The old man was still standing, and the old man was still standing.

On a brightly lit night, in a museum that still uses the "old" lighting method - candles.

The local tour guide took Klein and his four friends and a dozen other extras to visit the museum, and the tour guide introduced all the items in the museum.

When introducing a book in a glass display cabinet, "The Acamidas Spell Book, which records all witchcraft and spells since the 15th century." Xiao Wen and the tour guide simultaneously mentioned the characteristics of this book.

"I think it's better for you to be the tour guide, little sister." The tour guide frowned at Xiao Wen, and then led the way to see the next exhibit.

Xiao Wen felt a little depressed after hearing this.

"Don't be mad at that old lady, she may be older than the book!" Xiaoban, who was still making a fuss, came over and whispered to comfort Xiaowen.

Klein also heard what Xiaowen and the tour guide said, but Klein was not very good at speaking, so he didn't know how to comfort Xiaowen.

But he has always been a man of action. He saw that Xiaowen seemed to like the magic book very much, and he would steal it for you later!

"Ahhh!" Klein just thought of an excuse in his mind to explain to his grandfather how the magic book came from, and heard the screams of the tour guide and a dozen other extras who were swept into the air by a whirlwind. Xiaowen and Xiaoban, who turned into a flash star, went to save them.

"Acamida Spell Book! The powerful magic contained in this book will all belong to me!" A black and red mist floated in and turned into a weird old man dressed like a wizard and a zombie.

The corpse floated to the display case of the Akamida spell book and chanted a spell. The glass display case exploded to reveal the Akamida spell book inside.

"Magic?!" Klein's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he slapped Another Omnitrix.

A faint blue light flashed,

"Whirlwind Turtle!"

The corpse heard the noise and looked back, "Where did the big turtle come from? Stinky turtle! Get out of here if you don't want to die!"

"Hand over all the magic props on you! Don't force me to do it!" The Tornado Turtle stretched out its right fin and shouted at the corpse.

"Haha... Hahaha! What are you talking about? This is really the funniest joke I have ever heard! You die!" The corpse laughed for a while and used fire magic on the Tornado Turtle.

To the corpse's surprise, the fire magic did not work on the Tornado Turtle, and then used lightning magic and cyclone magic, but none of them worked, "How is it possible?!" The corpse took two steps back involuntarily.

"You country bumpkin, don't you know that the Aldabra people are immune to magic?" Then the limbs of the Whirlwind Turtle spun, and a fierce whirlwind rushed towards the corpse, blowing it against the wall and making a human-shaped dent.

The Whirlwind Turtle slowly walked towards the corpse, who was really shocked. He reluctantly raised his right hand and shouted hysterically, "No! Don't come over! Don't come over!"

The Whirlwind Turtle ignored him, but struggled to pick out the magic pendants on his body one by one (the fins were really hard to use), and then snatched the corpse's staff, and complained, "This staff is so ugly! There is also a bird head. I don't know if Xiao Wen will want it?"

Then the Whirlwind Turtle looked at the corpse's clothes. The wizard's clothes should also have magic, right?

"No! Don't! This is just an ordinary piece of clothing! At least leave one piece of clothing for me! Aren't you a hero? How can there be a hero like you!" The corpse wanted to awaken the kindness of the Whirlwind Turtle, and tried to use the title of "hero" to restrain the Whirlwind Turtle.

The Tornado Turtle slapped the corpse's face with its right fin, "Don't make noise! ​​I'll tell whether it has magic or not after I get it!" Then he stripped the corpse naked.

The Tornado Turtle slapped the Another Omnitrix on his chest and turned into an Anor, with a dark blue body and eyes and hair that glowed blue and white.

Klein (in Anor form) picked up the corpse's clothes with his right hand, "Eh? There's really no magic! Forget it, I don't want it anymore", and then threw the corpse's clothes to the corpse who was hugging his body and huddled in the corner with disgust.

The corpse quickly covered his body with the clothes. This action made Klein (in Anor form) beat him up again, what? Do you have any objections? Don't show me that I'm going to fuck you to disgust me!


The corpse was taken away. According to relevant personnel on the scene, the corpse was taken away by the police on his own initiative, and even got into the police car faster than the police.

Klein and his men returned to the old broken car.

"Xiao Wen, you

Want to learn magic?" Klein decided to hide his intentions before giving Xiaowen a gift, and then harvest a wave of admiring eyes from the little girls. Thinking of this, Klein couldn't help but curl up his lips slightly, this is so interesting!

"Cousin, why do you ask this? Of course I want to. Although I have natural abilities, I can only control energy simply. It would be great if I could also learn magic." Xiaowen said, and then she sighed unconsciously with her hands supporting her face.

"Xiaowen, I just bought this for $2.50 at the grocery store next door. Do you like it?" Klein took out the magic props he had just purchased from the corpse from the back of the old broken car.

"This is! The Acamida Spell Book! And the staff and magic pendant of that weirdo just now!" Xiaowen was surprised, and then she was moved. This was a gift from her cousin, and it was a very precious magic prop.

"Uh ↑ uh ↓ That doesn't belong to us. We should return them to the museum. "Mark Tian poured cold water on him. Obviously, he didn't believe Klein's "two and a half dollars" nonsense.

"No! Grandpa!" Xiao Wen tried to awaken the grandfather's love for his granddaughter.

"Don't worry! Grandpa! These things will be stolen sooner or later if they are placed in the museum. Fortunately, we are here this time. What about next time? There are no zombies, but there are also zombies. Although I don't know why I always feel that the one called "Hai Ba" will not steal these things, they will be stolen sooner or later anyway. Isn't it better to keep them here with us? "Klein's implication is: Even if you return them, I will steal them again.

Tian Mark pondered for a moment. He had adopted Klein for a while and knew him a little. Although Klein's actions did not seem good, he was not a bad boy in essence, and Klein had not caused any trouble in recent years. Besides, Tian Mark did not want to make Xiao Wen sad.

Seeing that his grandfather did not speak again, Klein knew that the matter was settled, and said to Xiao Wen: "Put it away, Grandpa agrees."

"Great! Thank you cousin! Thank you Grandpa too!" Xiao Wen was very excited.

"Forget it, this is also good." Tian Mark looked at it and continued to drive the old broken car on the road.

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