The policeman was very angry.

"I'm not a circus freak! I'm a hero!" Big Steel Teeth explained angrily to the police.

After Xiaoban completed one of his daily tasks, catching a robber, the group was finally about to reach their destination.


"Circus performance! That's something only children watch!" Xiaoban was extremely opposed to watching circus performances.

"I love watching circuses!" Xiaowen was just the opposite.

"That's because you're like a clown yourself." Xiaoban crossed his arms and said to Xiaowen, "Ah~ Anyway, I'm sleepy, let's go to bed first, and watch the circus performance next time." He was about to walk towards the bed.

"Xiaoban, it's only 11 o'clock in the morning." Tian Mark reminded while driving.

Klein, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at Xiaoban deeply.

What is coming will come. When Xiaoban tried his best but failed to stop others from coming to see the circus, everyone finally arrived at the door of the circus.

"Uh~ I think the tickets are almost sold out. It's a waste of time for us to queue up. Let's go back first and come back next time." Xiaoban said and was about to go back.

"Don't be silly, you're here." Tian Mark held Xiaoban.

At this time, a man with a mustache who looked like a host came out of the door.

"Now, welcome the powerful bald tyrant to the stage!" The man with a mustache was indeed the host of the circus performance.

A strong man who didn't look very smart came out of the dark carrying a steel bar, and then bent the steel bar and threw it out.

"Then please welcome the snake-haired woman. God knows what this hot girl will look like when she lets down her hair." The man with a mustache continued to introduce.

A red-haired girl with a hot body and beautiful appearance even with weird makeup walked out from the shadows. The snake-haired girl's hair could move freely like tentacles. Then the snake-haired girl used her hair to wrap around the steel bar thrown by the bald tyrant and bent it into a circle.

"Finally! The sour and smelly weirdo who hasn't brushed his teeth for who knows how many years is coming!" The mustache man raised his right hand without the microphone passionately.

A man who looked like he was dying of illness walked out of the shadows again. The sour and smelly weirdo took off the special mask on his face and breathed on the steel bar thrown by the snake-haired girl, and the steel bar was directly corroded.

"The performance is very good, right?" Tian Mark was looking forward to the next highlight, "Let's go, everyone." Then he led the way into the huge tent of the circus.

Xiao Wen also excitedly pulled Klein to follow (maybe he pulled him on purpose under the pretext of watching the circus performance), but Klein didn't care. He was also a little interested. Although the abilities of the three people seemed so-so to him, he liked others to perform for him like monkeys.

"Let's go, Xiaoban." Klein interrupted Xiaoban's idea of ​​running away.

Xiaoban had no choice but to follow.


"Well... it's boring." After a while of the performance, Klein supported his knees with his elbows and his face with his palms, looking at the clown Samposo on the stage boredly.

The clown was quite a clown, but a little boring. I don't know why everyone except Xiaoban and himself was laughing.

Suddenly, Klein vaguely saw a faint blue light flashing behind Samposo, and vaguely saw that it was a huge machine. Then, as if realizing something, he looked around at the people who were obviously laughing abnormally, "Finally, it's a bit interesting."

"Uh~ I'm going to the bathroom." Xiaoban tried to run away again.

"Come with me, Xiaoban." Klein, who saw that Xiaoban was going to run away, also stood up, and then pulled Xiaoban out of the tent.

Soon, behind the curtain leading to the backstage on the stage, faint blue and green lights flashed.

"Hmm? It seems that an audience member sneaked into the backstage." Samposo smiled and looked back.

The ghost shadow penetrated the curtain and came to the stage. After a while, Diamond War God also pulled open the curtain and walked onto the stage.

"That's my cousin and Xiaoban!" Xiaowen, who recognized them through the dark blue logo on the ghost shadow's chest and the logo on the left chest of Diamond War God, came to his senses.

"Why are they there?" Tian Mark, who also recognized the two, also came to his senses.

Then the two realized that things were not simple. They no longer found it funny and would no longer be sucked away by happiness. The two saw that the ghost shadow seemed to have some ideas and decided to wait and see.

On the stage

"Haha, audiences running around are really annoying!" Samposo suddenly turned around and punched the ghost shadow, but what he didn't expect was that the fist was like something

It passed through the ghost's body as if it didn't hit anything.

The ghost suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Samposo's neck, pressing him to the ground.

"You! Come here! Beat him up!" The ghost pointed at the Diamond God of War and then at Samposo.

But the Diamond God of War just moved and still didn't move forward.

"It seems that I, old Samposo, have been underestimated." So he grabbed the ghost's hand that was pinching his neck and tried to break it, but it didn't move.

Seeing that Samposo was still trying to struggle, the ghost let go of the hand that was pinching Samposo's neck and punched him with his other hand, knocking him out.

Samposo hit the wall, and before he got up, he saw the ghost floating in front of him, and then the ghost opened the gap in his chest, and the tentacles inside moved around.

"Ah!!!" Samposo was so scared that he hugged his body and lay on the ground.

"Come here!" Ghost shouted at Diamond God of War again, "Are you scared?"

"I am scared!" Diamond God of War did not speak, but Samposo shouted.

Then Samposo propped up his front body and secretly glanced at Ghost. Just as he was about to beg for mercy, he was punched away by Ghost again.

"Did I ask you to move?" Ghost said coldly to Samposo.

Finally sliding down the wall again, Samposo had no choice but to squat with his head in his hands, and did not dare to say anything, fearing that he would be beaten again.

"Come here!" Ghost shouted at Diamond God of War for the third time. This time Diamond God of War finally moved and walked slowly to the front.

"Boss! The money is ready!" Before Diamond God of War made a move, another curtain leading to the backstage was opened, and the sour and smelly weirdo shouted to the stage.

Ghost and Diamond God of War both looked at the sour and smelly weirdo, who was stunned. Seeing this, Samposo took the opportunity to swell up.


Samposo exploded, but only white smoke and ribbons were left on the spot. He escaped.

"Huh~," Diamond War God couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then clenched his fist and walked towards the Sour Stinky Man, "It seems that your boss bought you."

Hearing this, the Sour Stinky Man couldn't help but sweat on his head.

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