A spa!" Xiaowen was very dissatisfied with Xiaoban for causing everyone to be kicked out.

"It's just playing a game!" Xiaoban didn't understand this.

"Xiaoban! You can't do this with that watch!" Tian Mark lectured Xiaoban.

"You still don't understand! I have helped many people with this watch! Why can't I use it to help myself! "Xiaoban was angry and immediately retorted.

"The point is not to help anyone! The point is that your cousin didn't give you this watch to let you do this kind of thing!" Tian Mark was also angry about Xiaoban's words.

Klein didn't expect that he would be eaten by the melon. Regarding their quarrel, Klein said: We are all family! Although we sometimes quarrel, we will make peace in the end.

"I...I...then you can deduct it from my pocket money." Xiaoban also calmed down a little after hearing what Tian Mark said.

"Daitou! You don't have any pocket money at all!" Xiaowen reminded Xiaoban.

Then Xiaoban quarreled with Tian Mark for a while, and then Xiaoban slammed the door and left. Tian Mark went to the hotel to ask if the reservation fee could be refunded. From Tian Mark's gloomy expression, it can be seen that he was still angry.

"Xiaowen, go see grandpa, I'll find Xiaoban."


Klein and Tian Xiaoban walked on the streets of New York City.

"Cousin, are you here to talk about me too? "Although Xiaoban was not very happy, he also realized that he was not doing well enough in front of Klein, so he said it a little awkwardly.

"No, Xiaoban, I'm not saying this to you. Although from my point of view, you are not good enough, I won't preach to you, because there are some things that I believe you will understand sooner or later even if I don't say it," Klein didn't notice Xiaoban's embarrassment, "I just want to tell you that it's good to go out and relax, but don't play too long, grandpa will worry."

"Thanks, cousin." Xiaoban was also moved after hearing this, and then Klein walked back. He was not worried that Xiaoban, who had the omnitrix, would be in any danger.


At night, New York, as an international metropolis, was still brightly lit.

"Why hasn't Xiaoban come back yet? Nothing happened, right?" Xiaowen was a little worried about Xiaoban.

"Let's go look for him. "Klein suggested.

After listening to his grandchildren, Tian Mark "had to" drive to find Xiaoban.

On the way

The radio of the old broken car suddenly broadcast a piece of news: "The arrival time of the subway tonight will be delayed. According to the on-site personnel, a serious fire broke out in the subway station."

"Grandpa!" Xiaowen reminded Tian Mark.

"You can imagine it!" Tian Mark's face sank again.

Klein was in a state of confusion. No, I comforted you, why did you commit a crime directly?


On the speeding train, Xiaoban grabbed the gap melted by the flame man with both hands on the roof.


The old broken car accelerated from the road next to it, "Xiaoban!" Klein opened the window and shouted to Xiaoban, "Here!" Tian Mark opened the awning on the side of the old broken car.

"Okay!" Xiaoban looked at the old broken car.

The car, and then looked at the sign in front that was about to hit him, "I have to jump!" Xiaoban encouraged himself, then slowly stood up and steadied himself, and then jumped.

"Uh ah ah!"

Xiaoban successfully landed on the awning of the old car.


Back to the car

Xiaoban saw Klein's strange expression and quickly explained, "It's Kevin!" Then Xiaoban explained the whole story of why he was on the train.

In short, Xiaoban wanted to go to the game hall to play games to relax, but his money was stolen. Kevin used his special ability to hack the game hall and invited Xiaoban to play. Then Xiaoban saved Kevin who was about to be beaten, and then the two became good friends because they were chased by a helicopter for stealing game consoles.

Then Kevin wanted to ask Xiaoban for money, but that would kill hundreds of people. The two disagreed and fought in the subway station, and then everyone saw it.

"We must stop Kevin," Xiao Wen, who learned from Xiao Ban that Kevin might go for revenge, said hurriedly.


"You can imagine it!"

New York is indeed a big city, with enough cars, and there is a traffic jam.

"In this case, it's time for the gliding King Kong to appear!" Xiao Ban slapped his watch, and a green light flashed.

"Oh! Annoying!" The four-handed strong man hugged his knees with four hands and huddled in the old broken car.

The four-handed tyrant pushed open the car door, and because it was too narrow, he also smashed the door of the next car.

"Then I'll go to the 42nd overpass to wait for you!" The four-handed tyrant said, and just as he was about to jump away, he heard:

"Wait, Xiao Ban, I won't take action in your feud with Kevin, and I won't let Xiao Wen take action, you handle it yourself."

Klein decided to use this incident to let Xiao Ban, who has no memory, grow up. (Just kidding, Xiao Ban doesn't work hard, how can your cousin be lazy)

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